Thursday, January 31, 2019
The Life and Writings of St. Paul Essays -- English Literature Essays
The Life and Writings of St. capital of MinnesotaPaul, formerly a tormentor of Christians, was on the road to Damascus when suddenly God spoke to him. Saul, Saul, wherefore are you persecuting me? (Acts 94) God asked. Paul was then blinded and take by his friends to Damascus, where a disciple named Ananias was waiting for him. Ananias cured Pauls blindness and baptized him. From then on, Paul was devoted to spreading the soundly News all over the world. Having returned to Damascus, he stayed there for a teensy while, preaching that Jesus is the Son of God. Because of this the Jews began to hate him and Paul had to flee from the city. wherefore he went to the city of Jerusalem to meet Paul, the head of the new Church. subsequently leaving Jerusalem he was called by Barnabus to come to Antioch. One socio-economic class later there was a large famine and both Barnabus and Paul were sent to the poor Christian community at Jerusalem. Having fulfilled their goals they returned to An tioch. shortly after this, Paul and Barnabus made their first missionary journey, tour the island of Cyprus. past they took a trip to Asia Minor and established new churches in Iconium and Lystra. after(prenominal) the Apostolic Council of Jerusalem, Paul made his second missionary journey, first visiting churches that had already been established by him in Asia Minor. At Troas Paul had a vision, which he translated as a call from God to convert in Macedonia. To do this, Paul sailed for Europe, and preached the Gospel in Philippi. He also went to ...
Monday, January 28, 2019
Why Coal Is Not Bad
coal was exploitd in this country before it was tear down a country. The first thirteen states appeared on a United States sag after char mines appeared on our maps. Coal has helped power America for well-nigh 300 geezerhood and has been an essential part of the U. S economy since the figure out of the century. It was the first fossil fuel used extensively by humans, and is as yet vitally important today, generating 39 percent of the populations electricity, and 49 percent of U. S. electricity.Coal power, an established electricity source that provides a vast total of inexpensive, reliable power has become to a greater extent important as the world is becoming more advanced. Modern life is unimaginable without electricity. It lights houses, buildings, streets, provides domestic and industrial heat, and powers most equipment used in homes, offices and machinery in factories. As you can tell, coal plays a vital role in electricity generation worldwide. Coal is a quick an easy thing to produce, transport and generate. With coal mines rigid in almost 70 different countries, it is not a line for the supply and demand.Also, coal supplies in the United States are far more plentiful than domestic oil or natural gas they explanation for 95 percent of the countrys fossil fuel reserves and more than 60 percent of the worlds fuel reserves. Not only that, but the United States has almost 275 billion tons of recoverable coal, which could last us more than 250 years if we continue using coal at the same rate as we use it today. So here is the question. Why would you want to get resign of coal fired power plants that give people jobs, is easy to mine and is plentiful and inexpensive for the alternative which is inconsistent and costly?
Standards of Rating Hotels in Russia
Intro There are no planetary unified standards for awarding dealers to hotels, said Sergei Korneyev, director for the northwest at the Russian touristry Industry Union. * Each country has its own dust, and it is very inconvenient for tourists, since, for example, Egyptian stars differ from European ones. There pee been m some(prenominal) mis down the stairsstandings.WHAT IS An hotel ranking is a system, taking into account a full pasture of factors including quality of accommodation, range of amenities, standards of service, atmosphere and prices as well as customers experience, and feed second in order to single out hotels There are currently close to 30 national systems of hotel compartmentalisation around the world. * Among them are the letters system used in Greece and the crowns system used in the U. K. , though the most widespread system is the star sorting * While all hotels in capital of the Russian Federation claim a specific number of stars, there is no reliabl e, universal system of smorgasbord in operation.This can often lead to unrealistic expectations, disappointment, and it may be hard to know what to expect from your hotel in terms of standards, services, and amenities as a prototypic-time travelers to Russia. Suchi Hotels first and then the entire country of Russia * Since July 2010 Sochi hotels were obliged to furcate themselves by the demands of the planetary Olympic Committee ( compartmentalisation as the country gears up to host the 2014 Winter Olympic Games). The Governor of Krasnodar region decided to first expand this requirement to the whole region and now to the whole country.As sunrise(prenominal) legislation passes, starting this summer season of 2012 totally star-rated hotels were able to harmonize tourists. A little bit of History * The first attempts to introduce potpourri standards in Russia were made in the Soviet era. In 1984, a register was drawn up dividing hotels into seven categories. The regulation exi sted until 1994 and was followed by three to a greater extent certificate documents. Finally, in 2005, a sore system of state kinspersonification of hotels and guesthouses was launched, taking into account European experience. Previously, Russian hotels obtained star- menage classification on a voluntary basis, but obtaining certification became obligatory after an order subscribe in June 2010.* There are 471 officially certified hotels in Russia about 10 percent of the total number of 4,500 hotels, according to data from the federal official Tourism room. From Yesterday to Today Review of the principal changes * It appears that often stars in Russia were given after considering formalities and did not reflect real cherish and service level. The main difference between the new and sometime(a) classification systems is that, now, the expert appraisal and assignment of a Hotel to a particular category leave be carried out by special organizations accredited by government agen cies * Prior the classification of Hotels in Russia was carried out chthonic a voluntary classification system that was approved by the Federal Agency for Tourism (Rosturizm) in 2005 and largely based on standards and rules that were set back in the 1990s * Many hotels that are located in old buildings will need to invest a lot in technology infrastructure and additional facilities to get the necessary number of points to obtain the certification and get the stars they want.Hotel Assesment Criteria Each hotel will be awarded a number of points depending on the number of rooms and the services offered. * The requirements, relate to various aspects of Hotel operations layout, determine of rooms, range and quality of services offered, etc. * For example -A standard single room in a quintette-star hotel must be at to the lowest degree 14 m? in area, and the Hotel must also have a conference room with the relevant equipment. The waiting time for an elevator in four- and five-star ho tels should be no more than 30 seconds, or 45 seconds in a three-star hotel. * The classification will be a paid procedure, and obligatory certification is expected to cost less than voluntary classification about ( today $1,500 for three- to four-star hotels with less than 100 rooms) * Hotels that fail to declare their status under the new rules will pay a fine, * Hotels without certification wont have the right to use their unofficial rating in advertisements, and furthermore, limits may be applied to the activity of such hotels * &8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212&8212-Certificates will be issued for five years, but hotels will have to reaffirm their status twice a year. Just a few more things to remind (only on the spring point) Luxury Hotels * world-class 5-star hotels * EitherHistoric Moscow Hotelsor Moscow branches of well-known international brands at the very top of the hotel market. Deluxe Hotels * decision maker standard 4-star or 5-star hotels * Must be rudimentaryly situated. Superior Hotels * International 4-star ratings. * IfSuperior Hotelsare not centrally located, then they must have good transport links to the city. Standard Hotels * International 3-star standards, including some(prenominal) new or fully renovated Russian hotels. Standard Hotels are rarely central Tourist Class Hotels * Often built in the Soviet period, hotels of this class may not be fully renovated. * Representing the cheapest accommodation widely unattached in Russia *International 2-star standards * Situated in modern buildings in the suburbs. reckon Hotels * low-cost accommodation * No services are guaranteed. Conclusion Classifications under the new system mandatory or voluntary? * At present, the new classification system is applicable to all Hotels, but is mandatory only for Hotels offering the relevant services within the municipality of the city/resort of Sochi. * We argument that the changes to he Hotel classificatio n rules and the mandatory classification procedure for certain Hotels is without any doubt related to the XXII Olympic Winter Games being held in Russia.* We believe that the overall trend for the introduction of international standards in many sectors in Russia is connected with the ambition to join the World Trade Organization. For the prox Whats next? * The World Hotel Rating (WHR) project, aims at setting international classification standards and rating criteria along the lines of a world star-rating system. * This project will establish an information platform on the hotel industry which will be multilingual and multicultural. * WHR intends to play a key role in the training of quality hotel services
Sunday, January 27, 2019
Bibliography paper
Discuss the relation merits of top- mastered and bottom-up approaches to the public exposure of re overboldfangledable muscle technologies. Word count 1300 Introduction The question of whether an Initiative Is considered top-down or bottom-up Is a question of perspective, so a local council annihilating gage be look oned as a bottom up If you view It from a central government perspective, whereas you could view It as top down If you were one of the residents.Diffusion follows the basis phase, and is all about up gather in of youthful produces by consumers, how new products enter the merchandise and spread head across. Therefore, spreading is a rhythm of how successfully a new product has spread through ordering. In his book Diffusion of Innovations ref) Everett Rogers espouses that there atomic number 18 four mall elements that modulate the spread of a new Idea the innovation Itself, communication channels, time, and a social system.In order to self-sustain, the Inno vation must be widely adopted. The spreading of Innovations according to Rogers. With successive groups of consumers adopting the new technology (shown in blue), its market share (yellow) entrust eventually r to each one the saturation aim. Diffusion doesnt happen by itself, as it squires element of the marketing mix product price git promotion. Process physical evidence properties pleasure people. ND Rogers criteria for dispersion relative advantage (offering a competitive advantage) complexness ( beingness easy to use) compatibility (matching existing products) Absorbability ( see the product in use) Tractability (trying the product out) Diffusion is also significantly moved(p) by such factors as the efforts companies and organizations mold into achieving those marketing mix elements and criteria for spreading government Initiatives aimed at Influencing the take up of new cosmologies (top-down, technology push) and the characteristics of the consumers In that market pl ace.In the conventional depictions of consumer responses to products, consumers are seen as passive hardly selecting from what Is on offer. However, many consumers are becoming more selective and are interested about accordingly In his book Enabling Innovation, Boor Outwitted describes innovation as involving a Darwinian work on of selection. New ideas are tried and tried, but adopted moreover if they are seen as valuable by consumers (*ref) Top down *See what makes renewable energy work. UDF in thirtieth folder Any technology signed to be used by society on the macro level (larger scale) call for to be combine into existing technical and social structures. This means that these structures must be adequate to punt an competent use of the technology. The task of managing this adaptation requires the finance and support of governments. expose elements of technology support systems for renewable energy systems are Public cognisance and acceptance Qualification of every(p renominal)one that interacts with the system (Installation, Maintenance and Operation) Quality control every new technology goes through a number of iterations until reliable and efficient operation is achieved. If products entering the market do not meet a minimum standard confidence pass on be affected and spreading may be prematurely halted. Organizational infrastructures supporting the technology must be in place to guarantee that a deficient gubbins can be repaired quickly, and that spare parts are available.Logistical infrastructures are in place to provide fuels (in the case of Biomass) efficiently and in sufficient quantities this may require the use of financial incentives for farmers to switch to alternative crops to support the technology. breeding of standards regarding the renewable technology and fuels seed by them this will encourage more manufacturers to enter the market thus driving force per figure outance up, and costs down, enabling further public expo sure. Qualification of those indirectly confronted by the technology architects, planners, public decisiveness makers.They produce special interests and create new markets with their acquire choices. They cast the market in a bottom-up focussing.. Level 5 developer consumers. They develop new or modified products to meet their needs or concerns. They develop more proactive in a bottom-up way in name of technological innovation, and almosttimes ope footstep in niche markets. Level 6 Consumer innovators. Consumer initiatives lead to success and diffusion. The products transcend the niche markets created by these proactive consumers, and these products and the enterprises that hold substantiate created them may be amaze part of the mainstream. These consumers stir the market and the products, and these changes may become part of the new order.At each successive level in this list, the define of businesses on innovation and effusion decreases, as consumer influence and affa ire increases. However, in all categories, business involvement is still strong and ultimately, at level 6, any successful products step upnt from the bottom-up process are potential to be interpreted up by conventional companies. The levels of consumer involvement shown preceding(prenominal) apply to individual consumers and small grass-roots user groups. However, these are not the only sources of external influence on the judge of technological development and diffusion. Consumers can also be part of wider consumer organizations and environmental pressure groups. Placements through the lobbying major power and public influence of large numbers of instalments. For exemplar, green groups may support nuclear power and support solar power. Clearly, given the involvement of grass-roots activists, this is a bottom-up approach, although near pressure groups rush discipline and international agencys and can be major players in the high-level political processes. The DVD incl udes illustrative examples which are relevant to your discussion on the relative merits of each expression of the top-down and bottom-up approaches. They include the Hector Housing project, the Austrian DID solar case study, Sam&1105, Local coevals in Waking and so on Ochs your attention to the good aspects of each approach. Think about such things as where these approaches might be best suited (and examples thereof), and also how whether they are in return exclusive. Argue the case for and against various strategies for supporting diffusion for specific technologies or programmers. Identify in general terms the break factors likely to influence the successful diffusion of new technological developments Assess the relative merits of top-down and bottom-up approaches to diffusion and to the wider innovation process. Http//nun. Du/publications/articles/ insurance policy-innovation-for-technology-diffusion- Japanese-renewable-energy. HTML Bottom up driving top-down Prior to th e adoption of RPR, there were vociferous calls from the civil society requesting that the government introduce another policy model instead. The Feed-in Tariff (FIT) is a policy for the or so part proven to be successful in the member states of the European Union Learning outcome 1 . 1 The way in which market, environmental and economic factors influence the consumer take-up (diffusion) of new products. close off 4, knave lynchpin points of section 1 gag rule 4, summon key points of section 2 http//www. Warwick. AC. UK/face/cross_face/low_carbon/conference/programmer/low- carbon_conference_king_Wang_ final_comma. PDF Diffusion surmisal is a collection of concepts that attempt to explain how new ideas, products or practices are taken up into use by domestic, commercial and industrial consumers.According to Everett Rogers (1983), a leading theoretician, diffusion is the process by which an innovation is communicated through sure channels over time among the members of a so cial system leading to its ulterior adoption into widespread use. Rogers identifies five factors that influence diffusion. He suggests the ease and rate performance and/or cost terms, compared with existing products compatibility with existing products, and with consumers values and lifestyles complexity by contrast, he argues that complexity is a negative attribute absorbability seeing it in action, including seeing how others get on using it Tractability handiness for personally checking out its merits.In addition, perceived risk or danger in use could be added to the list as another potential disincentive. Consumers take a crap increasely become active in make complaints about the timber of products and run. In parallel, and more positively, consumers increasingly seem to be willing to put effort into searching for what they want. This is not to do simply with price. With a generally more affluent population, the focus is increasingly on performance and feature as wel l as value. baffle 4, pig 15 For the present, it should simply be noticed that not all of this enhanced consumer selectivity is related to self-interested personal utility concerns such as performance, quality or technical advantages, or even a desire for more things.Some consumers have adopted wider ethical stances in relation to what they buy and what they will tot buy, and some(a)times, how much they will buy. In practice, only a few people opt for frugal denial, but many more are concerned about the undefiled volume of their personal consumption and may seek to cut back on things they feel are frivolous or in some way undesirable. According to research for the Co-operative Banks Ethical Purchasing Index, in the block from 1999 to 2002, 52 per cent of I-J consumers boycotted at least one product because they disapproved of the practices of the political party concerned. It was estimated that E. 6 billion had been lost by firms in 2002 due to consumers switch over brands on ethical grounds.A survey in 2004 of potential consumer attitudes to companies that did not postdate with the new environmental legislation requiring companies to reduce carbon dioxide emissions -introduced under the EX. Emissions traffic scheme(Elk TEST) found that consumers would vote with their feet if companies failed to comply with this new green legislation. One in iii respondents to the survey said they would switch brand allegiance on environmental grounds if a company they regularly buy goods and services from failed to comply (Illogical, 2004). Moreover, consumer responses are not simply negative some consumers will costively select products which comply with environmental legislation or which are marketed as, for example, involving sportsmanlike trading with producers in developing countries, or which avoid testing on animals. square block 4, pig 16 environmental sensitivities that influence their purchasing decisions some companies have responded to this new market and the government seems keen that the public should do more, in particular in relation to selecting environmentally appropriate products. Learning outcome 1. 2 The use of consumers in supporting new product lines, resisting unwanted options and, on occasion, stimulating the production of, or even actually developing, desired products and services. counteract 4, scallywag key points of section 1 lay off 4, page Key points of section 2 close up 4, page key points of section 4 Block 4, page Key points of Section 5 Block 4, page key points of section 6 Learning outcome 1. The difference amid top-down and bottom-up approaches to innovation and diffusion and the potential role of consumers and users in aiding diffusion and innovation. Block 4, page key points of section 1 Block 4, page key points of section 5 (Bottom -up) Block 4, page key points of Section 6 (Bottom-up) Block 4, page key points of Section 7 (Top-down) Learning outcome 1. 4 Consumer involvement with in novation and diffusion in the renewable energy sector and the problems that such activity may come up against. Block 4, key points of section 1 Block 4, page key points of Section 2 Block 4, page Impact on technology diffusion Block 4, page key points of section 3 key points of section 5 page page Block 4, page Consumer involvement classification.I have identified six levels of consumer involvement At each successive level in this list, the influence of businesses on innovation and diffusion decreases, as consumer influence and involvement increases. However, in all categories, business involvement is still strong and ultimately, at level 6, any successful products emerging from the bottom-up process Block 4, page Governments influence the mix of products and systems in ways practically beyond the control of consumers, through regulation, taxes and other policy mechanisms. They seek to stimulate the development and diffusion of selected technologies in line with wider national or international strategic priorities. For example, based on environmental policy, governments may seek to phase out the use of coal for electricity generation and to back wind, wave or tidal power.Clearly this sort of influence involves a top-down approach, although one moderated by democratic processes. Learning outcomes 1. 5 The role of government in influencing the direction and effectiveness of the innovation process and the strategic development of technology in the scene of trying to move to the environmentally sustainable use of energy. Block 4, page Government energy options Block 4, page Conclusions Block 4, page key points of section 7 Block 4, pig 10 key points of section 8 Block 4, swinish key points of section 9 Learning outcome 1. 10 The role of diffusion and the part played by consumers in paving to a more sustainable approach to energy use.SAA 14 It is true that most innovations are the result of efforts by companies to develop products that will sell to con sumers, with governments possibly providing support for specific lines of development deemed strategically important. However, as has been argued in this block, the diffusion process can be greatly aided if consumers and users are tortuous in some way. Indeed, motivated consumers and users can sometimes create markets for new areas of innovation. Even when it comes to Just responding to innovations developed by others, the social and community context is important for diffusion. Certainly diffusion may be delayed or prevented if the community opposes the innovation as was illustrated in the case of wind power.More positively, bottom-up initiatives from the grass-roots can sometimes throw up original ideas that can be diffused widely. Indeed, in some sectors this can be a major source of innovation in terms of new product development, as well as aiding Block 4, pig 23 Diffusion is the final stage of the innovation process, and is concerned with the take-up of new products by consu mers. The rate of diffusion at any one time depends on how consumers react to new products. Some will adopt them quickly, most others will take their time, and a few will remain hesitant until there is no other option. In the conventional depictions of consumer responses to products, consumers are seen as passive simply selecting from what is on offer.However, some consumers are becoming more selective and some are concerned about ethical, social and environmental issues and are adjusting their purchasing choices accordingly. A bottom-up grass-roots approach to innovation may offer some advantages over a top-down approach, by ensuring involvement of users in both reduce development and diffusion. A technology push, also known as top down transfer, is diffusion from higher levels of authority to refuse levels. An example of push is Federal efforts at technology transfer through legislation, regulation, or policy. Entrepreneurs and other individuals or organizations whose objective s are to implement a technology typically push in order to do so. In marketing terms, the invitee is sold the technology.A transfer pull is Just the opposite, a bottom-up form of diffusion. The client demands the technology. The search for innovation moves up from the write down levels f an organization until it is accepted or addressed and resolved by higher authorities. cardinal systems exist for diffusion of innovation concentrate or decentralized. Decision making in centralized systems is concentrated at a high level, enchantment decentralized systems feature wide sharing of power within the diffusion network. In centralized systems diffusion is vertical from the top down, as innovations emerge from formal R&038D projects. Centralized systems favor technology push, where needs are defined at a high level.Innovations which cannot be easy modified, or re-invented, re best diffused using a centralized system. Decentralized systems use horizontal diffusion, as local experime ntation is often the innovation source and use technology pull, where needs are defined locally. Innovations which lend themselves to modification are best diffused by a decentralized approach because such an approach allows local adaptation of innovations to forge local needs. There are, as a general rule, two types of projects. Projects spare-time activity top-down procedures where large projects are conceived and announced by the Ministry of Scientific seek and Information or Ministry of Environment. Those commissioned projects are rewarded with large amount of money.The routine type of project concerns smaller ones and follows a bottom-up approach with three different types of grants grants for public research (PRO or Universities), SEEM projects and projects supported by the EX. Framework programmer. Http//sustainabledevelopment. UN. Org/content/documents/Kandahar. PDF top down monitoring and audit process to ensure that the quality standards are strictly met and the Compan y policies and procedures are being properly followed Top-down Definition A development or change initiated and managed from above by overspent or companies the conventional approach macroeconomic measures Block 4, pig 82 governments can ensure the successful development and spread of strategically selected technologies.This will include a look at new technology development as well as at diffusion because the successful diffusion of new products frequently rests on how well those products have been developed. For example, the UK governments 2003 innovation review identified environmental issues, and the need for improved, lower shock products and services, as a key driver for future innovation. The review suggested that some of the new developments would be specific environmental goods and services, such as technologies to denigrate pollutants or promote resource efficiency, or renewable energy sources Block 4, pig 86 Nevertheless, in order to achieve its aim of increasing the con tribution from renewable, the I-J government found it necessary to provide support to change the newly emerging technologies to enter the marketplace.New technologies usually face a contend in trying to get established in markets dominated by the existing range of products, and this was clearly a problem for renewable go about with the nominate fossil fuel and nuclear industries. So the government inflexible to provide extra support to stimulate diffusion, by adjusting the market. As remark earlier, this is sometimes called market ennoblement enabling key new technologies to be taken up by the market. Block 4, pig 90 By contrast, the bounty systems for wind projects in Germany, Denmark and elsewhere meant they could make use of locations with much lower wind speeds indeed they often had little choice because, for example, Denmark is mostly unconditioned and wind speeds there and in Germany are generally much lower than in the I-J. Block 4, pig 93
Saturday, January 26, 2019
Analysis of Comprehensive Annual Financial Report Essay
AbstractComprehensive Annual pecuniary Report (CAFR) is a report used by cities, and local giving medications to get laid through the usual with their fiscal records each year, while adhering to government accounting standards advance (GASB) guidelines. The report presents a large picture of the reporting entitys financial condition, it allow fors how farm animals ar spent and al hardened throughout the year.IntroductionI give be covering the Carlsbad CAFR for year ended 2011. The Beautiful metropolis of Carlsbad is located along the coast of southern California. Carlsbad is known for its beautiful beaches, and lagunes which cover 1,000 nation of nature preserves and hiking trails. Its history dates back to 1700, before becoming ruin of the United States, it was a territory of Spain and then Mexico, the shoreline of Carlsbads coastal lagoon was home to the indigenous Luiseno and Diegueos Indians for centuries before the arrival of the Spaniards (City of Carlsbad, n .d.). The current universe of the urban center is approximately 107,000 residents correspond area is 42 Sq. Miles (City of Carlsbad, n.d). The cities top strain consists of hospitality, life science, sporting goods and recreation, and telecommunications.The metropolis provides a wide range of work to residents such as police, fire, infrastructure, and frequent administration, the CAFR provides detailed teaching about how these work are gambolded, and the attributecast of the governmental strains totallyocated for these services. The urban center exhibits accountability and vera urban center by sharing the CAFR with its residents, in turn this builds consecrate in the residents toward their urban center, trust in that their hard earn coin is being used in the appropriate services, and these silver are put back in to the precaution and development of their communities. I will be presenting an outline of Carlsbads comprehensive annual financial report for year ende d 2011. The report consists of terce instalments that are introductory, financial, and statistical.Introductory summaryThe introductory for the city Carlsbads CAFR begins with a five-year vision statement, it is general vision statement, I find this very encouraging, and quieten to present it before going into depth with the report. It includes the citys sparing goal, broadcasts, policies, and decisions to be implemented by the citys officials it also lists the causa of leadership, the open government policy, and they type of environmental services and how they are managed. and so integrity sack find the Letter of Transmittal presented by the citys finance department, addressed to the mayor, city council and citizens of Carlsbad. The letter is to explain wherefore the CAFR is prepared, what is included in the CAFR, the guidelines followed such as oecumenicly Accepted history Principles (GAAP) and that GASB requirements were preserved in the report the finance department received an auditing from the self-employed person auditing firm Mayer Hoffman McCann, they also included where the results of the auditing can be located which I will cover in the financial analysis later on.In ontogenesis the letter offers an audited governments internal control and form with legal requirements were in place. The letter also includes a profile of the city, stating the population, geographical location of the city, a air division about the city of Carlsbad community vision, budget process that explains anteriority projects for the city, and budgetary controls. Followed by computes affecting financial condition, in this section in that respect are sparing profile, long term financial come back, and cash management. Economic profile covers economic strengths and weakness of the city, the city shows improvement in roughly of its General fund revenues, and is expecting to profit by $ 2.3 Million or 2.1 pct in fiscal year 2011-12, also weakness in resid ential housing market affected by station tax and 0.2 per centum decrease is anticipated in coming year (City of Carlsbad, n.d.)One of the spark advance factors to the economic crisis in the United States was the housing market, this had affected Carlsbad negatively, house prices deteriorate like many cities in the country, 8 percent in Carlsbad contrast to last year, and the pursual is a chart showing the trend in housing prices in the city (City of Carlsbad, n.d.)Long term financial externalisening is states that it is the Citys Councils goal to envision that they city clay in good financial health, and the city has taken a deed of steps to attain this goal, setting forth Growth Management Plan, the protrude was adopted by the citizens, the plan ensures that all the necessary public facilities are either constructed along with development or that a financing plan is in place to pay for the facilities prior to the development of the property ,to ensure this plan is effec tive, an Infrastructure Replacement Fund was created, this fund sets aside money on a yearly basis for major maintenance and second-stringer of its infrastructure(City of Carlsbad, n.d.).The creation of this fun is a brilliant idea, so when the time come to make the necessary improvement the city would have the money ready, and it would non have to transfer money from other governmental funds. As the economic system expected to slowly recover, and provide to support to the largest aspect of our economy, the housing market. The General fund revenue will continue to cover the ongoing terms as seen in the following graph (City of Carlsbad, n.d).The last part of the letter was informative about cash management, major initiatives and projects. The cash management section covers the investment programs, its procedures as well as its objectives. The major initiatives and projects section goes in to detail about the upcoming projects, it also provides developments and the maintenan ce of these projects that are intentional to strengthen and improve the community. Followed by the letter of transmittal are the Awards and acknowledgments, the government finance officers association of the United States and Canada (GFOA) purityed the city of Carlsbad the certificate of achievement for righteousness in financial reporting to the city of Carlsbad for its CAFR. (City of Carlsbad, n.d.). A webpage called Carlsbadistan which is dedicated to new, events, and all things Carlsbad, stated that city of Carlsbad had been awarded for the 11th time the GFOA during 2009, with this CAFR dating June, 30 2011, this award would be the twelfth award received by the city.The Introductory section concludes with a list of the citys elected officials, leadership team, chairpersons, commissions and boards, and in conclusion an organization chart of electorate. I found the introductory section and the cultivation presented to be very well put, educational, easy to read and follow, t he statistical come presented in the economic section, the cash management and investments were informative. This city has acquire the 12th GFOA awards received, because they simplified yet very complex information that is presented year afterwards year in the CAFR.Financial AnalysisThe financial section of the CAFR for the city of Carlsbad lists and analyzes the components of financial information for the city, which helps the reader understand the financial condition of the city for the year ended and the projected budgetary for the following year. This section includes separatist Auditors report, Managements Discussion and Analysis (MD&A), and financial analysis of the citys funds. The Independent Auditors report main solve is to contemplate the financial information presented in the citys financial statements, the autarkical auditors concluded the citys governmental activities, business-type activities, and each major fund was represented in a fair matter, also in comp liance with generally accepted accounting principles as of June 30, 2011. MD&A part includes an overview of financial statements, with a chart of the statements, it is informative about the type of financial statements such as Government-Wide financial statements (which are intended to provide aggregated overview of a governments make assets and changes in net assets) (Wilson, E.R., Reck, J.L., & Kattelus), and fund financial statements, I thought it breaks down and simplifies the purpose of these statements in financial reporting.Particularly in the Changes in net assets, this has general overview revenues and expenses from 2010-2011, with 11.5% decline from old year, 2011 revenue is 217.2 (Governmental activities 152.4 and channel-type activities), while expenses 26.1 had an increase of 1.4 %( Governmental activities 21.8 and Business activities 4.3). The chart for sources of revenue can be found in this section, the following are the sources of revenue for fiscal yea r 2010-2011 amounted to $217.2 Million, the breakdown was as followed Contributions from property owners 11%, property taxes 26%, income from property & investments 5%, other taxes 4%, sales taxes 4% federal aid 4%, and at last the biggest contributor to revenue was charges for services 31%(City of Carlsbad, n.d.)The following is an overview of the Governmental and Business- type activities on page 25. Governmental activities had an increase in net assets of $21.8 Million, the increase was generated by total revenues of governmental activities of $ 152.2 Million ( $42.7 million in program revenues and $109.5 million in general revenues) offset by $130.3 million in total costs of governmental activities and $ 135,000 transfer to the solid blow fun ( City of Carlsbad, n.d.) And for those who are optic learner like me, here is the visual aid to show the breakdown of the Governmental activities program revenues and expenses (City of Carlsbad, n.d.)Business-type Activities componen ts are water, golf course, wastewater, and solid waste, for these program revenues totaled $56.5 million for the year, and functional expenses $60.8 million(City of Carlsbad, n.d.). Financial Analysis of the citys funds provides information regarding Governmental funds and trademarked funds. Governmental funds are near-term, inflows, outflows and balances of spendable resources that are essential for assessing the citys financing requirements. Under the Governmental funds one can find the General fund statement of revenue, expenditures, and changes in fund balance, the citys revenue and expenditure for 2011 were as followed Revenues saw an increase of 2.6% from previous year, total $111.6 Million, largest element of the revenue was taxes at $95.5 Million. Whereas Expenditures largest element was public safe $44.2 Million, total expenses were 102.1 an there was an increase 1.0%. Ending fund balance in the statement was $130.4Million (City of Carlsbad, n.d.).As for the purpose Proprietary Funds in addition to operating revenues and expenses, is to provide short and long term financial information about the citys Business-type activities, the operating revenues were $35.1 Million which exceeded operating expenses that were $747,000, this increase was due to the increase in water sales revenue to rank (City of Carlsbad, n.d.). This increase has a bitter sweet side to it, in one hand in revenue is a sign that the city is doing swell under light of this depressive economy, on the other hand citizens of this could use a break from these increasing rates. Before moving on to the statements the city listed the take information for the citys financial management for questions about CAFR.Notes to financial Statements begin on page 59 of the report, it includes when the city was incorporated, a definition and scopes of the reporting entity which have several components, I consider it a bang-up way of presenting a conclusion for the report, it presents some of the information presents earlier in the report, such as Governmental wide and fund financial statements, the notes states why they reported and how they were reported. Also lists the type of the governmental funds included in the report such as general funds, and redevelopment debt service funds, as a reader I appreciated how each of these funds were delimit and actually listed. In addition a list of the enterprise fund were introduced in this section, describing what they are for example Carlsbad municipal water district, golf course, waste water, and so on, and where are those funds allocated.Financial StandingOverview of the citys financing over the past 10 fiscal years shows that the city has been doing great, and is experiencing a growth considering the tough economic situation the country has been facing, face at the total net assets supports that growth. In 2002, city of Carlsbad had $740,000 in total net assets, while in 2011 the total net assets were $17Million (Carlsbad CAFR 2011, 120) I think one of the main reasons the economy in this city is holding up relatively well, is due to the housing market, the city location is the main factor why a lot of home buyers gravitate towards it.ConclusionThe CAFR for the city of Carlsbad was exceptionally interesting, informative, and easy to read and follow. Now wonder this city has earned the GFOA for consecutive 12 years. The introductory, financial and statistical sections had graphs and charts to explain and show how funds for this city was spent, which more so help the visual learners in the public to grasp the complicated accounting components of the report.References1- The city of Carlsbad CAFR webpagehttp// 2- Carlsbadistan web pagehttp// Accounting for Governmental and Nonprofit Entities(15th edition) 4- APA Reference scarperhttp//
Friday, January 25, 2019
Bakery Business Plan Essay
We want to open a bakeshop comparables 85 degrees C in the Songjiang University Town around our school.First, we allow introduce 85 degrees C.It is Taiwan-style put up company, mainly engaged in supplying chocolate and dessert. Its name core that coffee tastes best at the temperature of 85 degree centigrade , and its mess up on the basic of five-star chef and banquets specified top-level coffee .This shop is a new form of creative, it defys shop more blinding with elegant lamplight , and suits with brand image, so that it tail end bring the consumer different feel in the bright open space, at the identical time the consumer sess enjoy the sense of beauty and temptation from the delicious dessert, which impart makes your pilingsmelling and tasting feel brand new.85 degrees C is created in 2004, and at present, 85 degrees C has became a chain of enterprise, and has more than 340 stores in Taiwan, annual operating income is more than RMB 1.5 billion, has exceed more tha n 200 Starbucks in Taiwan area. Over the years, it is becoming more and more popular among consumers, specially among the young. There are a large number of students in the Songjiang University Town, it can meet the demands of the students need. So if we open a store like 85 degrees C, it will have a big market.We aim to offer our lofty timbre products at a belligerent price to meet the demands of the university students. Our bakeshop managed by our four partners. There are Peach, Helen, __ and I. Each of us has a different responsibility.Peach is in charge of the sales, marketing and supply chain, and I am in charge of the administration and finance. Helen is interested in bakery, so she is in charge of the quality of our products and secure. And ** is in charge of the customer service.Our bakery as well as intends to hire two full-time pastry bakers whose duty is make bread and we also have two part-time staff to wangle customer service and day to day operations.Products and serviceWe offer a broad range of milk, tea, coffee in high quality, and also entrust pertly alert bakery and pastry products at all time. We cater to all the students demands by providing each student high quality products. And make our products suit the customers taste, down to the smallest detail.Our bakery deliver the goodss freshly prepared bakery and pastry products at all times during business operations. dull batches of bakery and pastry products are prepared during the day to assure fresh baked goods are endlessly available. Especially in the morning, we will proffer the fresh, healthy, delicious bread and milk for all the students to let them have a better breakfast.We provide a halcyon place for students to have rest. We also provide lighten WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the earnings if you take your PC or mobile call which WIFI allow.Competitor Analysis From the research we can see that thither are several bakery shops around us, such as Lillia n taproom ShopChristine bread house, but we can find some problems with them. On the one hand, it has a very high cost. On the other hand, the surroundings there is too crowded. The most important reason is that there is no special bakery near our school, so we can open a bakery around. Main CompetitionsWe may meet the following risks. First, the threat of voltage entrants. Second, competition in this industry. Third, the threat of alternative products. Fourth, the buyers negociate power is very strong. Keys to Success and Promotion market penetrationKeys to achievement for our bakery will include 1. Providing the highest quality products with personal customer service. 2. combative pricing. 3. Features of our products. 4. Advertisements and colorful activities. 5. Atmosphere Because we think that our student is not only like delicious food but also looking for high quality and fresh products in a relaxing atmosphere where they can prattle with their friends, relax themselves , read some books and review their homework. We also provide free WIFI, you can come and have fun in surfing the Internet .Our promotion and market penetration Promotion strategies will include tierce parts. Including Advance publicityLater publicity and activities. Advance publicity will be large-scale, high strength and invest more. Later publicity will pay more attention to the customer relationship management. In asset to these, we will hold some specific activities planning and organization, such as sponsor the school party, in order to promote our bakery, at the same time we can also remind customers sensation through the activities. For the holidays, we will carry out bell ringered promotion strategies such as send leaflets and give some discounts to the customer.Market SegmentationOur bakery wants to designate a large regular customer base, and we will therefore focalise our business and marketing on Songjiang university students, which will be the dominant target mark et. This will establish a healthy, consistent revenue base to realize stability of the business.Market analysisThe dominant target market for our bakery is university students. Personal and expedient customer service at a competitive price is the key to maintaining the local market share of this target market. Because the students in Songjiang University Town have a higher demand on food, they ever like fresh and good-tasted food and they also want a comfortable place to have rest. We provide fresh baked bread. You can always see our Baker in the continuous production of bread. We also provide delicious mike tea and coffee all days, especially on the breakfast time and dinner time. And the comfortable place for you and your friends is always available. monetary ConsiderationsOur bakery shop expects to borrow about $500,000 from you. Mainly used for the purchase of raw materials, the loan, staff training, market promotion. We expects sales of about $614,000 in the number 1 year, and $814,000 in the second year, of the plan. We should break even by the fourth calendar month of its operation as it steadily increases its sales. So the company does not anticipate any cash flow problems.
Thursday, January 24, 2019
Deception Point Page 67
As they walked to the elevator, the old slice said, Some whiles on the whole it takes to unravel something is a single strand. Perhaps we can find a way to eat away at NASAs victory from within. Cast a shadow of distrust. Who knows where it provide lead? The old man locked his tired eye on sexton. I am non ready to lay exhaust and die, senator. And I trust nor be you.Of course non, sacristan said, mustering resolve in his voice. Weve come too far.Chris Harper lied closely fixing PODS, the man said as he boarded the elevator. And we need to know why.I will get that information as fast as I can, sexton replied. I receive just the person.Good. Your future depends on it.As sexton headed back toward his flatcar, his step was a critical lighter, his head a little clearer. NASA lied about PODS. The only question was how Sexton could prove it.His thoughts had already turned to Gabrielle Ashe. Wherever she was at the moment, she had to be feeling like shit. Gabrielle had no doub t seen the press conference and was now standing on a ledge somewhere getting ready to jump. Her proposition of making NASA a major issue in Sextons campaign had turned out to be the biggest mistake of Sextons career.She owes me, Sexton thought. And she knows it.Gabrielle already had proven she had a knack for obtaining NASA secrets. She has a contact, Sexton thought. Shed been scoring at bottomr information for weeks now. Gabrielle had connections she was not sharing. Connections she could pump for information on PODS. Moreover, tonight Gabrielle would be motivated. She had a debt to repay, and Sexton suspected she would do anything to resume his favor.As Sexton arrived back at his apartment door, his bodyguard nodded. Evening, senator. I trust I did the compensate thing by permitting Gabrielle in earlier? She said it was critical she talk to you.Sexton paused. Im sorry?Ms. Ashe? She had meaning(a) information for you earlier tonight. Thats why I let her in.Sexton matte up hi s body stiffen. He looked at his apartment door. What the cavity is this guy talking about?The guards expression changed to one of confusion and concern. Senator, are you okay? You remember, right? Gabrielle arrived during your meeting. She talked to you, right? She must leave. She was in at that place quite a while.Sexton stared a long moment, feeling his pulse skyrocket. This moron let Gabrielle into my apartment during a private SFF meeting? She stuck around inside and then asleep(p) without a word? Sexton could only imagine what Gabrielle might have overheard. Swallowing his anger, he forced a smile to his guard. Oh, yes Im sorry. Im exhausted. Had a couple of drinks, too. Ms. Ashe and I did indeed speak. You did the right thing.The guard looked relieved.Did she say where she went when she left?The guard move his head. She was in a big hurry.Okay, thanks.Sexton entered his apartment fuming. How complicated were my unredeemed directions? No visitors He had to assume if Gabr ielle had been inside for any length of time and then snuck out without a word, she must have heard things she was not meant to hear. Tonight of all nights.Senator Sexton knew above all he could not afford to lose Gabrielle Ashes trust women could become vengeful and stupid when they mat up deceived. Sexton mandatory to bring her back. Tonight more than ever, he needed her in his camp.79On the fourth floor of the ABC video recording studios, Gabrielle Ashe sat alone in Yolandas glass-walled business leader and stared at the fraying carpet. She had always prided herself on good instincts and knowing whom she could trust. Now, for the first time in years, Gabrielle felt alone, diffident which way to turn.The sound of her mobile phonephone lifted her gaze from the carpet. Reluctant, she picked up. Gabrielle Ashe.Gabrielle, its me.She recognized the feel of Senator Sextons voice immediately, although he sounded surprisingly calm considering what had just transpired.Its been one he ll of a night over here, he said, so just let me talk. Im sure you saw the Presidents conference. Christ, did we play the wrong cards. Im sick over it. Youre in all likelihood blaming yourself. Dont. Who the hell would have guessed? Not your fault. Anyhow, listen up. I speak up there may be a way to get our feet back on a lower floor us.Gabrielle stood up, un equal to(p) to imagine what Sexton could be talking about. This was hardly the reception she had expected.I had a meeting tonight, Sexton said, with representatives from private space industries, and-You did? Gabrielle blurted, stupid(p) to hear him admit it. I mean I had no idea.Yeah, naught major. I would have asked you to sit in, but these guys are touchy about privacy. Some of them are donating money to my campaign. Its not something they like to advertise.Gabrielle felt whole disarmed. But isnt that illegal?Illegal? Hell no All the donations are under the two-thousand-dollar cap. Small potatoes. These guys barely ma ke a dent, but I listen to their gripes anyway. Call it an investment in the future. Im quiet about it because, frankly, the appearances arent so great. If the White House caught wind, theyd spin the hell out of it. Anyhow, look, thats not the point. I called to tell you that after tonights meeting, I was talking to the head of the SFF For several seconds, although Sexton was still talking, all Gabrielle could hear was the blood rushing in daunt to her face. Without the slightest challenge from her, the senator had calmly admitted tonights meeting with private space companies. Perfectly legal. And to think what Gabrielle had almost considered doing Thank God Yolanda had stopped her. I almost jumped displace to Marjorie Tench and so I told the head of the SFF, the senator was saying, that you might be able to get that information for us.Gabrielle tuned back in. Okay.The contact from whom youve been getting all your inside NASA information these past few months? I assume you still h ave access?Marjorie Tench. Gabrielle cringed knowing she could never tell the senator that the informant had been manipulating her all along. Um I think so, Gabrielle lied.Good. Theres some information I need from you. Right away.As she listened, Gabrielle realized just how badly she had been underestimating Senator Sedgewick Sexton lately. Some of the mans luster had irresolute off since shed first begun following his career. But tonight, it was back. In the face of what appeared to be the ultimate death blow to his campaign, Sexton was plotting a counterattack. And although it had been Gabrielle who led him crush this inauspicious path, he was not punishing her. Instead, he was giving her a chance to redeem herself.And redeem herself she would.Whatever it took.80William Pickering gazed out his office window at the distant line of headlights on Leesburg Highway. He a good deal thought about her when he stood up here alone at the top of the world.All this power and I couldnt save her.Pickerings daughter, Diana, had died in the rubicund Sea while stationed aboard a small navy get word ship, training to become a navigator. Her ship had been anchored in safe cling to on a sunny afternoon when a handmade rowboat loaded with explosives and powered by two suicide terrorists motored soft across the harbor and exploded on contact with the hull. Diana Pickering and thirteen other(a) young American soldiers had been killed that day.William Pickering had been devastated. The anguish overwhelmed him for weeks. When the terrorist attack was traced to a known cell whom the CIA had been tracking unsuccessfully for years, Pickerings sadness turned into rage. He had marched into CIA headquarters and demanded answers.
In Penal Colony Discussion on Narration
The tarradiddle of the reputation is in third person through the explorer. The explorers thoughts and emotions are knget by the vote counter but the other characters minds can non be read. Even though the narration is done through the explorer, there are m each(prenominal) instances where we do not know what the explorer is thinking, therefore this can be classified as limited omniscient, moreover, the narrator in the story does not show any emotional attachment to the events around him or comment on the law of what is taking place rather he simply describes the proceedings in a very monotonous way.For example, when the explorer finds out that the condemned man leave behind be put to death by a machine without any chance of defending himself or having his innocence or guilt proven, the narrator shows no reaction to this unjust act. He continues to understate situations which would normally sustain some type of reaction. Perhaps this is done intentionally so as to not influence the reader and let the reader formulate their own thoughts.But, by being a passive bystander as the events unfold, one does timber a sense of helplessness and even some guilt as this line shows The explorer wanted to intervene and possibly bring the social unit thing to a standstill this was no torture such as the officer wished to achieve, this was outright murder. (p. 73). This event, where the officer dies, is called a murder as the overlord purpose of the machine, to execute over twelve hours is not realized. The explorer is strike by the officers devotion to the machine but the escape of action makes the narrator untrustworthy.
Saturday, January 19, 2019
How Small Coffee Shops Can Succeed Using Social Media Essay
E trulyone has a topical anaesthetic coffee shop that they consider to be their pet. That one propose where they know theyll be welcomed with open arms and the people behind the counter know their name (or at least their face). The place that even if their coffee costs almost double as ofttimes as Tim Hortons (Starbucks) that this is the place theyll always recommend to their friends. A few geezerhood ago, it was nearly impossible for a local coffee shop to argue with the deep pocket coffee shops. Today, even the sm allest cafe with the a very little marketing bud narrow can compete. All they need is a story worth telling and of course, a coffee worth brewing. If they support those, the clients give keep coming back the main concern is commonly getting them at that place in the first place. Here are or so ways that tender media can be used to help local coffee shops compete with the big players.Two Tweets and One SugarAs I write this post, twitter has become one of the biggest buzzwords of the division. How constantly, the buzz isnt unwarranted. Twitter is one of the largest social networking channels in North American consisting more than 15Million accounts. And while its still in its infancy it stick outs businesses an unparalleled prospect to communicate with consumers and current customers in real-time. So what does this mean for coffee shops? It essence that they can communicate more effectively than ever with consumers. If that means scene up a search that tracks their brand and sending a naive thank you or deprivation as far as pickings a pre-order, so be it.Twitter gives these brands a chance to take a personal connection with their consumers and make their brand worth talk about. By being active in the twitter community an hazard exists for coffee shops to offer their space for events such as tweet ups. Hosting these blistering events at your venue not only gaurantee that youll be selling your products, only if alike guarant ees almost buzz (tweets) about your brand. On top of that, some of these impertinent customers were probably never in your shop in their deportment however, because you got involved in twitter and hosted this event you were able to attract new customers to get it on your shop. What more can you ask for? Im blithe you asked.How about 1 Blog LatteWhile blogging can be an grievous lead off of a social media strategy, its not worth having if you founding fathert crap a strategy behind it. If your main finish is to develop an online community it might be in your best use up to blog about different beans or maybe do a Wine Library TV segment Coffee Style. However, if your strategy is think around getting more butts in your cafes seats, it might be in your best interest to discuss offers on the blog. As majuscule as a blog can be for an organization it can also be their downfall. A company that views their blog as being a great way to only talk about their brand and how grea t they are willing never find readers. Well maybe theyll bind their spouse and employees but customers wont be interested. If you can succeed your readers with something of value they will return. I often tell people feeling to start a blog to try and offer the three Es of Social Media.Entertainment, Education or EngagementAn Extra double FacebookFacebook has become the grand-daddy of them all when it comes to social networks. It has recently gone from being a questionable place to induce your brand, to a necessity for many companies in the food industry. With its most recent changes to the facebook pages it has become obvious that brand experience on facebook is back. Brands are now able to create facebook pages with more customization than ever and truly deepen their relationship with their customers. The frazzle-dazzle applications arent the only way for a local coffee shop to set itself a part from opposite stores. It can also use Facebook to promote other content that th ey have created.This means they can post links to their blog, videos, pictures and even coupons reaching an reference that may not be present on the other social networking channels. With that said, we cant forget the meat and potatoes that Facebook was built upon. The ability to get your message out to a number of people is one of the discover reasons why businesses have found such success on facebook. Those tweetups we discussed antecedent can easily be cross-promoted using a Facebook event. The opportunities available on facebook are great its up to you, to turn them into something remarkable.Whose your Manager Mayor? forthright is the new kid on the block in the social media world. It will be the most talked about social networking platform for the rest of this year and will definitely be playing a big part in several social media plans. James Hoffman explains on his blog why, You have people competitively visiting you, talking about you. More than that there is a pretty sen sible business model in there too, meaning that foursquare could well be around in a few years. Coffee shops seemed pretty quick to breast twitter, and it will be interesting to see if that experience has soured social media for them, or if theyll embrace foursquare too. Something tells me that theyll embrace foursquare like a seat-belt embraces impact.Mayorship TechCrunchOne of my favourite tactics that coffee shops can use in Foursquare is promoting the image of becoming mayor. The basics behind this tactic is that you tell the consumers that if they become the mayor of your shop they get their beverages for free. Seeing that there is an incentive now for going to the shop more and more Youve ultimately created a competition that will keep the people swarming your shop. The whole idea of providing customers with rewards for loyalty has been going on for years. This race to be the mayor however, takes customer loyalty, flips it upside down and turns it into a competition.Lets not get our Mochas in a BunchWith all that said, you mustiness always remember your companies core strategy and goals. These channels discussed above may take a similar route as hi5 or geocities in a few years time. For that reason, it is outstanding to not put all your eggs into one basket. Facebook is already talking about their new map that will be the Foursquare Killer. (Keep your eyes open) Finally, remember that the value you provide your customer in the store will always out weightiness the value you can provide them with a social networking tool. While its important to do things to get your customers in the door its just as important to make sure theyll want to come back.
Thursday, January 17, 2019
Death and its effects Essay
There is a certain sequence to emotional state story. We argon born, we dash and the part in the position is cal direct life. Every one(a) must die and every religion in the world involvems to squander a belief around what happens after(prenominal) closing.We bathroom die at any senesce be it by accident, illness, disease or archaic age. Unfortunately accidents and disease be quite common and cause many(prenominal) more distress to loved ones than if psyche dies of old age. This is because of the order of wipeout which we expect. Most tribe view that Grand fires should die first, followed by Parents consequently in conclusion Children. However, the world does not always work this way, spawning the phrase a parent should never wear to bury their child. Accidents crapper strike soulfulness down at anytime as can illness. When this happens it is usu tot every(prenominal)yy a gust and the grief ca apply by this can be dependent on the age if a younger person die s consequently the shock can be devastating merely if individual dies in their twilight years then the shock is greatly reduced as the family is half expecting it and they have led a full life.When soulfulness dies, population fill out with it in assorted ways. Some people cry and sob while others forget softly sit and contemplate. In other instances, people leave behind go into self-control and refuse to believe that their loved one is done for(p). This type of denial is aided by the fact that we do not have to deal with end directly, more very very oftentimes than not we will arrange for a funeral manager to plan and take care off everything. Many people express their loved ones how they feel everyday, this allows them to be secure in that their loved one will not die without them have a go at iting they love them. People do not like for someone to die if they have not told them all that they should have or have ended their last conversation in an argument. They begin to have that underlying feeling of guilt and foreboding.To know that someone knows what you are going through is a great help to the bereaved, friends can come over and flip their support and allow the person to rationalise how they feel. The whole idea of talking to someone is the basis of therapy and can offer some relief through sympathy/empathy. Funerals, after they have been arrange are very a great deal held within the week of the person dying. This is to offer some finality to the whole process and to let the relatives to decide whether they want an open(a) coffin or closed coffin funeral.Funerals vary from one Christian denomination to another but they all have a hint of hope in them for the relatives and friends. The hope of eternal life in the front man of deity allows the church to help the bereaved deal with their loss by encouraging them to believe that they will be reunited with them after they die.In a funeral, the coffin is carried from its method of t ransport to the church (this is usually a hearse, but can be a horse-drawn carriage) by the pall-bearers. These are often the male members of the family who were closest to the dead soul.I am the Resurrection and the Life. He whobelieves in Me will live, even though he diesand whoever lives and believes in me will never die.(John 1125-26)The in a higher place verses from John 11 are often read. These words are used to comfort the bereaved as they speak of eternal life and love. There are excessively often hymns, prayers for the person who has died and other tidings readings. The priest will then give a short address on the Christian beliefs of life after death. Eulogies are overly often read out by a member of the family or a close friend. A eulogy is a short speech about the life of the person who has died. It is traditional to wear black clothing at funerals. This is not required however and some families will request that guests do not dress in this way. A Roman Catholic fu neral also includes a Requiem Mass. For this, the priest will wear unclouded vestments and the coffin will be covered in a sinlessness pall. The coffin is sprinkled with Holy Water and the priest saysIn the waters of baptism (name) died with Christ,and ruddiness with him to new life. May s/he nowshare with him in eternal glory.The coffin is then sprinkled again and later perfumed with incense. after(prenominal) the funeral, many Christians put on a meal for guests to thank them for coming. In the case of Roman Catholics and many Irish Christians, a wake will be put on. A wake is a small, lively caller to celebrate the persons passing into heaven and their life.Of course, the person who all this was held for does not realise. The deceased person is not really there and only an empty jaw remains. There are several contrary, but equally important reasons for property a funeral. A funeral marks the ending of a human life, as baptism marks the beginning. It also allows the famili es to go through the various stages of grief. A funeral lets them see that the person is gone forever, but gives them comfort and support from faith. A funeral is used by Christians to be reminded of one of Christianitys main beliefs there is life after death and that God will give us long suit to face up to our sorrow.Graves are also often erected. These sculpture are permanent markers to the person and can last hundreds of years. It is very enkindle to walk around a cemetery and see the impact someone has made on another persons life as some sculpture have monumental tombstones on them. These come at a Brobdingnagian price and it is amazing to see that someone has paid so much money for something the deceased will never seeIn Christian terms, there are two arranges after you die, enlightenment and Hell. There is much debate about whether paradise and Hell are actual places. The Literalists believe it is as the bible clearly mentions it in the New Testament. According to on etime(a) theories, Heaven is a place where those who are sinless go to be with God and everyone is happy. On the other hand, Hell was meant to be a place of fire and brimstone where everyone suffered for their sins. Now here is where the argument comes in. Many people say that Hell cannot exist because it is impossible for such a gentle and forgiving God to create a place of suffering. Some Christians also believe that Heaven and Hell are not so much places as states of mind. Heaven is where you are at peace and can be with God and Hell is where you are confined and isolated from the warmth of Gods love.A modern story of the literal differences between Heaven and Hell goes as followsA man dies and is greeted by St. Peter at the gates of Heaven. The man asks if he can see both Heaven and Hell before he is judged. St. Peter agrees and an angel escorts the man into a room. In the room, there is a long dining table. The man asks where they are and the angel tells him that they are in H ell. He explains that in both Heaven and Hell, you are treated equally and can eat all your preferent foods from the table on one condition you must eat them with 6 foot long utensils. The man ponders on this for a moment then asks what the difference is between the two. The angel tells him that in Heaven, people are swell up fed as they lead one another while the people in Hell starve as they only try to feed themselves and fail.In Christian beliefs about resurrection, the idea that the whole body is resurrected, not just the soul is prominent. Jesus was recognised by St. Peter after his resurrection (see Corinthians 1535-57), this shows us that when we are resurrected, our new bodies will be placeable to our family and friends.Jewish beliefs about death are not so different from those of Christianity. Instead of Heaven and Hell, Jews believe that all souls go to Sheol, a timid underworld. The Jewish faith also has beliefs on resurrection. According to Maimonides, when the Mes siah comes, all the dead will be resurrected and judged.In death, every member of the family is affected. Adults know what is going on, but what about the children. What should we tell them? Many parents explain to their children that whoever has died has gone with the angels. This is often the easiest way as children associate angels with happiness. This reasoning is often wherefore people grow up imagining Heaven to be in the clouds above our Earth and full of angels, it is a remnant of our childhood. However, some parents decide to not tell their children anything. It all depends on the individual child and how they will cope with this new information. Some children can cope with the hard evidence someone has died and isnt going to come back, while others cannot grasp the concept of death until they are much older.All religions have theories on life and death. In the New Age religions, many people believe in the germanium theory. The germanium theory was developed many hundreds of years ago and can be found in old texts about the meaning of life. The atomic number 32 theory tells us that the Earth on which we live has a sense of smell and that all living beingnesss have their spirit given by Gaia (the Earth spirit). These organisms live their respective lives and soak up their experiences to enrich its spirit. When the organism dies, its spirit returns to Gaia and the experiences it had allow Gaia to create new lives. aft(prenominal) looking at several different religions, it is apparent that all have one thing in common the belief that after you die a part of you lives on and returns to something, be it Allah, Gaia or God.
Wednesday, January 16, 2019
American Dream In the 1920s Essay
In the twenties, many Americans were nerve-wracking to achieve the infamous American Dream. The reverie was to be rich, successful, happy, and one of the kindly elites. However, even though this was the romance for Americans in the mid-twenties, the general standard has changed everywhere the days into the present time. Since the twenties, the dream of putting a high ferocity on an individualistic and materialistic life has evolved into a present daylight dream of achievementing hard, prop a well-paying line of reasoning, and raising a family. The twenties was an era of declined genial and moral value, as sh own by its cast upd by-line of pleasure. When worldly concern War I ended in 1918, the young Americans who had fought the contend became deeply disillusioned, as the battles that they had on the nose fought in made the Victorian social morality of the early 1920s seem like hypocrisy.This caused those that had fought in the struggle to not care as practically a bout upholding traditional ethical motive. Also, since World War I was the war to end all wars, Americans were quite rosy during the 1920s. The uncontrolled satisfaction that led to self-indulgent authorityies and wild jazz practice of medicine resulted ultimately in the corruption of the American dream, as the uninhibited need for pleasure exceeded other, slight important goals. Americans pursuit of pleasure in the 1920s resulted ultimately in a decline in set. Many of the values of nowadayss dream are similar to those of the 1920s. The dream today does consist of pleasure and happiness. However, the dream of the 1920s was to put a frequently stronger emphasis on it than todays dream does. The values and morals today are also to a greater extent widely accepted by the general public. An example of this is wowork force wearing bathing suits to a public beach. In the 1920s, it was bad enough that those bathing suits were even the least bit revealing.Today, however, it is abr uptly acceptable for wo workforce to wear bikinis to a public beach, which are much more revealing than those of the 1920s. This is because the standard has gradually changed over time. Many of the values of the 1920s were extremely sassy and deviated from the norm greatly. The new values crashed right into the 1920s with the emergence of the flapper, a new generation of women who bobbed their hair, wore short skirts, and listened to jazz music. pack had no time to adapt to these values. On the other hand, the values of the mod American dream were gradually incorporated. Americans today have been around these values long enough that they are now accustomed to them. During the 1920s, family life was both(prenominal) similar and different than it is now. Advancements in industrial production and technology enabled unremarkable Americans to acquire what once had been unattainable luxuries, such as automobiles.These luxuries that were part of usual family life in the 1920s are sti ll part of the dream today. There are, however, differences between family life of the 1920s and modern family life. In the 1920s, husbands were the breadwinners for their families. temporary hookup the men were at work, their wives cooked, cleaned, and looked after the home. Wives also did just about of the raising of the children. Women in the 1920s did hold jobs, but that was roughlything more for young, single women. Married women typically did not obtain a job because it would cause them to take their management off of taking care of their family. The dream today is that both men and women perform impact shares of raising the family. Instead of just the men holding jobs, women also hold jobs today. Instead of just the women caring for the home and children, men also take part.Through these efforts, Americans can hope to achieve the part of the dream of raising a family. Throughout the 1920s, Americans went on a using up spree. The rise of the stock market led to a sudden increase in the national wealth and created a society full of materialism. sight began to consume and spend more than ever, and they had the idea that gold and popularity would solve everything. A person from any social background could, potentially, strike a fortune. Speculators and industrialists who achieved the American dream in the 1920s of getting rich were labeled the new money. The aristocracy disliked the new money. The so-called old money, families that had al slipway had money that was passed down from generation to generation, felt that the get rich quick ways of earning money were not as fulfilling as the traditional ways.Today, money is determine differently than it was in the 1920s. The dream is not centered so much around money as it used to be. Yes, money is still just as important, but people nowadays keep other goals in mind other than just earning money. The dream today consists of having a job that pays well and that is enjoyable, not just a job that only pay s well. another(prenominal) part of the American dream that women had in the 1920s was equal rights with men. The substantiation of the Nineteenth Amendment in 1920, which allowed women the right to vote, helped them come even closer to having equal rights with men. In the dream today, women seem to not be as touch about womens rights as they did in the 1920s.This is due to the fact that most of the work that needed to be done has already been done, such as the womens rights movement and the ratification of the nineteenth amendment. Today, on average, women earn 77 cents for every dollar that men earn. Women still hold far less ownership, CEO, and other high positions within companies than men. These two facts are evidence that work still remains in the struggle for equal rights for women. However, women definitely came a long way and it is only a matter of time onwards they are equal with men, for most of the work has already been done.In the 1920s, in that location seems to ha ve been an American dream that everyone was trying to achieve. Many people looked and some still do look toward this as a model for their own individual American dreams. However, even though this might have been the dream for many Americans in the 1920s, the general standard sure has changed over the years into the present time. Since the 1920s, the dream of putting a high emphasis on materialistic life has evolved into a present day dream of works hard, holding a well-paying job, and raising a family.
Tuesday, January 15, 2019
Explore the ways E.A. Poe uses his narrators to create a sense of terror and suspense Essay
Throughout e very(prenominal) last(predicate) the stories I have take on during the course of studying Edgar Allen Poe, the narrating has been fairly similar and a great smack of tension, fear and believability have been created inn all of them. The stories be all write in the first person, so it is more manage a story is being told to you by some one, which makes them all more believable.In The Black Cat and The Tell Tale Heart, it is something that drives the narrator grim that forces him to commit the murders, and in The Premature Burial his fear, being buried alive, is capricious him mad. In fact he is being driven over the bump into of insanity in all the stories we have studied except deuce The Fall of the nursing home of Usher and The underworld and the Pendulum, both in which he is nearly killed. In all of them we learn a solidification some the narrator, for example, in The Premature Burial, we learn about his background, and a lot about catalepsy and his fear of being buried alive.The narrators be very descriptive of the other characters in the stories and this authentically adds atmosphere, and makes the reader feel as if they are part of the tale. For example, in The Tell Tale Heart, Poe describes the old man- peerless of his eyes resembled that of a vulture- a pale blue eye, with a scud over it. He often uses similes and metaphors, which also helps and makes symbols using characters or objects he mentions, for example, in The Pit and the Pendulum, he describes the candles on a table, as angels, neighboring to the jury that was about to sentence him to death by torture, as images of the devil.In all of the stories we studied, I cant remember the narrators describing any of the other characters as good they were all evil or bad. I fag outt know whether this portrays that Edgar Allen Poe stereotyped people as bad or evil, but all of the narrators he wrote about did.The emotions that were felt by the narrators were very varied, at times they were scared, at other times, they were afraid, but whatever emotions they were feeling, they were very well portrayed and very detailed vocabulary was used. For example- I was unbalanced- sick unto death with that long agony and when that at length unbound me, and I was permitted to sit, I felt that my senses were leaving me. The emotions that the narrators felt affected the stories and the more descriptive they were, the more you could picture them and the more the story came to life in your imagination. This could be why Poe was such a successful writer.The narrators always describe their milieu and the position they are in very well and this also makes it a lot easier to picture the story in your head. For example, in The Fall of the abode of Usher the opening page is only the narrator describing, in detail, the house and its surroundings During the whole of a dull, dark and soundless solar day in the autumn of the year, when the clouds hung oppressively low in t he heavens. This amount of exposition continues for over a page and sets the scene very effectively. You feel like you are there, almost as if you are telling the story from individual(prenominal) experience. All of the stories we have studied have had very good interpretation in them and all scenes were set very believably.For another example, in The Pit and The Pendulum, the introduction is in Latin, which gives you the impression that the story was set or written a long time ago. After that, there is a long, descriptive page, setting the scene of the story- It conveyed to my soul the idea of revolution perhaps from its standoff in fancy with the burr of a mill-wheelThe narrators reactions to either the murders they had committed or way outs that were about to happen to them were different every time, unlike the narrators feelings about other characters, which were often similar. In The Pit and the Pendulum the narrator did not seem particularly concerned when he saw the sig ht of his avow certain death swinging above him While I gazed upward at it (for it as position was directly above my own) I picture that I saw it in motion. But as the pendulum dropped, his linguistic communication became much more descriptive and intense Down still incessantly still inevitably down It gripped you more and makes you want to read on. maybe this is why he had so many occasions in his stories when he was irate or mad, so the reader became gripped and more interested.The endings of Poes stories are often the most memorable part as it is often in the last part of the story where the main murder or event occurs. For example, in The Black Cat, The Tell Tale Heart and The signboard of Usher, the main event/murder is at the end of the story, with miniscule said after it. In The Black Cat for example, after the off cats and wife are found, there are only about 20 lines left of the story, which is not much, considering the huge amount of description Poe uses- I walled up the monster within the tombIn a sense it is really only the narrators in his stories that create all the tension, terror and suspense. If it was written in anything other than first person, the same effect would not be habituated and I dont think his stories would be as good, or as effective.
Life of Pi Essay
During Life of Pi, and Casta modality, cases in each experience disastrous deaths of love adepts which play with their will to survive. However, their confide and intent pull done and get across this heart- wrenching veritable(a)t. For Pi, from Life of Pi, there argon numerous deaths that possess a huge price on him. Pis whole family dies when the sauceboat they argon travelling on sinks. Growing up in an Indian culture, Pi was precise(prenominal) c mislay to his family, and a part of Pi as well died that day. all(prenominal) single thing that I value in intent gas been destroyed. And am I allowed no explanation?I am to suffer hell without any account from heaven? OR SHOULD I engagement To lose a br other is to lose someone with whom you can cope the experience of growing old, who is supposed to bring you a sister-in-law and nieces and nephews, creatures who people the head of your life and give it new branches. To lose your father is to lose the one whose guidance a nd help you seek, who supports you like a tree trunk supports its branches. To lose your mother, well, that is like losing the sun above you. It is like losingIm sorry, I would rather not go on. Although Pi is devastated he is headstrong to survive. also in Castaway, the protagonist Chuck Nolands shave crashes and he washes up to shore. While disjointed, Chuck engages himself a companion out of a volleyball game who he names Wilson. This ball becomes important to Chuck because it is the only fair game he has contact with for four years bandage on the island. He talks to Wilson as if he was a person and when he loses Wilson, he becomes wounded. This is a hard epoch for Chuck because all he had that was tutelage him sane leaves. Nevertheless Chuck perseveres done the hardships and keeps moving forward with hope and intent.Despite the battle of deaths these characters Pi and Chuck Noland were presented, they prove that with hope and determination to live it is possible to ov ercome their adversity if death, and any other bar that arose. Aside from the emotional destruction due to the deaths two protagonists endured, they also have to deal with the physical destruction as well. These events are what trigger two Pi and Chucks journey. In order to defeat the odds, characters must be courageous, obtain hope, and dwell determined. In Life of Pi, Pi and his family are moving to Canada from India on boat.When the ship sinks, Pi is the only one from his family to make it to a life boat. The ship was sinking. My mind could hardly conceive it. It was as unbelievable as the moon catching fire. While this was happening, Pi is very optimistic. Although fear and negativity flowed through him, in the end Pi gains hope. throughout the novel, Pi would constantly go through episodes of defeat and self-pity. However, Pi is determined to survive. It was through this determination and courageous acts that Pi castigates the odds and lives through this destruction.Simi larly to Pi, Chuck Noland from Castaway also had an unexpected change of events while travelling. Chuck was on his way to Russia when he mentions to Kelly, his love interest Ill be right back as he was boarding the plane. dwarfish did Noland know that it was about to crash. This physical destruction is a gigantic mischance for Chuck, and after four years of being stranded on an island, decides to take over the Atlantic Ocean back to civilization. To achieve this, after being isolated Chuck needed courage. Along with determination, and hope Chuck strives for salvation and saves himself.With the ill-starred events Pi and Chuck are faced with, each made their way home relatively safe- considering the circumstances. The characters proved that despite the expectations of failure that were set for them, if they had courage, hope, and determination they would survive any tragic event that came their way. There is no disputation that both the novel Life of Pi, and the movie Castaway a re both tragedies- a sinking ship and crashing plane are tragic events. However, protagonists in each stay hopeful and determined to have a smart ending. Pi, from Life of I is a very obedient, sensitive person.He follows his erects rules strictly. Pi was perpetually very observant of his older brother, and strived to stay out of trouble. When Pi was stranded on the life boat alone, he muddled life as he knew it. Pi experiences monstrous behavior, even going as far as to eat human flesh-cannibalism. Every rule Pi had been taught that human restraint has gone out the window. The way Pi viewed the world completely changed. Death is so real, so close to Pi, his views altered entirely. By the next morning I had lost all fear of death, and I resolved to die. (page 268) Pi also had very strict rules when it came to religion, spirituality and faith.Pi was a strict vegetarian due to his whimsy in God. While stranded, Pi had no other choice tho to kill and eat tools. Because of this, he loses his innocence. Lord, to think that Im a strict vegetarian. To think that when I was a child I always shuddered when I snapped open a banana because it sounded to me like the breaking of an animals neck. I descended to a level of savagery I never imagined possible. This proves how this tragedy made Pi lose hope in himself. He went against every standard he has ever believed in. Chuck from Castaways views on life and the world also changed drastically after the plane crash.Chuck Nolands whole life revolved slightly m and work before the crash. Once chuck had witnessed how quickly life could override for the worst, he had a complete change in attitude. At the root word of the movie Chuck really did not care about other peoples feelings. As chuck gained hope to survive, and determination to do so, he even treated Wilson- a volleyball with respect. By the time Chuck returned home, he had a genuine concern for people around him. With both of these characters, it is clear th at the tragic experiences altered their hearts, and outlook on life. two the stories of Pi from Life of Pi by Yann Martel, and Chuck from Castaway are very similar. each(prenominal) has experiences of death, destruction, and tragedy that take a great toll on both characters. However they resolve their adversities, and prove it is possible to beat the likelihood of failing by turning to hope and staying determined to survive. Each story ended with a new beginning for each character the prize from the pain. The theme of hope continued to their future lives with Pi through this wife, children, and new home, and new openings. In the same way, Chuck also had a chance to start over.
Monday, January 14, 2019
Western Countries Influence on China in the 19th Century
For quite a long period of age, mainland china strugglee has had the largest economy in the world. Concepts such as use of money and developing of merchant class were introduced by the ancient china. The Chinese exhibited a treasonably sense of superiority as they believed that they had nothing to build by job with otherwise countries. The coarse was locked to external ap peck and it was not until after the Opium contend that the country was forcefully open up to the world, which carried both positive and detrimental make (Rawski, Para. 2).In the time of cold state of state of war, the literature which talked ab pop out mainland mainland chinawares development foc apply on two study issues, one was that the function in global trade was less likely to be assistive in search of stintingal development for poor countries. The second was that the subtlety and social structure of mainland China was a great impediment to its development. It was believed that lusty de velopment in the country would only a upraise after major and dramatic changes were carried out to the social structure and individual behavior (Overholt. 22). harmonise to Rawski (Para. ), the nineteenth century was in the Qing Period of the Canton trade and the brace of payment was in favor of Chinese as the silver adverted into the country. It was at this period that the British discovered a favorable marketplace for opium in China as it shipped opium from India. This refreshing discovery make the silver f misfortunate to reverse as outflow of silver increased. The balance of payment was no longer favorable as the trend decreased money summate in the economy. The resultant cause was a downward pressure on general prices of goods and services that lead to economic problems.The Qing court wanted to tap the outflow of silver and Commissioner Lin was sent to Canton in the efforts to stop the trade of opium. He confiscated property that belonged to the British traders and s unk this business. When the traders complained to their organisation, the British government responded with multitude pressure which lead to the opium war and unequal treaties arranging. The British soldiers easily outgunned the Qing forces as they had superior weapons. The Qing then surrendered in the year 1842 and the treaty of Nanking was signed.It on the wholeowed unrestricted European access to Chinese ports and the island of Hong Kong was ceded to Great Britain. During the war, farm atomic number 18as were destroyed, and millions of lives were lost that made Chinas income to f all(prenominal)(a). Another war that emerged between the British and the Chinese lead to grievous losses and British warships obtained unlimited access to all rivers in China provided they were navigable. All official Chinese documents were to be written in English (U. S. Department of State, Para. 10a).The system of unequal treaties had economic impact on China and it withal infringed on their semipolitical sovereignty. It conduct to the imposition of a free trade regime that allowed unlimited trade in all goods and services which eventually was obliged to allow abroad investment and foreign trade as well. The fact that China was large and far from the coast, was a reason that the foreign trade was not a large dowery of the economy. However, with the coming of new technology which involved rail road and telegraph, the Chinese were eager to utilize these opportunities.New commodities were olibanum adopted and organizational innovations implemented. In 1860s, the Qing dynasty initiated several institutional re put to works in order to deal with the problem of modernization (Gibson 59). The Chinese had a vague concept of European countries and it was not until the opium war that they tried to down the stairsstand the west roughly in earn of their ideologies, social and political structures. Technology was thus introduced into the country as a lot as solid ground a nd capitalism were recognized by the citizens.They realized that by beingness locked to other countries, they were left ignorant of meaning(a) concepts and ideologies from other countries. The need to conquer the west made them interested in understanding the west in form of their economic structures and political structures. It was certain that the defeat in the opium war was due(p) to the better technology lethal westward weapons, and strong ships. It was then that recover was underway in China (Beeching 47). Economic Reforms In the early nineteenth century, China was completely closed and isolated itself from other countries in the world. external trade was limited in the city of Canton and it was not until the opium war that led to the signing of Nanjing treaty, that Chinas ports were opened and occidental merchants put together their way into the Chinese market. The ensnare on Chinese economy was significant as they had least expected it. The effect of go-ahead up of China did not eat up just the negative effects but it to a fault had good and positive effects on the economy and social relationships which existed in the people of Qing Dynasty.Among the negative effects that we shall look in details are internal struggles, increase in the rate of crime, economic downfall in the city of Canton and the increase in the economic welfare at the cities of Shanghai and Hong Kong (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 7). Chinese topical anesthetic industries were affected by cheaper westbound machine made products. This created so much pressure on the local industries as they had to set and reform in order to compete with the horse opera merchants. The defeat of China in the opium war was enough to convince the Chinese that they were no longer the Heavenly Middle Kingdom that they always impression they were.They were thus awakened and exposed to the reality of progress (Gibson 32). Chinese were used to being self reliant as they had a self able d omestic trade. This was occasioned to a large extent by the fact that it has an colossal home trade. It has a vast land that their internal trade is sufficient to perform commercial operations. In opening up, China was able to match itself with other nations internationally and thus realized that it was no longer on top of the world. Chinese thus developed a sense of finding and a desire to improve their economy it was a period of wake the colossus (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 53).Various economic repercussions were obtained after the opening of China. The flourish of foreign trade was evident as China increased its merchandise from 7. 5 million kilograms of tea in 1843 to 42 million kilograms in 1855. The export of silk also increased importantly. The demand of tea and silk led to the e labor partyateness of tea and silk producing regions as they greatly benefited from foreign trade. Another economic effect was a monetary crisis which resulted from the increased v olumes of trade activities. at that place was a drop-off in the Spanish silver dollar and it appreciated so much that it was abolished and the Mexican dollar introduced. These problems were compound by internal monetary crises that were instigated in the main by poor administration. The copper cash that prevailed in China depreciated significantly as a result of inadequate supply of copper. This devastated Chinese pecuniary system and in 1853, the country had to result to paper money (Beeching 67). There was a significant effect on the textile diligence. Prior to the Opium struggle, the Chinese made cloths by hand.This industry was almost eliminated as open system led to the importation of cheaper machine-made cloths and other products. The native textile industries had to adapt by lowering their charges, though this was detrimental to the textile workers. Their wages were cut as the textile industries looked for ways of reducing their operation equals and led to lowering th e living standards of these workers (Beeching 63). The old Chinese self-sufficient economy was changing under pressure. Chinas social-economical development was affected by western capitalistic societies.This however did not lead to the formation of capitalistic China but rather made it to a semi-colonial semi-feudal state. The Chinese industries had been exposed to the exterior states but at a time when they had not anticipated it. They were thus less prepared and less equipped to compete with these international industries. The opening up of China meant that the people who used to transport goods to Canton (mostly the Hakkas) were left without jobs. The majority of trade shifted from Canton to Shanghai as Shanghai had been opened for foreign trade.The Hakkas were considered to be ethnic minorities by the natives of Canton which led to a competition between the two clans in form of farming and economy. This led to wars between the two clans and as a result, hundred of thousands o f lives were lost and the effect was quite significant to the Chinas economy. The population which had made the country prosperous was being threatened by this internal wars and struggles (Chung, Para. 4). China was no more affected as a series of natural disasters also stroke the country.The Huang He River had burst its banks and flooded a vast portion of land in the year 1851. In 1855, the river flooded again and the rich and among the most productive province of Jiangsu was in ruins as farmland was destroyed and loss of lives intensified. The Qing government could not afford to provide adequate attending to the survivors as funds had been drained during the opium war and against the Taipings rebellion. The government was also use up in negotiating for military aid with the European powers. The Qing government also set about contempt from the Nian movement which had just begun.The government was thus placed in a very unstable situation by all these occurrences and frustrations (Chung, Para. 5). jibe to Chung (Para. 7), the Muslim rebellions that tried to enhance equal rights among the Muslims and the non-Muslims, the Taipings rebellion, and other groups that were opposed to the Qing government failed to strike a solution to the prevailing social and economic crisis, as millions of people died. The much relied agricultural industry was severely affected by these rebellions as the countryside was ruined in these battles and countless people lost their lives.This led the Qing government to increase its dependence on the European Imperial forces and resultant purchase of modern weapons. These internal conflicts made it hard for the Qing government to repress its military powers and it thus lost external wars the Second Opium War (1856-1860) and Sino-Japanese War (1894-1895). The effect was an occupation of Beijing by an international force and the conformity of the Boxer Protocol (1901) which was done under humiliating terms. The government was to remun erate the European powers for the losses that they had suffered.The Qing court resisted reforms and revolutionaries and reformers advocated for overthrow of the Qing dynasty in order to form a republic. The Qing government was eventually weakened by the numerous rebellions as they tried to pursue economic stability as the economic crisis had worsen by the end of 19th century to a national location (Chung, Para. 10). The Rise of Chinas Economy The yield and the sudden rise of China is one of the greatest economic successes in the world. With economic reforms in China which started in the year 1979, to 2008 Chinas economy is believed to have grown 14-fold in real terms.This has led to the raising of hundreds of millions of people out of extreme poverty. On per capita basis, China is relatively poor though it is soon the worlds second largest economy. This has led to increase in economic ties between China and the U. S. China is still marked with low-cost labor and as such, most U. S. companies operate in China so as to benefit from the vast and booming Chinese Market and low cost of operations as a result of taking advantage of the low cost labor in their export-oriented manufacturing (Rawski, Para. ). The basic improvements seem to have originated from quadruple modernization strategies in Agri refining, industry, science and technology, and National Defense. This meant that rural electrification had to be initiated, a total industrial automation, a focus on a new outlook of the economy, and an enhanced national security and strength on defense. mechanisation in agriculture and subsequent use of irrigation, led to the modification of the industry so as to enhance production, better farming methods were also advance (Rawski, Para. 9).The Chinese social and cultural structure had been thought that it was a major constraint to economic harvest-time and development. The rapid improvement in economic conditions of the Chinese is a clear indication that the so cial and cultural structures ability be conducive to growth. There are certain elements of Chinese culture that generate an adventurous spirit which is not found in most cultures in poor countries. One would pose to wonder why this enterprising spirit didnt have major effects in the 19th century as it had after the minor reforms in 1978 which initiated explosive growth.China used improvements in the heavy industry and infrastructure. Development of modern highways, and combine of Petrochemical, nerve and other industries ensured that the economic capacity of the nation was improved. This rapid growth was also initiated by the use of cheap labor which was used extensively in manufacture and subsequent export of low-end products (Overholt 23). The Implications The opening up of China and the subsequent catastrophic occurrences had negative impacts on the economic well being of China.The Western countries undermined Chinas self sufficient economy, the rural settle industries were as much adversely affected as the development that occurred in the urban market economy. On the other hand, it opened the nation to equate its progress with other nations as well. Technology was imported from the western countries and all this worked to enable the nation develop unbiased opinions on the working of international economies. The Chinese government established commercial and modern enterprises as a result of stimulation from the western capitalism.Many of the established enterprises went bankrupt as a result of poor administration, but the established modern industries thrived which enhanced the social-economic development of China. The modern industries stimulated the growth of Chinese capitalism and form a basis which has marked a tremendous improvement of the Chinese economy (Chesneaux, Marianne & Maie-Claire 48). It is a wonder that a nation that could except feed its citizens is an industrial giant with the leading capacity in steel production, aluminum, cemen t and coal. The U. S. ad been the worlds leading auto market but in January 2009, China had turned the tables. It had also been named the top manufacturer of merchant ships in the year 2007. It is clear that the western incline had negative impacts to China at first but today China has all to gain. The exposure to the western markets at such a critical time gave the nation a clear understanding of improved technology and the full treatment of international markets and economies. China thus used its capacities and its capabilities so as enable it obtain ascendance in this international market.When we compare China to conjugation Korea, a country that was free from western influence, then we can confidently say that Western Influence was what was needed to awaken the sleeping giant in China (Overholt 29). According to the U. S. Department of State (Para. 20b), in the Mid-19th century, the western countries focused the capitalist diplomacy on Korea. The policy which was adopted by the Leaders made the region to be termed as Hermit Kingdom. Korea remained self-employed person until late 19th century when China wanted to block the influence Japan had on Korean Peninsula and the pressure by the Russians.This led to the afore-mentioned Sino-Japanese war in which Japan emerged victorious. Korea was thus annexed as part of the Japan pudding stone which had strong colonial administration and control and it was not until the end of macrocosm War II in 1945 that Japan surrendered. This led to the division of Korea, where the coupled States administered the southern part and the U. S. S. R. took over the northern side. North Korea attacked South Korea in 1950 and the United Nations sent troops to support South Korea. China support North Korea until an armistice agreement was signed in 1953.North Korea is governed by a centralized government under the Communist Korean thespians Party (KWP). Minor parties do exist but under limited power and scope of authority. It has a record of wide violations of tender-hearted rights as the government has total control on all issues in the state. The media is controlled by the government that it is not a wonder that North Korea was bedded second to last on the World Press Freedom proponent (U. S. Department of State, Para. 23b). North Korea spends quite a substantial proportion of its income on military, but the nation has not yet become self-sufficient in food production.Technological links were disrupted and affected with the collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union in 1989. The GDP of the nation has stagnated for quite a while and it is far much below China in economic development and in the living standards of its nationals (U. S. Department of State, Para. 18b). close The Chinese people were against the opening of China by the Opium War, but the control of China and influence by the Western countries made China a semi-feudal semi-colonial state.It was not until then that technology found its way into China and the Chinese were quick to use it to their advantaged. The shameful defeat in the Opium War made the Chinese vow to strengthen their country in order to anticipate a repeat of the same. This has inspired the nation to the current situation of growth and influence in the world. In fact China is very antipathetic to succumb to international pressure as it is on its way to gain the title the worlds economic giant.
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