Wednesday, July 31, 2019
Small Scale Industries Problems
Article: Information technology: a growth navigator for small scale industries in India Small scale industries (SSI) have a significant role in the Indian economy in view of its contribution to production, employment, and export. However, since 1991 small scale industries in India find themselves in an intensely competitive environment due to globalization, domestic economic liberalization, and dilution of sector specific protective measures. The formation of World Trade Organization in 1995 also forced the member countries (including India) to drastically scale down the restrictions on import. This article analyzes the various factors influencing the growth of small scale industries in India. Information Technology (IT) is one of the significant factors, which is, in general, not used by the small scale industries in India for their production and business process, in the growth of small scale industries in India. Further on the basis of Nolan's ‘Stages of growth model' the stages of use of information technology in small scale industries are studied. Small Scale Industry in India: An Analysis in the Context of Liberalization Small and Micro producers are crucial in developing economies, and their role is even greater in the largely rural economies of South Asia. In India as well, the sector is the second largest employer, after agriculture, and accounts for nearly 6 percent of the country's GDP. India was an exception in that it gave the small-scale sector large incentives, and protection, in the period 1948-1991, going to the extent of reserving certain production lines solely for the sector. In the historical context of this, this paper shall attempt to analyze the issues peculiar to a ‘smalls scale of production' in India in an increasingly globalised scenario. It shall also look at some of the other issues plaguing the sector such as credit availability and maintaining quality standards. Movement of toxic metals from small-scale industrial areas: a case study from Delhi, India In India, an estimated 70% of the total industrial pollution load is attributed to Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs). Among SMEs, small-scale industries continue to use obsolete technologies with no stringent rules for pollution control. Consequently, waste generated from them is generally dumped without treatment. These facts are strengthened from the analysis conducted on solid waste and wastewater samples from five industrial areas, water samples of river Yamuna, the tributary of river Ganges and solid waste samples of landfill areas in Delhi. Toxic metal concentrations were analysed and found in high concentration in collected samples. Besides that, fractionation study was also done. The data obtained from this study identify that the wastes with high concentrations of toxic metals, calling for the introduction of point source control of waste generation.
Tuesday, July 30, 2019
Teacher Assistant -Development Of The Child
Summarise the main development of a child from age range 0-2years, 3-5years and 5-8 years. Physical development of children varies within very wide limits, depending on the weight and size at the birth, nutrition and health, but also the genetic heritage (parents or grandparents size).Physical development0-2 yearsWhen a baby is born, for first three months he lie on their back, but is able to make basic distinction in vision, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching. Many people think babies are helpless, but they are born with the ability to do few things: they can recognize their mum’s voice and smell, they are able to cry and let everyone know when they need help. Babies are born with many reflexes which are actions that they perform without thinking. Around three months baby will start lifting his head and will be able to kick.As time goes, the baby will be able to grasp objects and try to put that in their mouth. Mobility usually comes at the ages of nine to twelve months. Th ey will be able to crawl and some might be able to sit and walk unaided. They can hold and throw toys. At the age of one most babies can climb up the stairs (with adult help). Children at two years age are very mobile. They will be able to throw and kick a ball but may not be very confident to catch it.3-5 yearsChildren of three years age will be able to walk, run and jump from low heights. By three a child will have learnt most methods of movement, they will be able to walk backwards and sideways, and may even jump from low heights, they should also be able to ride a tricycle. When a child is four years old they can catch, throw and kick a ball with full confidence. They are able to walk in a straight line. At four they should be able to catch, throw, kick and bounce balls and should also be confident with balance. By the time a child reaches their fifth birthday, changes in physical development are much rapid .Usually by five they moves freely and with pleasure and confidence in a range of ways, such as rolling, crawling, walking, running, skipping, sliding and hopping.5-8yearsAt age of 5-8 the child has lots of energy, plus the balance and coordination for lots of activities, including swimming, riding a bike, skipping and playing with a ball. Their balance and agility will have increased enormously by this age.Intellectual Development0-2 yearsFrom birth children begin to learn how to use their senses to explore the world around them. Within the early months a child will make eye contact and be able to turn their head to the smell of their mother breasts. At age of three months babies smile back when they see a smiling face. By six months babies have learnt many skills, they are very alert and turn their heads to see what is happening. They enjoy playing, they can now reach out and grab a toy and over it from one hand to another. By two years old, children are very much showing their individuality. They know what they want to do, touch and hold. They enj oy singing and dancing to music, pointing to picture of familiar objects and naming them.3-5 yearsAt age three their concentration grows and they are able to control pencils and paintbrushes, at four years old their memory will develop quickly, and should be able to build things with small blocks. They respond well to adult praise and recognition. Children ask questions and enjoy talking. Around the age of five a child should be able to count confidently and recognize letters and most children have begun in formal education.5-8 yearsBetween the age six and eight years the child’s reading and mathematics skills will have develop a lot and they will be able to read and write independently.Language Development 0-2 yearsFrom birth to three months they are crying and cooing and they can recognise and respond to sounds. At three –six months they star imitate the sounds that they recognize. At age one children can are beginning to talk and can say â€Å"mama†and †Å"dada†. At age of two children start to talk and enjoy talking.3-5 yearsBetween the age of three and five they would be able to learn songs and rhymes .They will enjoy listening to stories. At age of five they will become very confident speaker.5-8 yearsAt this age children are able to describe things accurately and they will use a much wider vocabulary and of words.Emotional Developent0-2 yearsBabies start to smile and to recognize the face and voice of their mother or carer. They start being aware about the people that they don’t know and they enjoy being secure . from one to two they will become aware of the moods of those around them.3-5 yearsAt this stage the children can communicate what they are feeling. At the age of five they can control their own emotions.5-8 yearsAt this stage the child starts to feel sensitive about who other children feel about him. They may compare themselves to their friends and peers (â€Å"He is better at drawing than I am†or à ¢â‚¬Å"She is a better soccer player†). They will experience a variety of mood changes as they grow in years and develop.Social Development0-2 yearsFrom birth till age of nine months the babies are very sociable, from nine to twelve months they will discover who to play alone and they will not be as dependent on others for their entertainment. Between one and two years old they become more confident and independent3-5 yearsChildren enjoy making friends and sociailsing. They enjoy being with others and they can choose what is good and wrong and understand the importance of sharing and tacking turns.5-8 yearsAt the age of six some children become less sociable and some prefer to have one special friend. They start having their social circle where they find themselves comfortable. Analyse key social, economic and environmental factors, which may influence development There are many factors that influence child development, and for most of them, we do have some control.Every child deserves the opportunity to blossom. Love is very important when we speak about the social development. When the child feels the love and affection from his carer or parent he can make friends and progress well in development and he is happy emotionally. When the love is missing you can observe sad children, neglected, isolated, unfriendly, upset There are socio-economic trends that can influence child development. It is true that poorer families are at a disadvantage when it comes to providing the richest environment for a child to grow. Many families must rely on public education that may not be the best in their area. It is very difficult for poor families when a child needs special services to aid development.A child will benefit more when a parent work part time and spend more quality time with the child, but in some situation this is not possible. A loving caring environment can benefit more than having a lots of money, although the child may not have expensive items, but he w ill benefit by been happy and loved. Children living in poverty may also have poor nutrition, limiting their ability to reach their potential. Environmental influences on child development, as opposed to genetic influences which are not in our power. The world around us has a major part in shaping the child. A child's environment – for example, his family or school – plays a huge part in his development. Simply stated, a nurtured child will do better than a deprived child.That may seem like common sense, but you may not realize the little things that make a difference. Some assume that a rich privileged child will automatically thrive more than a child living in poverty. That is not always the case. An environmental factor which can also affect the children be when the family is moving house. This aspect affect the child who is losing the current friends and school and the child can be anxious and withdrawn. Losing their friends can be as traumatic as losing a favorite toy. Describe children’s overall development needsA child development is split into main parts physical, intellectual, social/emotional, language. All children need stability, good home, encouragement from parents, the correct nutrition in order for them to grow and develop well. Love is very important for their emotional and physical development. Children also need stability with their homes, parents, friends.They can be seriously affected if a divorce occurs between their parents. In order to grow they need to benefit by a good dietary and nutrition habits. Lots of vegetables and fruits are recommended. Exercises, sports are also good for their physical development. The fresh air, a walk in the park or somewhere to explore and learn more about the environment.
Succubus on Top CHAPTER 19
The dealer's house sat away from the road, just like all sinister houses should, I suppose. My biased perceptions aside, there was actually little else about the house that was all that creepy. It was big and expensive-looking, spreading out lazily on beautifully manicured lawns, visible to me even at night. In a region where yards were at a premium, that much land signified a great deal of money. Unlike Bastien's place, this house had no similarly well-to-do neighbors. This house was in a class of its own; it could not be part of a mere suburban neighborhood. â€Å"Where are we?†I asked, because it seemed like the kind of naive, starry-eyed question I should be asking. Alec had met me downtown and then driven me out to this place in his own car. We were about twenty minutes outside the city. â€Å"This is where the guy lives,†he told me happily. His mood improved as we got closer to the house. â€Å"He'll hook you up.†The car followed the long, sinuous driveway and came to a stop by the garage. In an oddly chivalrous way, he opened the car door for me and gestured that I follow him inside. Glancing back at his beat-up Ford Topaz, I couldn't help thinking that being an immortal drug lord's lackey should pay better. Alec led us through a side door in the house, and even I was taken aback at what I found inside. The first word that came to mind was lush. And not the drunk kind either. I meant in the opulent sense, the kind of lush you sink your teeth into. The walls, floor, and ceilings consisted of gleaming dark hardwood, almost like we were inside a lodge – say, a lodge that cost seven figures. Beams of that beautiful wood crisscrossed the open, cathedral ceiling. Jewel-toned oil paintings in gilt frames hung on the walls, and I had enough of a sense for the value of art to recognize they had not come from Bed Bath & Beyond. We crossed out of the foyer and found more of the same in a large living room. Its focal point was an enormous fireplace whose brick faà §ade stretched to the ceiling. A multicolored stained-glass landscape hung above the fireplace's opening, and flames from the roaring fire – along with several strategically placed candles – cast the only light in the room. Nothing electrical. In that dim, flickering lighting, I sensed the man before I saw him. The same unfamiliar immortal signature from the concert carried to me, coupled with something else. This close to him, I noticed how much he felt like the crystals. Or rather, how much the crystals felt like him, as if they were pale, fractured versions of the masterpiece. The whole vibe from him felt weird but not quite as discordant as the crystals themselves had. â€Å"Alec,†said a creamy voice, â€Å"who is your lovely friend?†The man unfolded from the couch, standing in one fluid motion. I now saw the same features as before: flawless tanned skin, long black hair, high cheekbones. He also wore the same hot Victorian couture, complete with another of those gorgeous silk shirts that billowed around his arms and showed smooth skin through the V-neck. â€Å"This is Georgina,†said Alec, voice quaking with nervousness and excitement. â€Å"Just like I said.†The man glided to us and took my hand in both of his. â€Å"Georgina. A beautiful name for a beautiful woman.†He drew my hand to his lips – which were full and pink – and kissed my skin. He held my hand a moment, letting his dark eyes bore into mine, and then he slowly straightened up and released me. â€Å"My name is Sol.†I turned off all my impulses to make snappy jokes and/or maul this guy, instead opting for stunned innocence mingled with a little fear. â€Å"H-hello.†I swallowed nervously and looked down at my feet. â€Å"You've done well,†Sol told Alec. â€Å"Very well.†I didn't have to see Alec to tell he was practically melting with relief. â€Å"So†¦does that mean†¦I can, you know†¦?†â€Å"Yes, yes.†Unless I was mistaken, a slight note of irritation underscored that pleasant voice. â€Å"Afterward. Go upstairs now. I'll summon you when I'm ready. â€Å" Alec started to leave, and I grabbed his sleeve, still playing frightened maiden. â€Å"Wait – where are you going?†He smiled at me. â€Å"I'll be right back. It's okay. You wanted more, right? Sol's going to get it for you.†I must have truly looked terrified because he squeezed my arm reassuringly. â€Å"It's okay. Really.†I bit my lip and gave him a hesitant nod. His eyes held mine for a moment, and something very like regret flickered across them. Then he left. â€Å"Come sit with me,†intoned Sol, taking my hand again. He led me to a sumptuous couch by the fire. Warmth from that orange glow spilled over me, and the flames were reflected in his dark eyes. I sat down gingerly, scooting back because the cushions were so big. We sat there quietly. He smiled expectantly, and I gave him a faltering smile back. â€Å"Alec said you could give me more†¦you know†¦of that stuff.†â€Å"You enjoyed it then?†â€Å"Yes. Oh yes. It made me feel†¦Ã¢â‚¬ â€Å"Immortal?†â€Å"Y-yes, that's it. Please. I need more. I can pay you†¦whatever you want.†He waved a hand carelessly. â€Å"We'll discuss such mundane matters later. For now, let's see if we can't satiate your hunger.†He leaned over to a small table and lifted up two goblets. Goblets. How quaint. â€Å"This should tide you over until we can arrange a larger batch.†I took the cup from him. It felt heavy, like gold. Nothing but the best if you were going to drink the food of the gods, I thought. They held a dark red liquid. If the crystals felt like a weak approximation of Sol, the aura radiating off of this cup felt like mega-Sol. It was intense and strong, making the vibe from the crystals seem like a total nonevent. Maybe that was what happened when ambrosia liquefied. I realized then he'd been waiting for me while I pondered. â€Å"Drink up.†I hesitated, not having to feign apprehension this time. Drink up? What should I do? If I didn't drink, my cover might be blown, and I still hadn't had â€Å"provocation†to smite this bastard or whatever one did to someone with a dart-arrowhead-thing. Carter and Jerome had said ambrosia wouldn't hurt an immortal; they'd even said an immortal could resist its nasty effects to a certain extent, much longer than humans. That didn't necessarily make me feel better, though. I preferred to be in my normal range of skills to deal with this, but it looked like I didn't have that luxury. I couldn't delay any longer. Smiling shyly, I brought the cup to my lips and drank. He did the same. Who could tell? Maybe personality amplification would help me out here. Maybe I had a secret Amazonian alter ego lurking within me who was dying to jump out via the ambrosia and bludgeon this guy with a goblet. Once Sol started drinking, he didn't stop. He tipped the cup back until he'd consumed it all. I followed suit. The stuff really didn't taste so bad. In fact, it tasted sweet, almost sickeningly so. Weirdest of all was its consistency. Thick. Almost viscous. â€Å"There,†he said, taking my empty cup. â€Å"You'll feel better soon, and then we can talk reasonably.†He shifted into a more comfortable position, long legs stretched out and relaxed. He had a slim build and delicate features. His narrow fingers wound one of his black curls around it. â€Å"Tell me about yourself, Georgina. What do you do?†â€Å"I, uh, work in a bookstore.†â€Å"Ah, you're a reader then.†â€Å"I try to be.†He inclined his head toward a wall covered in books. â€Å"I'm a reader myself. There's no greater pursuit than improving one's mind. â€Å" He started talking to me about some of his favorite books, and I smiled and commented as appropriate. As we talked, I began to feel†¦well, for lack of a more descriptive term, good. Really good. Almost like I was buzzed from an excellent liqueur. My limbs tingled a little, and a warm sense of euphoria burned through me. I heard myself laughing at one of his jokes. I almost sounded genuine. â€Å"You're very beautiful,†he suddenly said, and I wondered when he'd moved so close to me. I had to blink to stay focused. The room spun slightly, and my hands and feet kept delaying in obeying my orders. Sol reached out and touched my cheek, trailing those graceful fingers down my neck. â€Å"Your beauty is a gift.†I tried to move, mainly to see if I could actually manage it, not to avoid his touch. Honestly, his touch was pleasant – extremely pleasant. It made my pulse pick up a little. I could, I soon discovered, still move. I was just a little sluggish. â€Å"Shhh,†he crooned, placing a restraining hand on my wrist. â€Å"Don't be afraid. Everything will be all right.†â€Å"W-what are you doing?†He had an arm around my waist now and was moving his mouth toward the spot where my neck met my shoulder. His lips, when they touched flesh, were warm and full of promise. I trembled a little under that kiss and tried to figure out what was going on here. The short answer, obviously, was that something had gone wrong. I felt dizzy and disoriented enough to be at a frat party over at U.W. On top of that, this immortal – this strange immortal I barely knew – suddenly seemed more alluring than I'd imagined possible. Hadn't I come here to kick his ass? Why was I making out with him? Was this what ambrosia did to me? Were these my core traits – the power to get buzzed and take pleasure in sex? To become even easier than I already was? His hands moved down and unbuttoned my shirt so they could slide down and cup my breasts, which were just barely covered by the black mesh bra I'd bought with Dana. He kissed me directly now, his mouth pressing against mine. As his tongue delicately slipped between my lips, I tasted a sweetness akin to the ambrosia. Bottom line: it needs to be self-defense. So Carter had said, but suddenly I didn't really need much defending – unless it was from myself. My own hands were moving without my conscious knowledge to unfasten his pants, and our bodies were becoming entwined together on the soft cushions. Self-defense. Self-defense. Why self-defense? What was I forgetting here? Ah, of course. The dart. I pushed through the red haze muddling my senses, forcing clarity. The dart. The dart would stop Sol somehow, stop him from continuing to spread the poison of ambrosia. It would stop him from hurting people†¦like Doug. I battled through my disorientation and pulled my mouth away from Sol's, attempting to squirm the rest of the way out of his grasp. I won a little room but not much. He was still close. â€Å"No†¦Ã¢â‚¬ I gasped out. â€Å"Don't do this. Stop.†Sol, regarding me with surprised amusement, shushed me. â€Å"You don't know what you're saying.†â€Å"I do. Stop.†I wriggled one arm free, one arm that then snaked to the pocket containing Carter's pouch. I needed the other arm free too, but Sol was holding it. Looking down, I suddenly saw that his wrist was bleeding. How had that happened? I hadn't caused it. â€Å"Georgina, you are about to be honored above all mortal women. Lay back. Stop struggling. No harm will come to you. You will enjoy this night, I promise.†He moved his mouth back to mine, and again that blazing euphoria swelled within me. A traitorous moan of pleasure caught in my throat. Taking this as submission, Sol's grip on my restrained arm lessened, and I shifted it away just enough that both of my hands now touched the pouch. Yet, it was a hard battle. My motor control still wasn't all it should be. Kissing him, in that moment, seemed much more important than some silly pouch. My mind didn't want to focus on anything else. But I forced it to. Through sheer strength of will, I pushed the physical pleasure out of my head and instead replayed every consequence of the ambrosia I'd seen: Casey's devastation, Doug's wild swings from darkly frenetic exuberance to even darker depression, and finally his limp body in the hospital. Mortals are fragile things. Very fragile. And Sol played with them as if they were nothing. The smoldering coal of my anger began to burn again. He's a stronger immortal than you. Preying on you – especially when you belong to Jerome, so to speak – is a big no-no. You would be justified in protecting yourself. Again, I pulled my mouth away. â€Å"Stop,†I said again more firmly. â€Å"I want you to stop. Stop doing this.†â€Å"I'm not going to stop,†Sol snapped. Anger marred his honeyed tone. His breath was heavy, and his chest heaved with exertion. He – or I – had removed his shirt, and I had a perfect view of that unprotected skin. â€Å"I'm not going to stop, and believe me, once I start, you won't want me to stop either.†My fingers moved to open the pouch; the other hand slowly readied itself to reach inside. The ambrosia in my system dulled my reflexes, but I kept battling through it and sized up where in his chest his heart would be. â€Å"I've asked you three times to stop. Once should have been enough. No means no.†â€Å"No means nothing from someone like you.†He laughed a little, still not taking me seriously. â€Å"What's wrong with you? I thought you wanted to be immortal.†My hand was inside the pouch, pulling the dart out. Sol and I both felt its power at the same time, just as he realized what I was. His eyes widened, but I didn't give him time to react. I didn't think or falter. Just as Carter had ordered, I simply took action – well, with a cheesy punch line, of course. â€Å"Been there, done that,†I said, slamming the dart into his heart. For half a beat, Sol froze, unable to believe this was happening. And that's when things got messy.
Monday, July 29, 2019
International Standards and Information Systems Quality Management Essay
International Standards and Information Systems Quality Management - Essay Example Quality Management System is defined as a â€Å"set of coordinated activities to direct and control an organization in order to continually improve effectiveness and efficiency of its performance.†These activities are well integrated and synchronized that the understanding of one would not lead to understanding of the entire system as a whole (Gitlow, 2001). The basic purpose is not to detect the defective products after production rather than focusing in producing quality products free of any defects. Implementation of an effective quality management system would benefit an organization whether in manufacturing, service industry or public sector. These companies generally employ some information system to communicate within the organization and to supplier and customers external to the organization. The underlying concept is customer, supplier and the organization working together for their mutual interest. To implement said concept, efforts are required to integrate and str engthen interfaces not only between immediate customers and suppliers but also beyond that are linked to any organization. An efficient and effective quality management system would help in building customer’s confidence on organization’s ability to produce quality products and services, and deliver desired objectives while meeting their wants, needs and expectations. In similar way, quality management system enables an organization to achieve its objectives defined in its policy and strategy with minimum and effective utilization of resources at an optimum cost. Quality management system interfaces all activities of the organization in a coordinated manner starting from identification of customer requirements to meeting customer’s satisfaction at every step of the process. It can be compared to a wedge that ensures consistency of gains along the quality journey by preventing good practices from sliding back as shown below (Business Balls, 2008). An effective qu ality management system would improve process control, reduce waste, decrease costs, increase market share and help to meet customer’s expectations. Quality and Evaluation of Information Systems Evaluation of information systems is a crucial subject for the researchers and practitioners aiming for improvements in the processes of designing and developing the information systems (Checkland & Holwell, 1998). The evaluation of an information system
Sunday, July 28, 2019
Issue 15 yes 2510 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Issue 15 yes 2510 - Essay Example assessment covered studies that had information on Africa, calculated cost and effectiveness, transmission rates and methods, drugs prices and their availability. The data from the studies were a spun of thirteen years. In most of the studies, the investigators depended on cost from the provider perspective only. Therefore, in order to ensure a wide comparability among the interventions, the report gives a standardized cost and effectiveness data (Haacker 25). However, the report has several limitations. The information was limited since not all the studies focused on the same things. The cost data was not enough to under go a standardized analysis. In addition, the study may underestimate the effects of some of the interventions. Therefore, the interpretation needs caution (Haacker 26). Despite the challenges in coming up with data, the information can still be accurately used to advice on the intervention in Africa. This is because it shows that despite the little information provided, it gives the direction needed to fight the spread of HIV/AIDS in Africa. The studies show that preventive methods are to be in place first, and then followed by the treatment cost on those already affected. Thus, the interventions potential maximizes and results to a general cost-effective mechanism (Haacker
Saturday, July 27, 2019
Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 25
Research - Essay Example Many clients find solace in the fact that the facility is Christian based so they trust that that the care they receive will not clash with their beliefs. However, regardless of their religious beliefs, clients receive equal quality care and respect in a safe setting. The treatment team is made up of a psychiatrist, a dietician, a nurse, psychologists and master level counsellors who cooperate in providing medication management, educational, life skills and problem solving groups, private counselling sessions, and other treatment interventions as required. Since 1987 the clinic has been providing outpatient counselling in Wheaton and has satellite facilities in Northbrook, Geneva and Chicago. The clinic works with clients of all ages, families and couples who want help for different mental health and relational problems. The staff blends Christian principles with good psychological treatment in developing and providing a treatment plan appropriate for each person, couple or family (Medicine Inc. 21). The workforce includes psychologists, doctoral interns/students, neuropsychologists, adult psychiatrists, licensed master level counsellors, child and adolescent psychiatrists, and licensed clinical social workers. The facility provides a broad spectrum of care including medication management and neuropsychological/psychological testing in addition to general counselling services. Individuals, families and couples who are struggling with life issues are highly encouraged to contact the facility because â€Å"that’s the first step to finding aid and healing required to enjoy the fullness of life once again (Medicine, Inc. 29). There is a dedicated and professional intake staff available to talk to clients on phone from Monday-Friday from 9.00 a.m. to 5.00 p.m. to offer short phone assessments and establish whether outpatient counselling or another program is more
Friday, July 26, 2019
Aid is abused by both donors and recipients. Nothing should be counted Essay
Aid is abused by both donors and recipients. Nothing should be counted as Official Development Assistance until it has been proved to reduce poverty. Discuss - Essay Example with these aid in such a manner that the positive impact of the aid in the recipient countries is nullified, the very essence of the institutional structures, policies and corruption in the recipient countries even make worse the situation by aggravating the ineffectiveness of the aid received. This has resulted to disappointing results over that past where actually the aim of development or poverty reduction were only recognized in a few countries that had favourable conditions to work with (Pettersson, 2007). Schabbel (2007:2) in his analysis of foreign and poverty reduction notes that World Bank statistics shows that though the number of poor people in extreme poverty has reduced from 40.4% in 1981 to 21.1% in 2001, most of this reduction was traced from China. Excluding China from the analysis showed that in actuality extreme poverty rose. For instance in sub Saharan Africa, poverty rose from 41.6% in 1981 to 46.4% in 2001. And this has been the trend over the past in such a mann er that it attracted global debate in effectiveness of such aid and necessitated a number of agreements, one in 2005 and the other in 2008 to help in achieving higher effectiveness. Indeed the effectiveness of aid, has been high on political agendas with a several agreements on how to make aid being more effective adopted by various governments both donors and recipients: that is the Accra Agenda for Action of 2008 and the Paris declaration of 2005 which provide commitments and principles for ensuring that ODA provided are effective and efficient in meeting their objectives (OECD Observer, 2007; OECD, 2008:1). The Reality of Aid Report (2010:9) though note that the manner in which these agreements are implemented is too technical to actually transform the manner in which aid is governed to actually make it more effective and relevant to the poor for whom it is aimed. It shows that the agreements have not changed the reality of aid relationships since what is actually practised are
Thursday, July 25, 2019
Economics of International Finance(choosing a country) Essay
Economics of International Finance(choosing a country) - Essay Example The reason for choosing the US is the ready availability of data for this study, the reliability of the data collected. The sample size of the data collected was sufficient and realistic, hence, suitable for testing the hypotheses of this study. The report will be presented in an analytical and descriptive structure containing the summaries and analysis of the economic variables. The report thus gives recommendation of actions because of economic management policies that had projected economic growth of the debts of US to approximately US$ 430 Billion in the subsequent five years (Cohen 2007, p76). The ultimate purpose of the economy is to do cost and benefit analysis of the US, showing a roadmap to cost balancing between the exports and the imports in alignment with the US economic policies. There are four study questions, which this study intends to investigate. Using the economic variables, this study investigates whether there is any effect of consumer product demands on the consumer prices or not. It is hypothesized that there is a positive relationship between the two variables. Secondly, it investigates the trend of the consumer demands and consumer price index from the year 1994 to 2013. The hypothesis is that consumer demand decreases with the increase the rate of unemployment in the US. The third research question is to investigate the relationship that exists between the import and export, the hypothesis is that the more the export, the more the import volumes. The fourth study question is to investigate the relationship that exist between the unemployment level and the GDP, as well as the relationship between unemployment and the rate of economic inflation in the US. The hypothesis is that the level of unemployment negatively affects the percentage of GDP in the US economy. One of the economic reports and national survey of the US economy shows the objectives of the government to
Network Design for non-adjacent Floors Assignment
Network Design for non-adjacent Floors - Assignment Example Each department is in the connection to a central switch on that floor before connecting to the router in the field level. The router is in the context of the external wide area network via a firewall. The firewall will be vital in filtering traffic from outside. The information technology department will host the six servers namely: file server, mail server, print server, web server, DHCP server and the DNS servers. The design has a number of security challenges posed by the non-adjacent floors. Employees will be organized according to the four departments namely: Information technology department, sales, accounting, finance, and human resource department. Different departments will be on virtual local area networks to beef up the security of individual unit’s data. The general design will consider factors such as the scalability of the network to accommodate increasing numbers of staff. Further, security and means of recovering from a disaster in case one occurs are of utmos t concern. The greatest challenges in networking non-adjacent levels include cabling between the two floors. To run a cable from the third floor to the fifth floor will either involve running the cable outside the walls or inside the room. It will, therefore, call upon the management to request the tenant on the fourth floor to allow the running of cables through their floor. However, this comes with many challenges. First, the tenant may decline which means that the management may incur more to run the cables outside and ensure that it is secure. Accepting to run the cables through the floor poses a greater challenge. It leaves a vast security loophole. The concerned person may tap directly into our network thus giving them access to our network. Depending on whom they are, the organization's data is at risk of being exposed to third parties who may end up using it for their reasons.Â
Wednesday, July 24, 2019
The Organizations Culture at Coca Cola Assignment
The Organizations Culture at Coca Cola - Assignment Example They also keep an eye on their employees via management but offer to help out individuals within the culture. In his interview with Juan Johnson, vice president at Coca Cola, Vasquez (2004) discusses the organizational culture as one of success, and one that focuses on employee happiness. Organizational members of Coca-Cola learn the culture through interaction with other members as well as attending various employee training programs. In his interview with Juan Johnson, vice president at Coca Cola, Vasquez (2004) discusses this concept. The members and Coke are constantly interacting with each other and by doing this, they learn what the organizational culture is all about. The training provided by Coke allows them to gain a very great understanding of what the organization wants in general. Since group work and collaboration is always expected, Coke expects that its workers will learn how to work well together and take lessons from management on how to stay motivated. How management motivates their organization can affect the productivity and thus the profitability of an organization. Coke is very focused on strong motivation within the company. Motivation defined is the individual forces that account for the direction, level, and persistence of a personal effort expended at work. (Vasquz, 2004) There are different ways to motivate one’s workforce. The culture at Coke is generally positive, although there are conflicts within the organization. All organizational cultures have conflicts within them. Management must find ways to deal with conflicts quickly and fairly. Not all conflicts are negative. Tension between senior managers and line management during a budget formulation is an example of a beneficial conflict. This conflict can add efficiency in the company. It requires the line management to stretch their limitations in order to achieve results. In order for positive results, meetings must be managed well so that managers can be motivated. Negative conflict must be managed as well. If the conflict involves a workflow process a manager can reduce interdependence.
Tuesday, July 23, 2019
The Virtual Memory Manager Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
The Virtual Memory Manager - Assignment Example The virtual memory is created by the operating systems when the computer does not have enough memory when it comes to executing a program. As mentioned earlier, the hard disk and the Random access Memory are in charge of data storage. On the operating system, the applications which are executed the data is kept in the RAM, this is to ensure that the data is accessed quickly for processing. The RAM can be easily be accessed as compared to the hard disk and CD-ROM. The data in the RAM is only accessible when the computer is running (Andrews, 2007). In case of a power shut down or the computer is shut down, all the data in the RAM are lost, and the operating system is gaining loaded into again into the RAM. The physical memory is a non-volatile memory this means it has the capabilities of storing the data even if the computer is not powered. The hard dismiss made of spherical disks known as platters which store magnetic data. The data are written, and it is later read using the read and write heads. The virtual memory comes into place when the system units lack enough the RAM space to execute an application; the virtual memory is used to transfer data from the to the paging file that frees up space in Random Access Memory. A certain portion of the physical memory is used in the storage of files (Carr, 2008). ... This is because there is a resource sharing of the available memory this increases the efficiency of the machine over time. The application, which shares the virtual memory, does trade the protection of the different address spaces for efficiency of communication. This also reduces the consumption of the physical memory. The virtual memory allows the sharing of the files and the memory by the multiplication process, with several benefits the system libraries can also be shared by mapping into the virtual address space of more than one activity (Andrews, 2008). The activities can also share the virtual memory by mapping the same block of memory for more than an activity; the activity page can be shared during the folk time, which eliminates the need to copy all the pages of the initial activity. The virtual memory architecture deals with various advantages over that system that make the physical memory visible to programs. However, one of the main drawback is the increased number of t he increased number of the physical memory which are vital for each virtual address reference. If the two approaches are combined, the additional memory reads are needed. The operating system divides the physical memory into different partitions, the partitions can be of different sizes. Each partition can be given to a process as a virtual address space. The memory management unit of the central processing contains a relocation registers. Whenever the thread tries to access the memory location, the value of the transfer register is added to the virtual memory address which is referred to as dynamic binding. This process translates the memory address into the physical address
Monday, July 22, 2019
Integrated design Essay Example for Free
Integrated design Essay The mower in production has a problem which can be solved in multiple ways. The problem is not due to the design inefficiency but due to the diversity of target consumers (the consumers range from owners of flats to owners of four bedroom houses). It is about the length of the flex lead. The problem actually has two parts. The committee was of various opinions. A final decision has to be made regarding this. The second part is that depending on the decision the design and technical aspects are decided. The first problem is a managerial problem. The diversity of opinions can be due to various reasons. The reason for this has to be found out and a conclusion has to be drawn from this. The second part is the design. It depends on the solution of the first part of the problem. Various opinions depend on the nature of the basis on which the opinions are based. Opinions drawn on vague guesses of the nature of the target customers will result in difference in opinions. In this case if there is no statistical data about the percentage of the type of customers then the opinions of each can be different from other. Even if there is a firm statistical data there can be different opinions due to difference in view points. Glass which is half full is half empty. The opinions about this change depending on whether one considers it as half full or half empty. The design of the mower as said before depends on the decision about the length of the flex. The technical issues like surge suppression and earth breaking are to be considered depending on the decision of the board. A decision has to be made regarding the length of the flex lead. A committee can be setup to survey the number of houses which are flats, four bed room houses etc. The percentage of each type of houses is then found. This work can be done either by the company itself or it can be outsourced to some agency or company which has some considerable expertise in this. After categorizing the houses into different categories the houses the length of flex lead required for each type of house should be found. It will be good if a few customers are involved in this and their opinion is taken into consideration regarding the length of the flex lead. The customers will know the specific problems regarding these things which can be a great asset to the company in designing the product. At this point we have percentage of each type of house and the length of the flex required for each type of house. The company can take different courses based on this data. The company can identify the type of houses which form the major percentage of total houses and can design the mower accordingly and sell them. It can produce different type of mowers in amounts corresponding to the number of that type of houses. This depends on the capacity of the company whether it can afford to make different type of mowers or it can only make a single type of mower. The above methods can be used or new technology can be used to solve this problem. A mower with variable flex lead can be designed using new technology to prevent surge suppression and earth breaking. A single mower would cater to the need of every type of house. This would be an innovative solution. The company has to decide upon it course of its action depending the constraints of the company.
Sunday, July 21, 2019
Soft System Methodology
Soft System Methodology Andrzej Werner Soft System Methodology can be described as a 7-step process aimed to help provide a solution to real life problematic situation caused by two different perceptions by implementing defensible and sensible models for comparison with the situation in real life in order to assist in making decisions or recommendations as to the solution or response for the problem. Those models are referred to as Conceptual models, those models logically represent what steps needs to be undertaken, in order to achieve desired effect stated in root definitions which are created based on the roles, norms and values taken from the identified problem. In another words conceptual models are models that show what a good standard looks like as to compare it with the real life situation to see what needs to be done to achieve that good quality standard. (Burge 1-14) A Law firm by the name of Crane, Poole and Schmidt is a professional law company with 15 years of experience; their reputation is well known as one of the law firms with unbeatable and compassionate lawyers. In order to keep on top of the competitors, the companys IT department requires upgrading their infrastructure to be more efficient and reliable for research and documents to be exchanged. However the company is limited in the amount of money they can spend on the upgrade and cloud computing alternatives are not cheap. In order to develop accurate conceptual models for comparison of different possible solutions to the situation, first the problem has to be identified by recognizing the roles, norms and values for the people involved within the problem. In case of Crane, Poole and Schmidt the IT department wants to upgrade their infrastructure in order to benefit from the could-computing increasing the company efficiency, productivity and income. As Crane, Poole and Schmidt would be the first company to adopt could-computing technologies, that would give them a significant advantage and more modern approach over competitor companies. The first step is to identify the roles; those roles are social positions being involved within the problem. Those roles are categorized by expected norms or behaviors in it, which is judged by the local values or standards that the person within the position of the role needs to achieve and accomplish. (Checkland 13-328) Role Board of directors CEO The role of the Board of directors CEO is to manage the firm as well as conclude board meetings in case of larger scale decisions such as upgrade of the IT infrastructure within the Company. They are also responsible for any major contractors and partner companies, as well as conducting and applying new strategies to be ahead of the competitors in their profession. This board is also responsible for granting permissions to any larger scale projects within the company, as well as allowing the required/allocated budget and resources. Norms The standard norms that Board of directors with the CEO should perform include: To carefully analyze the need for a change or the upgrade or the company Monitor financial aspects and act accordingly to the companys best interest Make informed decisions within the best interest of the company Values The values which the role should perform are for the greater good of company so the Board of directors with the CEO will be judged based on the local standards or values: Allocate appropriate budget for the projects Make correct decisions for approval and disapproval, when it comes to projects within the company, strategies used to stay on top of the competitors and/or choice of partners with the firm Role System Analyst The system analyst is responsible for analyzing the current system and its implications, and what could be done to improve it. System analyst will analyze the current system, then design and implement new IT infrastructure. This role is very vital for the upgrade of the IT infrastructure because system analyst will design and implement upgraded IT infrastructure, including both software and hardware requirements. Norms A system analyst has certain norms that his role requires to perform, these norms include: Study the current infrastructure to identify its strong and weak points Design a new infrastructure with necessary hardware and software requirements Implement and test new infrastructure and report back to the IT Department Administrator Values As for the values which the role is expected to achieve, are as follows: Managing the upgrade within the deadline Managing the upgrade within a given budget Reviewing the progress of the implementation Determine possible options for the upgrade, including hardware and software requirements. Communication with the IT department and third-party online cloud based solutions. Role IT Department Administrator The administrator of the IT department (henceforth admin) is a crucial role to a company; because the administration department is responsible for smooth flow of information between different departments within the company. The role of administrator of any department comes with specific responsibilities which need to be fulfilled. In this case: managing the IT department, any projects that incorporate the IT department, manage the performance of department and its impact on the company, as well as managing the approved budget for the department and IT infrastructure of the company. (Mishra) Norms With the role of an admin of a department there are specific norms that the role should exhibit, these involve: To be able to improve employees capability to manage and organize the workplace in professional and effective manner Advance a suitable assets management approach Advance a suitable workplace management approach Capable of creating administrative procedures Capable of planning and controlling given budget for the department Values A role of administrator also requires specific values to be achieved by occupant of that role. As for the occupant of the role these values are what the occupant is judged on. The occupant needs to be able to manage and plan budget well for the department Admin also is required to manage the department to ensure professional and efficient working standard Admin is also required to ensure the IT infrastructure of the firm is working without any complications Role Financial Manager The role of a financial manager is to be responsible for financial condition of the company; their job involves data analysis and advising senior managers on different strategies for maximizing the company profit. The financial manager will be responsible for calculating the budget for the upgrade of the IT infrastructure; they will calculate costs for upgrade of the infrastructure but also the estimated savings achieved by this upgrade. (Derweesh, Schnitzer and Stettin) Norms The standards that the financial manager must achieve in his performance are as follows: Organize business motion reports and financial statements Ensure legal requirements are achieved by observing over the financial details Assist the management in financial judgments Analyze company financial records and position and seek a new strategies for cost reduction Perform analysis of the market to spot potential possibilities for increase of the company and obtaining new companies Values A role of financial manager is not easy and often requires working in-collaboration with executives group, CEOs and administrative boards. This role is assessed by certain values which include: Financial condition of the firm Net income of the company Costs and Cost reduction strategies Making sure that all of the legal requirements are met for any transaction performed by the company. Role End-user The end-user group is a role in which the employees of the firm, is a role that is important where each employee is doing their designated tasks in order to improve the growth, efficiency and functionality of the firm. Those employees are using the companys IT infrastructure on daily basis changing it will also have a specific impact on those end-users. Norms Norms that belong to end-user role are: Performing their part in the company and professionally and efficiently deal with the tasks assigned Be responsible for customer data safety and integrity Use the company IT services for work on daily basis Values The values which this role should exhibit are: Perform the job/task professionally, ethically, lawfully and efficiently Work with customers and their data Always represent company in a good name Do not use companys IT services for reasons not associated with work Role Third-Party Companies Another role involved with this upgrade is third-party cloud companies, which will be used in the upgrade of the infrastructure. Those companies occupy a role where they are responsible for providing cloud-based service to the company and all of its employees, as well as ensuring the safety of the firm and customer data. Norms The norms that this role should exhibit are as follows: 99.9% uptime of the servers and the service Good data security Good customer support Variable price range and different package options Good back-up and disaster recovery planning Values This role also has its values which need to be achieved in order to be recognized as a professional company and service in the industry. Those values are what the companies providing the service are judged on, these include: Uptime of the servers providing the service Amount of security breaches the company has had Techniques for security of the data Price being comparable to the competitors Quality of the customer support Quality of the service Rich Picture The root definitions are used to logically figure out what steps the company will need to undertake, to achieve the desired outcome of the definition. The root definition comes from CATWOE analysis which consists of six stages, including; client, actors, transformation, world view, owner and environment. (Simonsen 1-18), (Williams 1-20) C Client As the receiving party, client in this scenario are the end-users of the system (employees using the current IT infrastructure), the main issue that the client has is that they are comfortable with the current IT infrastructure and they do not want any changes, additionally the end-users are not happy that they have to go through additional training to get used to new system while dealing with the customers. Even though the clients like the idea of a cloud based infrastructure, they are afraid about their ability to perform their tasks on a new system, thinking that the company will increase its profits while the employees will have to work with new and unfamiliar infrastructure. A Actors The actors are the roles which will perform the Transformation (T), people involved in the upgrade of the IT infrastructure are the board of directors and CEOs, IT department admin, financial manager and system analyst. The impact which they will experience is additional work for most of the sides, as well as additional costs to higher system analyst and the budget for the upgrade. The final decision is going to be made by the board of directors and CEOs whether the upgrade is possible/ required or neither. The actors which work in the company may not be happy about additional costs and work, however they know the reason for this upgrade is to constantly stand out above the competitors, at the same time they see benefits for the work flow within the company. T- Transformation The process of transformation in this case is the process of taking inputs which are the opinions of the employees as to see what they think about the cloud based infrastructure and transforming that into the system requirements for the end-users. As well as taking current IT system hardware and software resources and transforming them into an extra budget for the upgrade, what resources are needed and which can be sold that decision will be made by the IT department administrator. The overall budget will be allocated by the board of directors and CEOs influenced by the opinion from the financial manager. In order for the transformation to be successful certain steps need to be undertaken. First step would be for the CEOs to decide whether the upgrade is required or not, after which they would consult with the financial manager which could calculate estimated budget available for the upgrade. The approval for the upgrade along with the budget would be given to the admin of the IT department which then will be required to employ system analyst who will handle the upgrade within the estimated budget, and they will be responsible for finding system requirements by obtaining opinion from the end-users. System analyst will also be required to deal with 3rd party cloud service providers. (Simonsen 1-18) The output from this transformation will be increased working efficiency as the end-users will be able to perform some of the tasks in the comfort of their own home; additionally the reduction in hardware will increase company income as well as reduction in the personnel due to surplus to requirements will increase the company savings. The admin of the IT department will then develop a training program for the end-users. W World View The upgrade of the IT infrastructure is necessary for the company to stand out above the competitor in the industry, overall increasing the company productivity and profits. In a greater scheme of things, law firms are very strict about their working ethics and are not keen for any big changes as this could have an impact not only on the working efficiency of the employees but also on the customers which put trust into the company. As technology progresses increasing the benefits for many businesses, law firms also need to adapt to stay within the market and be viable to the target audience. In the bigger picture companies with a fast and reliable IT system can process and handle more customers at once increasing the profit, however as law firms are recognized as very respectful companies any mistakes made can have a dramatic impact on the customer basis and their trust. The wider impact of the solution is to not only increase company profit by upgrading to cloud but also to reduce hardware resources in effect becoming more eco-friendly, allowing the employees to work from home by connecting to cloud services as a result increasing the area of work to work with more customers, aside from cost and staff reduction the company will be noticeable as more modern with the same professional and ethical approach which will increase its popularity with the industry. O Owner The owner which is responsible for the upgrade and the IT system is the admin of the IT department, however the main owner are the CEOs of the firm, ultimately every bigger decision goes through them and they decide what to do as they give out the permission for the process and the budget. The owner is limited in the amount of assistance they can provide due to dealing with other projects, contracts and competitors, they can provide the permission for the upgrade and the budget but the rest of decision making and responsibility lies with the admin of the IT department. If the main owner would be constantly changing their mind on the allocated budget or the admin of the IT department would not be able to implement and manage the new system that could get in the way. However with a good level of communication with the CEOs is kept and all the benefits along with the design of the new system would be presented to them, that could potentially lead the owner to help out even more by for example making the budget more flexible. E Environment When it comes to changes within the system and how to company operates there are environmental constraints that need to be fellfield, these can range from simple in company rules/ guidelines to legislations and regulations necessary for the company lawful functionality. There are current laws and regulations which the company has to follow such as Data Protection Act 1998, Legal Services Act 2007, the Health and Safety Act 1974 and Companies Act 2006. All of those regulations and legislations are in place as the firm is responsible for protecting and promoting the public interest. Aside from the laws and regulations already in place, in order to perform transformation processes there are environmental aspects to take into consideration when picking partners which will provide the service. As the law firms deals with not only the company data but also customer data, when performing the upgrade the service provides should ensure the full Safe Harbour agreement if any or all information would be stored outside the EEA. The service provider also should ensure that the communication between the employees that are working on the move is secured, as well as the provider should ensure 24h access to the service. Additionally the service should have compliance with ISO 20071 and must include requirements of the SRA Code of Conduct. Root definition One A system administered by the admin of the IT department owned by CEOs Crane, Poole and Schmidt, requires upgrade due to the system being slow and not secure. Upgrading to cloud based alternatives would sort out the matter of security as well as storage. By upgrading to cloud computing as a result there will be a reduction of human resources in the office allowing the end-users to travel to client locations increasing in company productivity, reputation and services. Because of the transformation certain new legislations and policy comes into place, not only keeping the use of service for professional and ethical reasons, ensuring data integrity by following Data Protection Act 1998 and ensure that no end-user will breach regulations such as Computer Misuse Act 1990. By moving into the cloud computing some new challenges could be created where some of the customer basis could have a doubt about their private data being stored somewhere in an unknown location. Using the service providers that are based only within the EEA is a must as it ensures data protection laws additionally the service provider should ideally also follow SRA Code of Conduct. However another way to ease those in doubt would be to implement a hybrid system where some of the data is stored locally and some of the data is stored on secure servers in the cloud. Also the use of encryption software to automatically encrypt company documents and customer data would put additional level of security in place. (Burge 1-14) C Client As a client in this case customers are the main recipients of the benefit from the upgrade of the infrastructure as they will be able appointments done not only in the office but also over the internet and in the comfort of their own home. The employees will be able to carry their data and files with them to the customer location and present all the information there by accessing the company data, stored on a secure server in the cloud. A Actors As for the people performing the transformation, actors include the main directors and CEOs which will be able to approve and provide the budget for the upgrade, financial manager will assist CEOs in budget allocation and admin of the IT department with budget management. The admin will be responsible for management of the upgrade and training for the end-users, he will also employ a system analyst for advice and guidance during the upgrade. T Transformation Transformation is focused on reduction of the redundant resources and implementing a cloud-based infrastructure which will be used by end-users to do the honors for the customers, increasing the employee productivity, company income and customer satisfaction. The entities responsible for the upgrade are the admin of the IT department with the assistance of system analyst and financial manager. Another important factor of the transformation is the review of the performance and income to be able to take improvement action to constantly improve. W World View A good and well respected company in the industry always has to take into consideration their impact and opinion on society, target audience, customers and other parties. Cloud computing is a new technology that grows rapidly, enabling companies to be more flexible in their line of work and benefiting customers by delivering the service to them, additionally reduction in hardware resources will also make the company more eco-friendly. O Owner The real owner of this project is the board of directors CEOs as they make the main and final decisions for the well health being of the company, they are also the entity that has the complete control over the budget designated for the upgrade. By providing sufficient budget and approval for the upgrade the owner assists the actors and improves company reputation, income and efficiency. E Environment As for the environment variable which affect the impacts the upgrade and the company are law legislations, guidelines and regulations which the company has to ensure in order to develop and maintain professional trust with the customers and partners. These legislations would include Data Protection Act 1998, Health and Safety Act 1974 and Legal Services Act 2007. Additionally the company should ensure that the service providers will follow appropriate laws and regulations, such as SRA Code of Conduct (Solicitors Regulation Authority) and ISO 2007/1 guidelines. Root definition Two A system owned by the law firm Crane, Poole and Schmidt, which is under the supervision of the administrator of the IT department serves the end-users which deal with customers on daily basis increasing the company reputation and income. The upgrade of the system is necessary to increase the company productivity and efficiency, by expanding to cloud computing the firm and its employees can work from anywhere at any given time increases the customer base and enhancing the companys productivity and efficiency. As dealing with customer data is crucial for the company functionality, data integrity has to be kept and all of the legislations and regulations to do with the business and customer relations and data have to be followed. (Williams 1-20), (Burge 1-14) (Williams 1-20), (Checkland 13-328) Burge, Stuart. An Overview Of The Soft Systems Methodology. 1st ed. Burge Hughes Walsh, 2015. Web. 3 Mar. 2017. Checkland, Peter. Systems Thinking, Systems Practice. 1st ed. Chichester: Wiley, 2002. Print. Derweesh, Zayd, Tom Schnitzer, and Jessie Stettin. The Role Of Financial Managers. Boundless. N.p., 2016. Web. 9 Mar. 2017. Mishra, Pankaj. Effective Role Of Administration In An Organization. N.p., 2014. Web. 7 Mar. 2017. Simonsen, Jesper. Soft Systems Methodology. 1st ed. semanticscholar, 1994. Web. 9 Mar. 2017. Williams, Bob. Rich Pictures And CATWOE: Simple Yet Powerful Scope-Modelling Techniques. 1st ed. bobwilliams, 2005. Web. 18 Feb. 2017.
Character Analysis Of Hamlet
Character Analysis Of Hamlet Hamlet is very brave in that he does not fear a challenge. Hamlet at times can prove to be very cautious, at times he thinks when he should act, however when you are king there can be advisors for such matters. Beware Of entrance to a quarrel; but being in, Beart that the opposed may beware of thee. Give every man thy ear, but few thy voice; Take each mans censure, but reserve thy judgment. Costly thy habit as thy purse can buy, But not expressd in fancy; rich, not gaudy; For the apparel oft proclaims the man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 Scene 3) Many times in history leaders should have thought, when instead they acted on impulse, for example Odysseus, from The Odyssey when he and his men escaped the island of the Cyclops instead of tucking his tail and being happy with his slight victory after taking numerous loses, he instead taunted the Cyclops and brought harm near his crew and to himself. For Odysseus did not know that the father of this monster was the water god Poseid on. Odysseus like all heroes, his main downfall was hubris, and because Hamlet thinks so before he acts he avoids mistakes like this adding to his attributes as a good leader. He can also be as brave as Hercules, for instance when he travels to see the Ghost of his father for the first time, he could have sunk back and ran from the very sight of it, but instead he ran after it and confronted the Ghost and demanded answers. He did not fear what he could not understand as his companions that accompanied him did, instead he was assertive and got to the bottom of the matter. Another account when Hamlet showed quick thinking and bravery was when he intercepted a letter from his Uncle Claudius to the King of England ordering the death of Hamlet on his arrival to England, instead of running and hiding Hamlet used his wits and changed the letter from his head to be had to that of his deliverers. Then in a challenge of swords by Laretes, known to be one of the very best swordsman in his land , Hamlet does not back down. Hamlet takes the challenge head on proving his worth in battle. The fact that Hamlet is his fathers son is very important, he was there behind his father always watching and observing how a king did and should behave, he saw his fathers bravery and his mistakes and Hamlet could use all these experiences to make himself a better king even better than his father. He is of a bloodline of kings, a tradition that is to be kept and Hamlet would have been next in line. The job of taking the throne was in his blood when he assumed the responsibility, ready or not he would have known what to do. There is nothing either good or bad, but thinking makes it so. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 2 scene 2) Hamlet portrayed loyalty to his country his father and his mother. He even showed love and loyalty to his mother after he found out the role she took part in aiding Claudius to take the life of her first husband, the king and take the throne and her bed. She knowingly lay in bed with the man that killed her husband the king and Hamlet still loved and forgave her. He became angry with her at times but his loyalty was not shaken. He showed an immense amount of loyalty to one person unwaveringly throughout the play, Horatio. Horatio was Hamlets confidant and best friend throughout much of the play Horatio was the only person that Hamlet could truly trust. Horatio was the only man that did not play pawn to the king in an attempt to change and alter the feelings of Hamlet in the matters of his fathers death and his new uncle-father-in-law. Hamlets ultimate allegiance lied with his father, his father asked Hamlet to avenge his death by any means necessary and if it meant to slander his nam e or the name of his family so be, it or if it ultimately meant death then he shied away from that neither. Neither a borrower nor a lender be; For loan oft loses both itself and friend, And borrowing dulls the edge of husbandry. This above all: to thine own self be true, And it must follow, as the night the day, Thou canst not then be false to any man. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 1 scene 1) Hamlet attended the University of Wittenberg and he was not there just as a noble trophy he learned and he was a highly educated man. Throughout much of the play Hamlet is drunk with anger, vengeance and sorrow, and these emotions clouded his mind and altered his actions. While Hamlet was not himself at times and he would say things that many thought off the wall or out of the ordinary, his next words could make complete sense and be beautifully stated. Hamlet showed his intelligence by expressing his thoughts and feelings on complex ideas such as; life and death, humanity, human nature, and light and dark. To be, or not to be: that is the question: Whether tis nobler in the mind to suffer. The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, And by opposing end them? To die: to sleep: No more; and by a sleep to say we end The heartache and the thousand natural shocks That flesh is heir to,t is a consummation Devoutly to be wishd. To die, to sleep; To sleep: perchance to dream: ay, theres the rub: For in that sleep of death what dreams may come, When we have shuffled off this mortal coil, Must give us pause: theres the respect That makes calamity of so long life; For who would bear the whips and scorns of time, The oppressors wrong, the proud mans contumely, The pangs of despised love, the laws delay, The insolence of office and the spurns That patient merit of the unworthy takes, When he himself might his quietus make With a bare bodkin? who would fardels bear, To grunt and sweat under a weary life, But that the dread of something after death, The undiscoverd country from whose bourn No travel er returns, puzzles the will And makes us rather bear those ills we have Than fly to others that we know not of? Thus conscience does make cowards of us all; And thus the native hue of resolution Is sicklied oer with the pale cast of thought, And enterprises of great pith and moment With this regard their currents turn awry, And lose the name of action. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Act 3 scene 1) Hamlet loves his country and in return his country loves him, he would without a doubt have the faith and respect of his country. Respect, a very important aspect to a relationship, every relationship that is to work must have respect. The love shown to him by his country may very well have kept Hamlet alive throughout much of the play. In the play before his fathers death everyone in Denmark wanted to be with or more like Hamlet, he was a national icon. After the death of Hamlets father the nation wept for him and showed him pity, for they loved their prince. In the prince was the faith of the people. Claudius became the king through the act of treason, killed his brother and committed other crimes like incest that would question his ability to serve as a good king. That does not mean he is incapable of serving as a true leader but there is evidence that he may be prone to corruption. Claudius had the desire to be king and he had some of the basic traits of a good leader but that was not enough to get him through. Claudius like Macbeth suffers from similar evils, they kill the king to become king and the only thing that becomes of their advancement is lies, murder and destruction. They are not able to even enjoy their spoils because the unsolved murder looms over their heads and rains down upon them a shower of lies and blood that haunt their dreams. Shakespeare follows a trend in his plays there is a pot stirrer in each of the plays in Macbeth it was Macduff, always from the start questioning Macbeths loyalty and kingship, and then in Hamlet it was the Prince Hamlet that would no t let the issue of the murder of his father leave the forefront of Claudius mind leaving him forever unsettled. When sorrows come, they come not single spies, but in battalions. (William Shakespeare, Hamlet, Claudius, Scene V) In comparison to Hamlet, Odysseus is clearly a hero, especially when he faces moral dilemmas and chooses not to fall prey to his temptations. He makes decisions that would characterize him as a hero when he chooses hardship and death with his family. My lady goddess, here is no cause for anger. My quiet Penelope-how well I know- Would seem a shade before your majesty, Death and old age being unknown to you, While she must die. Yet, it is true, each day I long for home, long for the sight of home. If any god has marked me out again For shipwreck, my tough heart can undergo it. What hardship have I not long since endured At sea, in battle! Let the trial come. The question that presents itself is, is Odysseus a good leader or a good king in Odysseus case they work separately. Odysseus is a ruler of his lands but he is never there to rule his lands or his people. He instead embarked on quests to gain glory and honor, these were self-fulfilling ambitions. A kings stead is in his people, a king must be self-less and but his peoples best interest before his own if he wished to be a good king. He was not out fighting for his people, his land or his family but he was seeking glory, a goal that solely benefitted him. Odysseus was not present, not meaning that he did not care, or at times he wanted to return more than anything but it was simple, he was not present to rule, not making him an ideal king. As Odysseuss rule as a leader of his crew of men, he had their utmost respect and they trusted him and served him above all to the death. Odysseus put his men before himself in certain situations but at other times he used his men as mere pawns to reach his goal. For instance when Odysseus returned home and found the suitors battling for his wifes heart, instead of taking action and taking back his home and family he played with them and toyed with them as if he played a game chess. Macbeth above all else showed a burning desire to be king, so strong was his desire that he would kill for it. If chance will have me king, why, chance may crown me. (Macbeth, Act I, Scene 3) Aside from this Macbeth was a liar a murderer and a dark cloud of his actions followed him wherever he went. Macbeth was lost to a spiral out of control of his actions, lies compounded more lies and to cover his tracks he had to kill and to cover that up he had to lie and kill another until the process needed to be repeated, never ending.
Saturday, July 20, 2019
Mitzi Myers Criticism of Wollstonecrafts Maria Essay -- Literary Cri
Mitzi Myers' Criticism of Wollstonecraft's Maria In her article about Mary Wollstonecraft Mitzi Myers examines Maria in contrast to her other works, especially Mary and Vindication of the Rights of Woman, in an effort to better understand the author and her purpose in writing. She refers to arguments posed by several critics in order to build her conclusions. She also seeks the insights provided by William Godwin's notes about Wollstonecraft. Myers calls her an "individualist and innovator in her fiction and aesthetic theory as well as in her polemical tracts," and admits that "Wollstonecraft confronts, though she does not solve, the problem of integrating a rational feminist program with one woman's subjective feminine vision (107). Mitzi Myers acknowledges that it was William Godwin's respect for Mary Wollstonecraft's work and his belief that her work of fiction might " 'have given a new impulse to the manners of a world' had the sketch equaled the conception" (107). Myers believes that Wollstonecraft kept her pledge to "finish the continuation [of The Rights of Women as] promised in the Advertisement" (107). Taken from Memoirs of Mary Wollstonecraft: ed. W. Clark Durant ( l 927), p.111, Myers cites "William's account of Wollstonecraft's protracted labors (more than twelve months for Maria versus six weeks for the Rights of Woman) . . ." Godwin relates, " . . . When she had finished what she intended for the first part [of Maria], she felt herself more urgently stimulated to revise and improve . . . than to proceed" (107). Just as "anti-Jacobin critics promptly attacked the novel as an apologia for a philosopher's wanton conduct" (l07), Myers feels that many modern biographers treat her attempt at a novel similarly, a... ...oes seem a fair assumption based on what seem to be her goals. Suggesting that we are left with a "mingling despair and hope, Wollstonecraft's hints for the ending comprise an oddly apposite do-it-yourself kit for the reader" (113). Myers seems to be suggesting that the story is stronger without an ending; from Wollstonecraft's vantage, allowing the reader the option of completing the story, provides her the advantage of making her statement while avoiding public criticism regarding the lesson, or even failure of achieving the optimum conclusion. For the modern reader, the unfinished story provides a glimpse of the society which produced Wollstonecraft and her 'feminist' ideas, but it also makes for interesting writing assignments and/or discussions. Works Cited Myers, Mitzi. "Unfinished Business: Wollstonecraft's Maria." The Wordsworth Circle 11 (1980) 107-14.
Friday, July 19, 2019
Charles Dickens Great Expectations Essays -- Charles Dickens Great Ex
Charles Dickens' Great Expectations â€Å"Great Expectations†is set in early Victorian England and was written by Charles Dickens in 1860. It is written as a first-person narrative with Pip as an older man telling his life’s story. I will be looking at how his extremely strict upbringing affected how he behaved in later life. The title â€Å"Great Expectations†shows an indication of the change in Pips fortunes throughout the story; from a poor family living in the country with a trade of being a blacksmith, to living a luxurious life as a Gentleman in London. The period of the novel was a time of change as England was expanding worldwide and becoming a wealthy world power. The economy was changing from mainly agricultural to industrial. It was a time when there was a very wide gap between the rich and the poor as the rich enjoyed great privileges and the poor led a life near to slavery. The novel provides an insight into both country life and city life where the only advantages that the poor have in the countryside is a clean environment. The book begins with Pip meeting a runaway convict in the graveyard where his mother, father and younger brothers are buried on the marshes. The convict threatens Pip and terrifies him in order to get help from him. At first he says, â€Å"Keep still, you little devil, or I’ll cut your throat!†and this frightens Pip as he describes him as â€Å"fearful†. Pip then pleads with the convict and says â€Å"Oh! Don’t cut my throat, sir.†â€Å"Pray don’t do it, sir.†which conveys to the reader that Pip is very afraid of him. The convict treats Pip in this violent manner because in the Victorian era prisoners were kept in rotten hulks in Nepoleonic wars and treated worse than animals. This explains... ... Miss Havisham has a strong impact on Pip’s adult life too because she leads him to believe that she is the one who is providing him with an income for his new life in London. Her attitude towards Pip is based on her hatred of men as a result of being jilted on her wedding day. Pip even calls her â€Å"the fairy godmother who has changed me†as he assumes that all his good fortune is as a result of Miss Havisham’s generosity. It is only when it is too late however, that Miss Havisham realises what she has done to Pip and how cruel she has been to him. She regrets taking out her anger of men towards Pip and using Estella to break his heart. In conclusion, there are many characters within the novel who have an impact on Pip’s journey to adulthood and the story illustrates how both good and bad influences and experiences affected the person that Pip became. Charles Dickens' Great Expectations Essays -- Charles Dickens Great Ex Charles Dickens' Great Expectations â€Å"Great Expectations†is set in early Victorian England and was written by Charles Dickens in 1860. It is written as a first-person narrative with Pip as an older man telling his life’s story. I will be looking at how his extremely strict upbringing affected how he behaved in later life. The title â€Å"Great Expectations†shows an indication of the change in Pips fortunes throughout the story; from a poor family living in the country with a trade of being a blacksmith, to living a luxurious life as a Gentleman in London. The period of the novel was a time of change as England was expanding worldwide and becoming a wealthy world power. The economy was changing from mainly agricultural to industrial. It was a time when there was a very wide gap between the rich and the poor as the rich enjoyed great privileges and the poor led a life near to slavery. The novel provides an insight into both country life and city life where the only advantages that the poor have in the countryside is a clean environment. The book begins with Pip meeting a runaway convict in the graveyard where his mother, father and younger brothers are buried on the marshes. The convict threatens Pip and terrifies him in order to get help from him. At first he says, â€Å"Keep still, you little devil, or I’ll cut your throat!†and this frightens Pip as he describes him as â€Å"fearful†. Pip then pleads with the convict and says â€Å"Oh! Don’t cut my throat, sir.†â€Å"Pray don’t do it, sir.†which conveys to the reader that Pip is very afraid of him. The convict treats Pip in this violent manner because in the Victorian era prisoners were kept in rotten hulks in Nepoleonic wars and treated worse than animals. This explains... ... Miss Havisham has a strong impact on Pip’s adult life too because she leads him to believe that she is the one who is providing him with an income for his new life in London. Her attitude towards Pip is based on her hatred of men as a result of being jilted on her wedding day. Pip even calls her â€Å"the fairy godmother who has changed me†as he assumes that all his good fortune is as a result of Miss Havisham’s generosity. It is only when it is too late however, that Miss Havisham realises what she has done to Pip and how cruel she has been to him. She regrets taking out her anger of men towards Pip and using Estella to break his heart. In conclusion, there are many characters within the novel who have an impact on Pip’s journey to adulthood and the story illustrates how both good and bad influences and experiences affected the person that Pip became.
Thursday, July 18, 2019
Apple: the Leader in Computer and Mobile Technologies Essay
Apple had been a very successful company since its foundation in 1976. It has been a leader in the computer and mobile technologies field since its first release of the Apple- I to the most recent revolutionary product, the iPad. Through its core competencies innovative design, advanced technology, ease of use, and premium pricing strategy; the company has always positioned itself as a quality leader. Despite their disadvantage in pricing, Apple has seen consistent success throughout its history, specifically since the release of its new mobile devices, as is evidenced by the 15-fold increase of its share price since 2003. Since its early years, Apple has had a drive for innovation and excellence, striving to release new hit products every six to twelve months. This strategy has been greatly successful for the company, as their new products are redefining the industry every year. These products can continue to be refined and perfected to appeal exactly to the company’s target market. However, Apple can still improve its positioning by targeting solely towards the home consumer and by staying ahead of its competitors in its product innovation. With the release of the iPod in 2001 and the subsequent introduction of the iTunes Music Store in 2003, Apple had created a dominant position for themselves in the sale of mp3s and mp3 players. The iPod, like all of Apple’s products, had a significantly higher price than the mp3 players of its largest competitors. However, the iPod’s sleek design, simple user interface, large memory, and most importantly, unique compatibility with iTunes, the world’s largest music library, all but guaranteed its success in the consumer marketplace. Profits from music sales remained low due to a high cost structure. Though as song sales numbers boomed with low profits, iPod sales rose alongside. Sales through the iTunes Store provided a loss leader for the much more profitable iPods. Though new products have become available in recent years, the iPod remains an extremely effective business segment as Apple made over $12 billion in 2009 on the iPod and other music products. [†¦] Another Apple innovation would come in 2007 with the release of the iPhone. The company spent years of research in secrecy â€Å"recreating the phone†and took the difficult to enter industry by storm. The iPhone was similar to many other modern smartphones with the exception of its 3.5 inch touchscreen technology. The iPhone appealed to the home consumer due to its intuitivism, matching Apple’s core competencies to the home consumer’s perceived value. AT&T, the sole provider of the iPhone to consumers, would not issue a subsidy on the phone which ran at an average of about $200 more than competitors’ versions of the smartphone. [†¦] [†¦] With more competitors poised to jump into the computer tablet industry, Apple needs to take a stand to differentiate their product from the competitors. I suggest that Apple does this by combining the three of their products into one, well-rounded, all-inclusive, entertainment hub that captures your original vision. The new premium iPad would offer phone capabilities with the assistance of a new hands free headset designed to be similar to the Bluetooth. This new wireless headset would allow the user to remotely control the phone and music aspects of their premium iPad. [†¦] [†¦] The ability for a consumer to walk into one of the many Apple Store locations and download and stream a movie of their choice on a same Apple TV would nearly sell the product itself, as has been the case for all of the products Apple features in its retail locations. However, these costs would be miniscule to the revenues Apple could earn from following this unstoppable trend while it is still budding. Using Porter’s 5-Forces, it is clear to see that this industry is ready to be attacked by Apple. [†¦] [†¦] Conclusions and recommendations After analyzing the company and looking at its strengths, weaknesses, core competencies and strategic positioning, I feel I have been able to identify some problems as well as some opportunities for Apple Inc. in the short and long term. My recommended action plan focuses on improving the already thriving markets of the iPhone and iPad, as well as maintaining their market share and differentiating them against the competition. Also, I have suggested that Apple Inc. should revisit a project they have experimented with in the past and try to capitalize on the next unstoppable trend in today’s society. [†¦]
Renaissance And Enlightenment
Blair and Games wanted to elicit the appreciation for British lit whileture, and Campbell wanted to eat the appropriate insights of English philosophy (peg 170). Yet, Britain, during this duration was growing as an empire in the world, and wanted to be recognized for its voice communication ND institutions they make, to be equal to tot solelyy of Europe. George Campbell interest in the scientific muster out of grandiosity of a humilitary personnels header, is restricting to Plats speculations about psyche in which individu onlyy part results out its protest elaborateness (peg. 184). Whitely dictum that ornateness would be the touch of arguments.He felt that ornateness would dominate in arguments that involved concerns and skills (174). Belletristic Movements, however, were interested in the words of elaborateness, much deal tabun and Longings. The eighteenth century sees rhetoric at the head of educational concerns. Going with chapter 8 of the textbook, it appe ars that rhetoric unfeignedly never died out. It Just evolved into the next phase that it was require in. Yet, we see stock-still, that rhetoric is still sewervas Just as the pack in Greece utilise it. It has become apparent that no matter how rhetoric changes, hatful still use rhetoric as it was intended.These people are Just merely stressful to find charges to enhance its abilities so it deal be employ end-to-end the country, and be shared with others. Warwick argues that rhetoric shifts from producing worldly concern discourse, to enhancing its consumption (peg. 184). Rhetoric, during the judgment of conviction of the renaissance, was utilize as a subject of study (peg 160). During this fulfilment, rhetoric was how people were educated. in that location was a drive expression spotn as the Italian Humanism, that helped with rhetorics mold amidst 1300 and 1750 (peg 50). Rhetoric was given assistance by serious figure like, patriarch and Villa.Due to their at tention to this subject it grew the status of rhetoric immensely, because of their status in society. These people employ rhetoric as a port to argue against philosophical thought process. Going second to Humanism it mixed principles from Christianity. It led to a expect for rising education. They ended up exploitation rhetoric as a way to question the status quo (153). Patriarch, was whizz of m all figures during the renaissance, who use rhetoric to amend culture. Rhetoric raised to a get of high importance by humanists because of what rhetoric was cap qualified of doing.It gave the potential to give parvenu insight and it was able to preserve time to come values (160). Due to Cicer superstars findings, Patriarch was medium-large in lib agel arts, and the life of policy-making involvement. Rhetoric was able to help coordinate an effective g e genuinelyplacenment during the renaissance. The renaissance, was probably the approximately important time for rhetoric. It wa s at its pecker and apply by public figures e rattlingwhere. in that respect was never a greater time for rhetoric because it was used in importance, such(prenominal) as education, probably the around important subject of all.Also, as the book states, rhetoric was used in more semi governmental terms like Cicero rendered to do. give thanks to the renaissance, rhetoric lived on and was taught throughout the years. at that place were four main ideas during these cardinal eons that accede with each other. The first two would be the education that went on during the renaissance era, and judgment era. These two subjects were huge for these eras. Along with, the differences between Whiteys overtake on rhetoric and George Campbell view on rhetoric.Their different view on what rhetoric is, their ideas, pretty much made their separate eras. Whitley gestate that rhetoric was really an art. Whitely alike connects rhetoric with logic by defining combative composition as an offs hoot of logic (World Press). Whitley also, believed that rhetoric could be used for evil purposes Just like Cicero did. This connects endure to Augustine argument that rhetoric is to be sustained thin the church so it may non be able to be used with evil intentions. There is no amount of success that any student leave behind incur when analyse rhetoric.In Wattles own words, watching more doesnt drill you to think well tho that thinking well will help you to learn more (World Press). Whitley viewed that in order to know the educational side of rhetoric it has to be comprised exercises that are relevant to students studies, current events, and ain lives. Whitely argues that the systems help to improve congenital abilities but they cannot supersede natural ability. Once a student has learned the system, he can manipulate it, but this again does not mean that his ability has improved (World Press). I believe in what Whitley believes in. I can see how rhetoric could be used for evil, if it was more or lessthing that was so powerful among society back in his time. I also believe in his teachings, or at to the lowest degree the way rhetoric should be taught. It is in my understanding since taking this course, that rhetoric is a difficult subject to understand. The way that Whitley views rhetoric, it is not something that can be taught through a book. For some unity to understand rhetoric they have to be taught wrought real life. through and through trial and error, with examples or situations on using it properly.Campbell, on the other hand, believed reasoning is a natural part of rhetoric. Rhetoric begins with the search for truth and then proceeds to persuasion, the attempt to go the will to ethical action. See, what Campbell saw rhetoric as, was the scientific side of it. He did not believe it could be used for evil like Whitley believed. According to our book, George Campbell was one and only(a) of the most important rhetorical theorists of the 18th century (peg. 179). Campbell was open to new ideas, ND intended to develop a new rhetoric that incorporated insights of the sagacity period (peg. 79). He thought that he was pose a instituteation of classical rhetoric, and hoped to one day be able to move historical those traditions and create something his own. Campbell advanced beyond traditional scientific rhetoric, but intelligence meant something different for him. The one thing, that Campbell and Whitley disagreed on, was argumentation. Whitley did not awe about the larger philosophical issues on rhetoric. Whitley was always focused on the issues of argument (peg 182). He was most known for his cut of types of argument and debate (peg. 182).Whereas Campbell, was only refer to understand how the mind working. He believed that if you mum a persons mind, you had control over them. On this bases I rattling agree with Campbell on the thoughts of argumentation. Reason being is I truly think that if soul knows someone min d, and knows how they thing, they lastly know what makes a person tick. They will truly know the best way to win argumentation with another person, in the quickest way possible. Each person, during an argument, has some sort of weakness, a click that when shushed by someone else will ultimately give up.When knowing a way someone thinks, you can reach that point a lot quicker than others. The nirvana era and spiritual rebirth era, are two very different periods in history. The rebirth era is put with the advances of certain subjects. Such as literature, architecture, humanism, and world economy. Meanwhile information era advanced, different scientific methods, industrialization, rationality, astronomy, and calculus (wise geek). small-arm doing some research on both(prenominal) eras one name in point kept coming up. His name, Marcus Tulips Cicero.It was through him that the thinkers of the Renaissance and Enlightenment discovered the riches of unadulterated rhetoric. In the Enl ightenment era, public figures, such as George Campbell, used some of Cicerones works to help shape his own way of thinking. He helped guide the Scottish (though Gaelic might be better since we involve to include at least one Irishman in this list) Enlightenment and Common superstar movement of the 18th century. Cicerones catch hung over Home, Burke, and Smith (Briber). Cicero also influenced a man named Giovanni Vice. A rhetorician also, in his days.Vice found inspiration for this theory in Cicero and the rhetorical tradition rather than in the philosophers and logicians. roughly of what the Enlightenment era took from Cicero, was his thinking of natural law. He helped develop their systems, due to his also theory on rhetoric. Cicerones main influence though, was during the Renaissance era. His Ciceronian influence was around and broad during the Renaissance, it was limited to a degree. Like the Enlightenment era, his influence during these times was derived from a very small number of his works. Most notably for both eras, De Invention (peg 43).Following the Greek sophists, Cicero represents language as the force that led manhood out of the wilderness into civilization, a political force through public address that allowed peoples to make laws for themselves (peg. 149). This is directly associated with the Enlightenment era, because the Enlightenment era took language, and used it in argumentative rhetoric fashion. So, in essence the Enlightenment era used knowledge from the Renaissance era. Cicero, also had much influence on young philosophers/rhetoricians in the Renaissance era. Patriarch, used Cicero as a tool towards his own greatness.He studied Cicerones readings and added them to his literary education. Cicerones rhetoric was the discern to Italys return to greatness (peg. 1 52). Villa want to broaden the conception of proper Latin beyond the model established by Cicero (peg. 154). So in turn, he used Cicero as a starting block, which most rhe toricians did in these days, and try to go beyond what he had started. Lastly, Cicero had effect on the two written books, A Treatise of Schemes and Tropes, The Art or Craft of Rhetoric, and The Rate of Rhetoric (peg. 159). These were all key pieces of rhetorical text in this day and age.All of which used Cicerones views as a way to teach and provide information, in these books. I believe that rhetoric, was important as can be for these two periods. not Just, Cicerones views on rhetoric, but everyones views that were important rhetoricians in this world, were used to shape those periods. I also, odour that at these times, the importance of education started to come about more. It would seem that at these times, people were better educated than in past years. In my personal opinion though, I think the Enlightenment era would be a personal positron emission tomography of mine.The date being the Enlightenment era was all about argumentation. The book explains on how, that in that ti me, they used rhetoric as a way to win arguments. In my mind that is pretty fascinating because I do believe arguments are necessary in life. I really enjoyed though, how both eras used Cicero. He is by far my favorite rhetorician, and I feel that it is why, the two eras were so successful and important in history. His views helped wrought two eras, and help them be successful, and in my mind these eras were very successful, at trail the future to where we are today. Work Cited
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