Wednesday, October 30, 2019
Online discussion Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Online discussion - Coursework Example Another approach of saving time at the office offered by Grady is to ignore the conference voice calls and embrace the use of emails. This implies that the notion of Mindless Accept Syndrome (MAS) should stop by changing behaviors (Grady, n.p). The meetings that lack proper agendas should not take place and, instead, workers need to complete their tasks at the offices. Behavioral change is a significant aspect that will ensure workers avoid unproductive meetings. It involves urging meeting planners to use convenient avenues when calling workers for conferences as this avoids time wasting. Workers should also be informed about the impending meeting dates to avoid rush and unplanned attendance. Grady gives an example of a meeting being called on a Monday morning when workers should start attending to their tasks. This compels the staff to attend without understanding its importance or their roles in it. It is vital to ensure that workers have the option of not attending all meetings to allow them work on their
Monday, October 28, 2019
Asylum Seekers Essay Example for Free
Asylum Seekers Essay I have chosen to do my discursive essay on asylum seekers. I will try to separate lies from facts. I had to think carefully about this topic as there are so many different views on asylum seekers. I also opted to look into asylum seekers because I found that they are an extremely oppressed group. I will give pros and cons on asylum seekers and try to balance out my argument. The impact and influences people in power have on the mass media is tremendous. Together with the negative media coverage, asylum seekers have been given such a bad image. International asylum law defines an asylum seeker as someone who seeks asylum in a foreign country because of war, violence or out of fear of persecution. Only after the recognition of the asylum seekers protection needs, he or she is officially referred to as an asylum seeker and enjoys asylum seeker status, which carries certain rights and obligations according the receiving country. Over the last four years there have been 138,530 asylum seekers in the UK alone. There are many claims about asylum seekers that give them this – Britain is known for asylum seekers to do what they want wherever and whenever they want; but asylum seekers are not allowed to claim welfare benefits in the UK. I found out about forty organisations working with asylum seekers and it says that 85% starve because they have no food to live on and 95% cannot afford to buy clothes or shoes and 80% are not able to maintain a good healthy life. I also found out that nine out of ten asylum seekers will pretend to be in danger to get into Britain. Over half of asylum seekers in the UK are given permission to stay here. The ideas that are often portrayed of asylum seekers are not just ones of foreigners trying to get into Britain but sometimes asylum seekers are accused of being criminals. I found out that having fled danger in their home country asylum seekers are more likely to become victims of crime in the UK .Most asylum seekers that come to Scotland think that it’s amazing, outstanding some even say paradise. This shows us the impact and difference it actually has on their life. In Afghanistan you wouldn’t be able to go a walk, go out with friends for a while like you do here; there are bombs going off, dead bodies lying around the streets and you would hardly see any of your friends and family. Most of them don’t even go to school whereas in the UK they love going to school even though most of us hate it, they love the fact that they are learning and are getting an education but a down point to going to school over here is that they would have to learn English and know it really well if not then they would find it very difficult. Some say that Scottish are the best people ever and they feel so welcomed when they come here. The list could go on. In Afghanistan they would have to have an arranged marriage where they have no say on what happens and when it happens. Whereas here in the UK they can get married whenever they want and whatever age they want they might not even get married. It would be their own choice. On the other hand people in Scotland /UK don’t think about all those horrible things that happen in Afghanistan. Some people just presume because they’re not from here or had a different coloured skin that they are terrorists. Some are even scared. And some even bully them because they are a different race or have lost a family member. We dont think of what we actually have†¦ fully educated and we can do a lot more things that they can’t do. When they come to the UK most asylum seekers would do anything for a job they think that British people are so lucky to live a as they say a normal life, but the downside to that is they take jobs away from local people which makes them more angry. Some UK citizens can’t tell the difference between asylum seekers and illegal immigrants they are discriminated against because of this. Some asylum seekers can make a positive contribution to the economy and local community by having a special talent and can help out. To summarise the discusion of asylum seekers is that there a lot of different views on them. There are so many pros and cons but I have only chosen ones I thought stand out and give good evidence. It’s really yourself that needs to decide what you think on asylum seekers, other people may think different from you but it’s you own opinion and not all asylum seekers are the same.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Effective Teaching Essay -- Teaching Education Philosophy
Effective Teaching Many individuals believe that being a teacher is an easy task. Our society believes that any person can become a teacher. But experience has shown that not everyone is capable of being a teacher. There are many personality traits that are required to be an effective teacher. The role that a teacher provides for the students is very important to the advancement of general knowledge and higher learning. An effective teacher has the power to shape and mold the lives of young children. They have knowledge of their subject; are very organized and clear with their students; and they show great warmth and enthusiasm. An effective teacher knows the subject and content they plan to teach. A teacher who knows more about their subject can make clearer presentations and recognize the student’s difficulty more readily. (Woolfolk, 2004) They are better prepared to answer the student’s questions without having to be vague with their answers. The less vague the teacher is the more the students learn. It is important for the teacher to know the students background as well. Knowing the child’s home life benefits the teacher by knowing how to punish or reward in order to keep the student from being punished even more at home. Effective teachers know how each student learns and what each student likes and dislikes. This enables the teacher to use the Premack principle. There are several strategies of teaching material to students, including cooperative learning, direct teaching, and mastery learning. The teacher determines which way the students learn best and ap plies the specific strategy. Knowing how to transform content knowledge into examples, explanations, illustrations... Without teachers individuals would not have the opportunity to get the required education they need for a career. I plan to be an effective teacher by being knowledgeable, organized, and enthusiastic. Sources Cited Dodd, Anne Wescott and Jean L. Konzal. (2002). "How Communities Build Stronger Schools: Stories, Strategies, and Promising Practices for Educating Every Child." (MN, RM 371.19 D661H 2002) Minor, Lynn C. et. al (2002). "RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN TEACHER EFFICACY AND BELIEFS ABOUT EDUCATION AMONG PRESERVICE TEACHERS" Valdosta State University Available: Woolfolk, Anita. (2004). Educational psychology (9th ed.). Boston, MA: Allyn & Bacon. Yost, D.S., & Mosca, F.J. (2002). Beyond behavior strategies: Using reflection to successfully manage youth in crisis. The Clearing House, 75(5), 264-267.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Prevention Postoperative Vision Loss Study Health And Social Care Essay
Postoperative ocular loss ( POVL ) after non-ocular surgery is a rare, but lay waste toing complication that has been associated legion types of surgeries and patient hazard factors. Stoelting and Miller ( 2007 ) estimate the incidence of POVL from 1 in 60,965 to 1 in 125,234 for patients undergoing noncardiac, nonocular surgeries, from 0.06 % to 0.113 % in cardiac surgery patients with cardiorespiratory beltway and 0.09 % of prone spinal column surgeries. The demand to understand the causes of POVL and the preventive steps that can be taken to decrease the likeliness of vision loss happening are deductions for anaesthesia suppliers and patients likewise. Consequences of POVL non merely affect the enfeebling impact on the patient ‘s quality of life, but besides the legion medical and legal branchings for the anaesthesia suppliers. Although POVL is considered a comparatively uncommon complication, the demand to understand the frequence of POVL and related hazards and causes are of import issues. In 1999, the American Society of Anesthesiologists ‘ ( ASA ) Committee on Professional Liability established the ASA Postoperative Visual Loss Registry to better understand the job ( Stoelting & A ; Miller ) . Reports of loss of vision have occurred after assorted non-ocular related surgical processs. Some illustrations of these are cardiorespiratory beltway, spinal surgery, hip arthroplasty, abdominal processs, craniotomies and processs of the caput and cervix ( Morgan, Mikhail & A ; Murray, 2006 ) . The three recognized causes of postoperative ocular loss are ischaemic ocular neuropathy ( ION ) either anterior ( AION ) or posterior ( PION ) , cardinal retinal arteria occlusion ( CRAO ) , cardinal retinal vena occlusion ( CRVO ) and cortical sightlessness. Ischemic ocular neuropathy is the most often cited cause of postoperative ocular loss following general anaesthesia with cardinal retinal arteria occlusion from direct retinal force per unit area as a lesser cause. ( Stoelting & A ; Miller, 2007 ) . Factors that have been identified as possible perioperative factors for ION include drawn-out hypotension, extended continuance of surgery, prone placement, inordinate blood loss, unneeded crystalloid usage, anaemia, and increased intraocular force per unit area from prone placement. Patient related hazard factors associated with ION include diabetes mellitus, high blood pressure, morbid fleshiness, coronary artery disease, and smoke. ( Stoelting & A ; Miller, 2007 ) . Literature Review Several retrospective surveies have examined the natural history of POVL after nonocular surgery in an effort to place patients at hazard for POVL and cut down surgical hazard factors. The first, from 1996, Roth, Thisted, Erickson, Black, and Schreider reviewed oculus hurts in 60,985 patients undergoing anaesthesia between 1988 and 1992. The overall incidence of oculus hurt in this survey was 0.56 % . Duration of anaesthesia was found to be an independent hazard factor for oculus hurt. The hazard was further increased with general anaesthesia and endotracheal cannulation and in patients undergoing surgery of the caput or cervix. The bulk of the patients with oculus hurts had corneal scratchs or pinkeye. Merely one patient was found to hold POVL as a consequence of ION. This patient underwent lumbar spinal merger and the writers noted that calculated hypotension and hemodilution were used. In 1997, Stevens, Glazer, Kelley, Lietman and Bradford focused on ophthalmic complications specifically after spinal surgery. Of 3450 spinal column surgeries that the writers reviewed, seven ( 0.2 % ) instances of ocular loss were identified. Four ( 57 % ) of the seven patients suffered ION of which three had PION. Two of the seven patients had occipital infarcts, both of which were embolic. The 7th patient had a CRVO without associated periorbital hydrops or force per unit area mortification. The surgical times ranged from 3-8 hours in these patients. The estimated blood loss ranged from minimum to 8.5 litres. A 3rd survey, besides conducted in 1997, by Myers, Hamilton, Bogoosia, Smith and Wagner, collected patients by beging studies from the Scoliosis Research Study of POVL after spinal surgery every bit good as 10 good documented instances from the spinal literature. They found that longer surgical times and important blood loss were positively correlated with POVL. However, the haematocrit and blood force per unit area degrees were no different than in age matched controls without POVL. Twenty-three of the 37 ( 62.2 % ) patients had ION, 9 ( 24.3 % ) had CRAO, 3 ( 8.1 % ) had occipital infarcts and the staying three did non hold clear diagnosings. The writers concluded that reduced blood force per unit area is by and large good tolerated by patients, but that consideration should be given to set uping a minimal systolic blood force per unit area for each patient. In add-on, the writers recommended presenting long processs and protecting oculus place. More late the American Society of Anesthesiologists POVL register analyzed 93 instances of POVL happening after spinal surgery. The instances were collected via voluntary entry from1999 through June 2005. Eighty three ( 89.2 % ) of the patients had ION and the staying 10 ( 10.8 % ) patients had CRAO. All of the patients were placed prone. Surgical clip exceeded 6 hours in 94 % of the instances. In 34 % of instances the average arterial force per unit area or systolic blood force per unit area ( SBP ) was reduced to 40 % or more below baseline. The average haematocrit was 26 % with 82 % of patients losing one or more litres of blood. All of the patients with CRAO used head restraints alternatively of Mayfield pins and were somewhat younger than the ION patients ( 46 vs. 50 old ages ) . In add-on, 66 % of the ION patients had bilateral ocular loss and none of the CRAO patients did. Ipsilateral periocular injury was more often seen in the CRAO patients ( 70 % vs. 1 % ) than in ION patie nts. They once more identified the hazard of prone placement, blood loss and long surgical times. However, they were unable to definitively delegate a function to hypotension in POVL ( Lee, Roth, Posner, Cheney & A ; Caplan, 2006 ) . Another survey examined the published instance studies of ION after spinal surgery in the prone place. The writers found that PION was more often reported than AION ( n = 17 vs. n = 5 ) .3 In the bulk of the instances, some degree of hypotension and anaemia was reported. However, the writers note that the degree of blood force per unit area and anaemia sustained by these patients would be considered acceptable in most anesthesia patterns. Furthermore, the writers observed that average surgical clip was over 7.5 hours. Strategies the writers suggested to avoid postoperative ION included careful usage of deliberate hypotension tailored to the patient ‘s hazard degree and theatrical production of long, complex processs ( Ho, Newman, Song, Ksiazek & A ; Roth, 2005 ) . Case Study A 62 twelvemonth old male was scheduled for a three degree lumbosacral laminectomy and diskectomy ( L2 through L4 ) . He had a history of high blood pressure, fleshiness, stomachic reflux disease, myocardial infarction 5 old ages antecedently with two stents placed in the LAD, and a 50-pack-year smoke history. The patient had a surgical history of bilateral carpal tunnel release and ventral hernia fix with mesh. No old anaesthetic complications were noted. Current medicines included omeprazole, and Lopressor. He had no known drug allergic reactions. The patient ‘s physical scrutiny revealed an afebrile patient, pulse 67, respirations 16, blood force per unit area 162/92, SpO2 of 95 % on room air. The patient ‘s general visual aspect was a reasonably corpulent adult male in no evident hurt. Airway appraisal revealed a category 2 Malampatti, natural teething and normal cervix scope of gesture. Laboratory findings were hemoglobin 14.4 and hematocrit 40 % . All other haematol ogy, curdling profiles were normal. EKG was normal sinus beat and Chest X ray was normal. The patient underwent a criterions initiation and cannulation. He was turned prone, appendages were good padded and airing and critical marks were satisfactory. The process lasted for 3 hours and during a period of moderate blood loss, the patient had a period of hypotension enduring for about seven proceedingss. His blood force per unit area averaged 95/55 for about 30 proceedingss and for five proceedingss blood force per unit area averaged 80/45. Fluid resuscitation totaled 3 litres of crystalloid. Estimated blood loss was 550ml with a postoperative haematocrit of 29 % . On waking up, the patient did non exhibit any marks of orbital hydrops or POVL. The patient stated that vision was present in both eyes and his neurologic scrutiny was normal. Schemes for bar of POVL ION is the most common cause of POVL and may be designated as anterior ( AION ) or posterior ( PION ) depending on the location of the ocular nervus lesion. Ocular loss of AION is due to infarction at watershed zones within the ciliary arterias of the choroid bed of the ocular disc which flows into the choriocapillaris. The choriocapillaris is an end-arterial circulation with small transverse circulation and may be prone to ischemia. The posterior ocular nervus is served by subdivisions of the ocular arteria and the cardinal retinal arteria ; blood flow to the posterior ocular nervus is significantly less than the anterior ocular nervus ( Lee, et Al, 2006 ) . Many interventions have been attempted to change by reversal POVL, including anticoagulation, antiplatelet therapy, retrobulbar steroid injections, norepinepherine extracts ( to better perfusion force per unit area ) , diphenylhydantoin, osmotic water pills, blood replacing, carbonaceous anhydrase inhibitors, steroids and ocular nervus decompression. The most common forecast of POVL is small return of ocular map ( Lee, et al 2006 ) . ION should be suspected if a patient complains of painless ocular loss during the first postoperative hebdomad and may be noticed foremost on rousing from slumber, when intraocular force per unit area is highest. Pressing opthamologic audience should be sought to analyze the patient comprehensively, set up the diagnosing, and urge farther rating and therapy. Even though forecast tends to be hapless, prompt intervention may be the lone opportunity at retrieving vision ( Ho, Newman, Song, Ksiazek, & A ; Roth, 2005 ) . Obvious turning away of force per unit area on the oculus is a primary scheme to avoid ION. However, POVL has been noted in patients besides in the supine place. Current anaesthesia supplier instruction refering turning away of compaction of a patient ‘s eyes has made it a rare intraoperative event. Possibly nore good is keeping acceptable blood force per unit area and haematocrit, particularly in patients with multiple hazard factors. More than one-half of the patients entered in the ASA POVL database were positioned prone and were noted as holding important facial puffiness. When associated with systemic hypotension, optic perfusion force per unit area is diminished. Decreased haematocrit in the presence of other hazard factors seems to patients at hazard for ocular loss. Induced hypotension and hemodilution during prone spinal column instances should be avoided when patients have risk factors for POVL ( Lee, et Al, 2006 ) .
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Dignity in Ivan and the Sound of Waves Essay
In the novels, One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich by Alexander Solzhenitsyn and The Sound of Waves by Yukio Mishima, the characters value their dignity and take many actions to preserve it. First of all, in One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, Shukhov attempts to maintain his human dignity in the face of oppression. As Shukhov begins his daily routine, he â€Å"quickly finished up the job. There’s work and work†¦ If you’re working for human beings, then do a real job of it†(Solzhenitsyn 33). Shukhov is imprisoned in a gulag, one of the worst possible places to be, but he still maintains his human dignity by keeping a good work ethic. Shukhov knows that if he works well he will be treated well, but beyond that, the fact that he is working for another human being gives him reason to maintain a good work ethic, and his self-respect. Furthermore, Shukhov always preforms many small, but meaning full actions in order to maintain his dignity. While eating his rations, Shukhov â€Å"removed his cap from his shaven headâ€â€however cold it was, he wouldn’t let himself eat with his cap on†(16). Shukhov still maintains his manners, even when he is forcibly kept in a gulag prison. His manners are very important as they allow him a way to remain human and keep his dignity, rather than deteriorating to the state of an animal, like some of the other prisoners. While the characters in One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, attempt to maintain their dignity as a means of refuge in the gulags, the characters of The Sound of Waves, retain their dignity as a means of protecting their status in society. To begin, the characters in the Sound of Waves do not tolerate any embarrassment or loss of respect to their peers. When Shinji’s mother visits Terukichi Miyata’s home he ignores her visit and she replies, â€Å"[s]o you say you won’t see a poor widow†¦Well let me tell you something†¦ never in life will I ever cross [Miyata’s] damned threshold again†(Mishima 128-129). Shinji’s mother vows never to cross paths with Miyata’s home after he insults her by refusing to meet with her. Shinji’s mother takes a hit to her pride and retaliates in a way that would imply her intolerance for disrespect. Moreover, the characters in the novel are virtuous and refrain from committing any acts that would call into question their morals and self-respect. While resting naked with Shinji in the shrine, Hatsue says, â€Å"It’s bad. It’s bad! It’s bad for a girl to do that before she is married†(76-77). Although the urge to engage in a sexual relation with Shinji is strong, Hatsue knows it would hurt not only her self-respect but also defile her father’s reputation in the village. Although characters in both novels take actions to preserve their respective dignities, in One Day in the life of Ivan Denisovich, It is done to maintain their humanity and sanity when they are treated like animals. While in The Sound of Waves, the characters preserve their dignity to uphold the respect of the village and their peers. Overall, the characters in both novels value their dignity and take many actions to uphold it.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
The American Colonization Society
The American Colonization Society The American Colonization Society was an organization formed in 1816 with the purpose of transporting free blacks from the United States to settle on the west coast of Africa. During the decades the society operated more than 12,000 people were transported to Africa and the African nation of Liberia was founded. The idea of moving blacks from America to Africa was always controversial. Among some supporters of the society it was considered a benevolent gesture. But some advocates of sending blacks to Africa did so with obviously racist motives, as they believed that blacks, even if freed from slavery, were inferior to whites and incapable of living in American society. And many free blacks living in the United States were deeply offended by the encouragement to move to Africa. Having been born in America, they wanted to live in freedom and enjoy the benefits of life in their own homeland. The Founding of the American Colonization Society The idea of returning blacks to Africa had developed in the late 1700s, as some Americans came to believe that the black and white races could never live together peacefully. But the practical idea for transporting blacks to a colony in Africa originated with a New England sea captain, Paul Cuffee, who was of Native American and African descent. Sailing from Philadelphia in 1811, Cuffee investigated the possibility of transporting American blacks to the west coast of African. And in 1815 he did take 38 colonists from America to Sierra Leone, a British colony on the west coast of Africa. Cuffees voyage seems to have been an inspiration for the American Colonization Society, which was officially launched at a meeting at the Davis Hotel in Washington, D.C. on December 21, 1816. Among the founders were Henry Clay, a prominent political figure, and John Randolph, a senator from Virginia. The organization gained prominent members. Its first president was Bushrod Washington, a justice on the U.S. Supreme Court who owned slaves and had inherited a Virginia estate, Mount Vernon, from his uncle, George Washington. Most members of the organization were not actually slave owners. And the organization never had much support in the lower South, the cotton-growing states where slavery was essential to the economy. Recruitment for Colonization Was Controversial The society solicited funds to buy the freedom of slaves who could then emigrate to Africa. So part of the organizations work could be viewed as benign, a well-meaning attempt to end slavery. However, some supporters of the organization had other motivations. They were not concerned about the issue of slavery so much as the issue of free blacks living in American society. Many people at the time, including prominent political figures, felt blacks were inferior and could not live with white people. Some American Colonization Society members advocated that freed slaves, or free-born blacks, should settle in Africa. Free black people were often encouraged to leave the United States, and by some accounts they were essentially threatened to leave. There were even some supporters of colonization who saw the organizing as essentially protecting slavery. They believed that free blacks in America would encourage slaves to revolt. That belief became more widespread when former slaves, such as Frederick Douglass, became eloquent speakers in the growing abolitionist movement. Prominent abolitionists, including William Lloyd Garrison, opposed colonization for several reasons. Besides feeling that blacks had every right to live freely in America, the abolitionists recognized that former slaves speaking and writing in America were forceful advocates for the ending of slavery. And abolitionists also wanted to make the point that free African Americans living peacefully and productively in society were a good argument against the inferiority of blacks and the institution of slavery. Settlement in Africa Began in the 1820s The first ship sponsored by the American Colonization Society sailed to Africa carrying 88 African Americans in 1820. A second group sailed in 1821, and in 1822 a permanent settlement was founded which would become the African nation of Liberia. Between the 1820s and the end of the Civil War, approximately 12,000 black Americans sailed to Africa and settled in Liberia. As the slave population by the time of the Civil War was approximately four million, the number of free blacks transported to Africa was a relatively tiny number. A common goal of the American Colonization Society was for the federal government to become involved in the effort of transporting free African Americans to the colony in Liberia. At meetings of the group the idea would be proposed, but it never gained traction in the Congress despite the organization having some powerful advocates. One of the most influential senators in American history, Daniel Webster, addressed the organization at a meeting in Washington on January 21, 1852. As reported in the New York Times days later, Webster gave a typically stirring oration in which he asserted that colonization would be best for the North, best for the South, and would say to the black man, you will be happier in the land of your fathers. The Concept of Colonization Endured Though the work of the American Colonization Society never became widespread, the idea of colonization as a solution to the issue of slavery persisted. Even Abraham Lincoln, while serving as president, entertained the idea of creating a colony in Central America for freed American slaves. Lincoln abandoned the idea of colonization by the middle of the Civil War. And before his assassination he created the Freedmens Bureau, which would help former slaves become free members of American society following the war. The true legacy of the American Colonization Society would be the nation of Liberia, which has endured despite a troubled and sometimes violent history.
Monday, October 21, 2019
DNA DNADeoxyribonucleic acid and ribonucleic acid are two chemical substances involved in transmitting geneticinformation from parent to offspring. It was known early into the 20th century that chromosomes, the geneticmaterial of cells, contained DNA. In 1944, Oswald T. Avery, Colin M. MacLeod, and Maclyn McCartyconcluded that DNA was the basic genetic component of chromosomes. Later, RNA would be proven toregulate protein synthesis. (Miller, 139)DNA is the genetic material found in most viruses and in all cellular organisms. Some viruses do not haveDNA, but contain RNA instead. Depending on the organism, most DNA is found within a single chromosomelike bacteria, or in several chromosomes like most other living things. (Heath, 110) DNA can also be foundoutside of chromosomes. It can be found in cell organelles such as plasmids in bacteria, also in chloroplasts inplants, and mitochondria in plants and animals.All DNA molecules contain a set of linked units called nucleotides.English: Cart oon representation of T7 RNA Polymera...Each nucleotide is composed of threethings. The first is a sugar called deoxyribose. Attached to one end of the sugar is a phosphate group, and atthe other is one of several nitrogenous bases. DNA contains four nitrogenous bases. The first two, adenine andguanine, are double-ringed purine compounds. The others, cytosine and thymine, are single-ringed pyrimidinecompounds. (Miller, 141) Four types of DNA nucleotides can be formed, depending on which nitrogenousbase is involved.The phosphate group of each nucleotide bonds with a carbon from the deoxyribose. This forms what is calleda polynucleotide chain. James D. Watson and Francis Crick proved that most DNA consists of twopolynucleotide chains that are twisted together into a coil, forming a double helix. Watson and Crick alsodiscovered that in a double helix, the pairing between bases of the two chains...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Onomatopoeia - Definition and Examples in English
Onomatopoeia s in English Onomatopoeia is the use of words (such as hiss or murmur) that imitate the sounds associated with the objects or actions they refer to. Adjective: onomatopoeic or onomatopoetic. An onomatope is a particular word that imitates the sound it denotes. Onomatopoeia is sometimes called a figure of sound rather than a figure of speech. As Malcolm Peet and David Robinson point out, Onomatopoeia is a fortunate by-product of meaning; few words and relatively few arrangements of words have sounds which are meaningful in themselves(Leading Questions, 1992). Etymology From the Latin, make names Examples and Observations Chug, chug, chug. Puff, puff, puff. Ding-dong, ding-dong. The little train rumbled over the tracks.(Watty Piper [Arnold Munk], The Little Engine That Could, 1930)Brrrrrrriiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinng! An alarm clock clanged in the dark and silent room.(Richard Wright, Native Son, 1940)Im getting married in the morning!Ding dong! the bells are gonna chime.(Lerner and Loewe, Get Me to the Church on Time. My Fair Lady, 1956)Plop, plop, fizz, fizz, oh what a relief it is.(slogan of Alka Seltzer, U.S.)Plink, plink, fizz, fizz(slogan of Alka Seltzer, U.K.)Two steps down, I heard that pressure-equalizing pop deep in my ears. Warmth hit my skin; sunlight shone through my closed eyelids; I heard the shat-HOOSH, shat-HOOSH of the weaving flats.(Stephen King, 11/22/63. Scribner, 2011)Woop! Woop! Thats the sound of da police, KRS-One famously chants on the hook of Sound of da Police from 1993s Return of the Boombap. The unmistakable sound he makes in place of the police siren is an example of onomatopo eia, the trope that works by exchanging the thing itself for a linguistic representation of the sound it makes.(Adam Bradley, Book of Rhymes: The Poetics of Hip Hop. BasicCivitas, 2009) Flora left Franklin’s side and went to the one-armed bandits spread along one whole side of the room. From where she stood it looked like a forest of arms yanking down levers. There was a continuous clack, clack, clack of levers, then a click, click, click of tumblers coming up. Following this was a metallic poof sometimes followed by the clatter of silver dollars coming down through the funnel to land with a happy smash in the coin receptacle at the bottom of the machine.(Rod Serling, The Fever. Stories from the Twilight Zone, 2013)Hark, hark!Bow-wow.The watch-dogs bark!Bow-wow.Hark, hark! I hearThe strain of strutting chanticleerCry, Cock-a-diddle-dow!(Ariel in William Shakespeares The Tempest, Act One, scene 2)Onomatopoeia every time I see yaMy senses tell me hubbaAnd I just cant disagree.I get a feeling in my heart that I cant describe. . . .Its sort of whack, whir, wheeze, whineSputter, splat, squirt, scrapeClink, clank, clunk, clatterCrash, bang, beep, buzzRing, rip, roa r, retchTwang, toot, tinkle, thudPop, plop, plunk, powSnort, snuck, sniff, smackScreech, splash, squish, squeakJingle, rattle, squeal, boingHonk, hoot, hack, belch.(Todd Rundgren, Onomatopoeia. Hermit of Mink Hollow, 1978) Klunk! Klick! Every trip(U.K. promotion for seatbelts)[Aredelia] found Starling in the warm laundry room, dozing against the slow rump-rump of a washing machine.(Thomas Harris, Silence of the Lambs, 1988)Jemimah: Its called Chitty Chitty Bang Bang.Truly Scrumptious: Thats a curious name for a motorcar.Jemimah: But thats the sound it makes. Listen.Its saying chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty, chitty chitty, bang bang! chitty chitty . . ..(Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, 1968)Bang! went the pistol,Crash! went the windowOuch! went the son of a gun.OnomatopoeiaI dont want to see yaSpeaking in a foreign tongue.(John Prine, Onomatopoeia. Sweet Revenge, 1973)He saw nothing and heard nothing but he could feel his heart pounding and then he heard the clack on stone and the leaping, dropping clicks of a small rock falling.(Ernest Hemingway, For Whom the Bell Tolls, 1940)It went zip when it moved and bop when it stopped,And whirr when it stood still.I never knew just what it w as and I guess I never will.(Tom Paxton, The Marvelous Toy. The Marvelous Toy and Other Gallimaufry, 1984) I like the word geezer, a descriptive sound, almost onomatopoeia, and also coot, codger, biddy, battleax, and most of the other words for old farts.(Garrison Keillor, A Prairie Home Companion, January 10, 2007) Creating Sound Effects in Prose A sound theory underlies the onomahtthat we read not only with our eyes but also with our ears. The smallest child, learning to read by reading about bees, needs no translation for buzz. Subconsciously we hear the words on a printed page.Like every other device of the writing art, onomatopoeia can be overdone, but it is effective in creating mood or pace. If we skip through the alphabet we find plenty of words to slow the pace: balk, crawl, dawdle, meander, trudge and so on.The writer who wants to write fast has many choices. Her hero can bolt, dash, hurry or hustle.(James Kilpatrick, Listening to What We Write. The Columbus Dispatch, August 1, 2007) Linguists on Onomatopoeia Linguists almost always begin discussions about onomatopoeia with observations like the following: the snip of a pair of scissors is su-su in Chinese, cri-cri in Italian, riqui-riqui in Spanish, terre-terre in Portuguese, krits-krits in modern Greek. . . . Some linguists gleefully expose the conventional nature of these words, as if revealing a fraud.(Earl Anderson, A Grammar of Iconism. Fairleigh Dickinson, 1999) A Writer's Word My favorite word is onomatopoeia, which defines the use of words whose sound communicates or suggests their meanings. Babble, hiss, tickle, and buzz are examples of onomatopoeic usage.The word onomatopoeia charms me because of its pleasing sound and symbolic precision. I love its lilting alternation of consonant and vowel, its tongue-twisting syllabic complexity, its playfulness. Those who do not know its meaning might guess it to be the name of a creeping ivy, or a bacterial infection, or maybe a small village in Sicily. But those acquainted with the word understand that it, too, in some quirky way, embodies its meaning.Onomatopoeia is a writers word and a readers nightmare but the language would be poorer without it.(Letty Cottin Pogrebin, quoted by Lewis Burke Frumkes in Favorite Words of Famous People. Marion Street Press, 2011) The Lighter Side of Onomatopoeia Russian Negotiator: Why must every American president bound out of an automobile like as at a yacht club while in comparison our leader looks like . . . I dont even know what word is.Sam Seaborn: Frumpy?Russian Negotiator: I dont know what frumpy is but onomatopoetically sounds right.Sam Seaborn: Its hard not to like a guy who doesnt know frumpy but knows onomatopoeia.(Ian McShane and Rob Lowe in Enemies Foreign and Domestic. The West Wing, 2002)I have a new book, Batman: Cacophony. Batman faces off against a character called Onomatopoeia. His shtick is that he doesnt speak; he just mimics the noises you can print in comic books.(Kevin Smith, Newsweek, Oct. 27, 2008) Pronunciation: ON-a-MAT-a-PEE-a Also Known As: echo word, echoism
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Digital electronics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Digital electronics - Essay Example Another application for Flip-Flops is division frequency devices. From J-K flip-flop can be used to build a frequency divider by taking the output of one cell to the clock input of the next. The J and K inputs of each flip-flop are set to 1 to produce a toggle at each cycle of the clock input. For each two toggles of the first cell, a toggle is produced in the second cell, so its output is at half the frequency of the first. Specifically, the combination J = 1, K = 0 is a command to set the flip-flop; the combination J = 0, K = 1 is a command to reset the flip-flop; and the combination J = K = 1 is a command to toggle the flip-flop, i.e., change its output to the logical complement of its current value. Both PS and CLR HIGH, a negative-going CLK, and J and K at 0, or LOW. In this condition the FF holds the previous condition of the output. In this case the FF is reset. If the circuit were set when these inputs occurred, it would remain set. In the following experiment we build a binary counter using J-K flip-flops by taking the output of one cell to the clock input of the next. The J, K inputs of each flip-flop are set to 1 to get toggle at each clock pulse. For each two toggles of the first cell, a toggle is produced in the second cell, and so on. This produces a binary counter device. The count can be in forward or backward direction making a modification like shown below. The BCD counter showed above can be build using several binary counters but with a small modification, by terminating the count when the count reaches decimal 9 or binary 1001. Since the next toggle would set the two most significant bits a NAND gates tied from those two outputs to the asynchronous clear line will start the count over after 9. A 2-bit binary counter using two J-K flip-flops is done by taking the output Q of one J-K flip-flop to the clock input of the next. The J, K inputs of each flip-flop are set to 1 to
COPD Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
COPD - Case Study Example The chances of having COPD grow the more one smokes and the longer one has been smoking. This is because smoking inflames and irritates the lungs, which consequences in damaging. Over several years, the irritation steers to long-lasting variations in the lung. The partitions of the air-passage thicken and more secretion is generated. Injury to the subtle walls of the alveoli in the lungs results to emphysema and causes the lungs to lose their regular elasticity. The minor alveoli become damaged and contracted (Ellen & Kirkhorn, 2015). These variations results in the symptoms of coughing, breathing difficulty and phlegm related to COPD. A patient named R.S. comprised of pathological variations in four different partitions of the lungs (pulmonary vasculature, lung parenchyma, peripheral airways and central airways), which are patchily available in R.S. with the COPD. Tobacco smoking is the main risk factor for R.S. patient with COPD, however, other inhaled toxic particles and gases may contribute. Therefore, treating tobacco use and dependence should be regarded as a primary and a speciï ¬ c intervention for R.S. condition. His smoking should be evaluated routinely whenever the patient avails himself to a healthcare facility and should be provided with the best opportunity to treat his condition. This results in an inï ¬â€šammatory reaction in the lungs, which is blown up in this particular patient who is a smoker and drives to the distinguishing pathological destruction of the lungs of the patient (Ellen & Kirkhorn, 2015). Furthermore to lung inï ¬â€šammation, antiproteinases and an imbalance of proteinases in the lungs and oxidative stress are also essential in the pathogenesis of the patient. The variant pathogenic mechanisms generate the pathological variation which, subsequently, develop the following physiological defects in R.S patient: cilliary dysfunction and mucous hypersecretion; hyperinï ¬â€šation and airï ¬â€šow limitation; gas
Friday, October 18, 2019
Health Assessment Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Health Assessment - Research Paper Example Sometimes, the condition is irreversible, and operation is the only resort to solve the problem. Nevertheless, with prompt medical treatment, proper diet and exercise, the disease could be controlled or even cured in time. This paper discusses nursing practices in dealing with patients with plantar fasciitis, a condition common to people who had history of heavy walking and running. The paper details the complaints of the client, subjective and objective data to be collected, rationale for collecting additional data, and health promotion strategies that a nurse can give to the client. The Patient’s Complaint Waking up with painful heel and finding it difficult to walk and climb down the stairs in the morning have become the usual scenarios in the life of Cynthia. At age 35, Cynthia wondered why she developed arthritis. She thought that the pain in her heel was due to arthritis, given the fact that arthritis is common among her father’s relatives. Her father has been suf fering from arthritis for nine years, and he is now 73. Cynthia first felt the pain three years ago when she started working as a freelance writer for several publishing companies. Working at home, she did not go out frequently and only did so when attending meetings, conferences and the like. She submitted write-ups through email, allowing her to stay at home without needing to dress up smartly. That time, Cynthia gained some weight, thus making her quite obese. She did not think of her ailment as permanent; she barely thought that she got the pain from walking as she did her shopping twice monthly. Three years passed and the pain occurred from time to time whenever she went out to do the grocery. Six months ago, she found a new job as a full-time office-based editorial manager. This time around, she has to wear office clothes and use shoes to pair with them. She has been using ballet flats for three months prior to the consultation. Thinking ballet flats look cute and feel comfort able, she bought three pairs of the shoes. Ballet flats are trendy; they are very popular especially among youngsters and are preferred by those who do walking most of the time. These shoes are very colorful and nice to wear because they are usually made of cotton or textile materials so the feet can breath even with long-time wear. The smooth material does not cause blisters unlike leather shoes. Most of all, ballet flats are cheap so one can practically change shoes everyday. Cynthia was attracted to this kind of shoes, not knowing that they could aggravate her condition. When she consulted with an orthopaedist, Cynthia was instructed to undergo x-ray of both feet to find out if bone spurs grew in her heels. The results are positive. Cynthia has inferior calcaneal exostoses or heel spurs on both feet. These results gave the doctor an impression that she has plantar fasciitis. Plantar fasciitis, otherwise known as â€Å"policeman’s heel,†is the painful condition of t he plantar fascia, the connective tissue found on the soul of the foot, usually at the heel part. According to Roxas (2005), the cause of this pain is multifactorial, including excessive mobility, wearing tough shoes, walking or running on hard surfaces, and being overweight. These characteristics of plantar fasciitis determine the additional data required to be collected. Additional Objective and Subjective Data to be Collected Identifying plantar fasciitis is easy in consideration of the
The strategic options that are appropriate to Apple Coursework
The strategic options that are appropriate to Apple - Coursework Example According to the research findings there are various forces characterising the company’s operations. Though Apple boasted of an increase in the sales of the iPad tablet computer, the situation obtaining in the market has been a cause for concern from 2011 since this was likely to have an effect on the smartphone market. It can be seen that though Apple’s larger percentage of revenue came from other non computer products such as iPod and iPhone, there have been some changes in the Smartphone and Tablet industry given that it has been characterised by stiff competition as going to be explained below. However, Google’s development of the Android operating system resulted in the development of smartphones that matched a lot of iPhone’s best features. Google remained the greatest threat to Apple given that different smartphone makers were developing products similar to iPod and would run on the Android operating system. For instance, Acer entered the market for smartphone with the launch of its liquid line of stylish and high end smartphones which used Google’s Android operating system in 2009 and was later developed through the years until 2012. According to The New York Times, the aspect of competition in the Smartphone and Tablet industry cannot be ignored. For instance, Foxconn technology assembles nearly 40 % of all consumer electronics and counts and counts among its clients which include: Nintendo, Nokia, Samsung, Dell, Hewlett-Packard with its palm, Motorola and Sony. Though China presented a lucrative market for the Smartphones in 2010 to 2011, the main problem encountered was related to the emergence of counterfeit products. However, as noted above, with the market for Smartphones growing rapidly, competition was also becoming apparent particularly Google’s entry into the market with its android operating system. However, RIM grabbed the market share with its Blackberry service in 2011 which was specially designed to meet the needs of the business people
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Social Classes Of The 19th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Classes Of The 19th Century - Essay Example Social classes with more force generally subsidiary classes with less force. Social classes with a huge deal of power are mostly examined as elites, no less than inside their own communities. Throughout the 19th century, the middle class, too called the classes' bourgeoisie, cultivate from the groups of 18th century profitable and industrial entrepreneurs. At the similar time, many fresh occupations were formed which principally used mind skills somewhat than substantial labor; the amount of persons and families in these careers burst in number, generating a considerable, and ultimately prevailing, middle class. Marxism describes the bourgeoisie as the social class which attains revenues from ownership or business in capital benefit, or from profitable actions such as the purchasing and selling of goods, wares and services. Throughout the 19th century, the inferior, or working, class urbanized from the groups of 18th century customary rural farmers and laborers. At the similar time, some innovative professions were shaped which chiefly used material labor somewhat than mental skills; the number of individuals and families in these fields burst in number, creating an extensive lower class. The lower class was collected principally of workers in extractive, developing, and service industries, which were needy on wages and who chiefly, used physical abilities. The lower class was separated into professional sub-groupings of extremely skilled handcrafters, semi-skilled workforce, and unskillful laborers. Differences Between The Bourgeoisies And The Working Class Of The 19th Century According to 1Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) the configuration of class-awareness is by no means mechanical, as the alertness of social stratification might be only faintly formed or might be overshadowed by other fundamentals in social understanding. This means that we can locate out so far social stratification supported on economic relationships; the dissimilarities connecting class, status and command circumstances, and the method professions have been used to classify strata - the thoughts of individuality and measures. Geographical Mobility According to 2Weber two major social classes beneath capitalism are Class Who They Are And Their Property The petit bourgeoisie Those who own small businesses and are minor employers The manual working class Those who own nothing and have to sell their labour in order to live. Bourgeoisie and proletariat or the Working Class were 3Karl Marx's (1818-1883) own stipulations for the two classes he experimented in the industrialized society, which was all around him. 4"Our epoch, the epoch of the Bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat." Work Orientation Marx measured that the powerful disagreement among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would explode into a growing by the proletariat alongside their opponents. This would, Marx measured, be the predictable outcome of the progress in society which he could see occurring. Temporary workers,
Learner Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching Literature review
Learner Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching - Literature review Example Furthermore, autonomy in language learning and teaching has been studied in alternative contexts, circumstances and practices (Camilleri, 1997). Among the contexts in which autonomy in linguistics has been covered in recent times are self-regulation, teacher/learner development, autonomy and motivation, and the socio-cultural theory of autonomy (Camilleri, 1997). In addition to the ever-expanding role of autonomy in educational policies and their reforms, many works have covered the developments that the philosophy of autonomy has undergone in recent times. Furthermore, this literature review suggests the possible direction for future autonomy-related/focused researches by students, lecturers and applied-linguistics researchers. This literature review will be quite useful to educators and language teachers concerned with learner training, self-accessibility and autonomous learning since it comprehensively accounts for autonomy in language learning and all the other educational practi ces related to the concept of autonomy. Autonomy in Language Learning and Teaching Although a rather common term in contemporary linguistic classes and issues, autonomy is not that clearly understood by many a stakeholder. This situation is more apparent in education activities related to the acquiring of lifelong learning skills (Benson and Voller, 1997). However, many works appreciate the role of autonomy in changing age-old practices and beliefs in linguistic classes, hence the promotion of self-accessibility and participation in language learning institutions (Benson and Voller, 1997). Because of the effects of the past and recently published books and research findings and the recommended practices therein, language learning has claimed its position in the academic field and has consequently placed learners at the centre of education. The historical origins and the background of the term ‘autonomy’ in linguistics is one of its many aspects covered in the works revi ewed in this study. Most works concur that the term ‘learner autonomy’ was coined and first used by Henri Holec, regarded as the father of learner autonomy, in 1981. Though it originated from a single source, the relevant works define the term quite differently. These definitions not only depend on writers but also on their educational levels and contexts within which their books and articles are written. Among the contexts in which the definition of ‘learner autonomy’ has been defined differently are politics, education and human/social spheres (Benson and Voller, 1997). However, it is in the educational context, more so linguistics, that ‘learner autonomy’ has been covered in studies and works to a large extent. In fact, in linguistics-related literature, autonomy is portrayed both as a means and an end to learning and teaching languages. In the literature review, several definitions were common in most books. For instance, Benson and Voller (1997) define ‘learner autonomy’ as one’s capacity to take charge of his/her learning activities and processes. Other authors define ‘autonomy’ as a learner’s or a teacher’s ability to psychologically relate with the contents and processes of learning and teaching respectively (Wenden, 1998). For teachers, autonomy also implies the recognition of a learner’s rights within a learning institut
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Social Classes Of The 19th Century Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Social Classes Of The 19th Century - Essay Example Social classes with more force generally subsidiary classes with less force. Social classes with a huge deal of power are mostly examined as elites, no less than inside their own communities. Throughout the 19th century, the middle class, too called the classes' bourgeoisie, cultivate from the groups of 18th century profitable and industrial entrepreneurs. At the similar time, many fresh occupations were formed which principally used mind skills somewhat than substantial labor; the amount of persons and families in these careers burst in number, generating a considerable, and ultimately prevailing, middle class. Marxism describes the bourgeoisie as the social class which attains revenues from ownership or business in capital benefit, or from profitable actions such as the purchasing and selling of goods, wares and services. Throughout the 19th century, the inferior, or working, class urbanized from the groups of 18th century customary rural farmers and laborers. At the similar time, some innovative professions were shaped which chiefly used material labor somewhat than mental skills; the number of individuals and families in these fields burst in number, creating an extensive lower class. The lower class was collected principally of workers in extractive, developing, and service industries, which were needy on wages and who chiefly, used physical abilities. The lower class was separated into professional sub-groupings of extremely skilled handcrafters, semi-skilled workforce, and unskillful laborers. Differences Between The Bourgeoisies And The Working Class Of The 19th Century According to 1Friedrich Engels (1820-1895) the configuration of class-awareness is by no means mechanical, as the alertness of social stratification might be only faintly formed or might be overshadowed by other fundamentals in social understanding. This means that we can locate out so far social stratification supported on economic relationships; the dissimilarities connecting class, status and command circumstances, and the method professions have been used to classify strata - the thoughts of individuality and measures. Geographical Mobility According to 2Weber two major social classes beneath capitalism are Class Who They Are And Their Property The petit bourgeoisie Those who own small businesses and are minor employers The manual working class Those who own nothing and have to sell their labour in order to live. Bourgeoisie and proletariat or the Working Class were 3Karl Marx's (1818-1883) own stipulations for the two classes he experimented in the industrialized society, which was all around him. 4"Our epoch, the epoch of the Bourgeoisie, possesses, however, this distinctive feature: it has simplified the class antagonisms. Society as a whole is more and more splitting into two great hostile camps, into two great classes directly facing each other: Bourgeoisie and Proletariat." Work Orientation Marx measured that the powerful disagreement among the bourgeoisie and the proletariat would explode into a growing by the proletariat alongside their opponents. This would, Marx measured, be the predictable outcome of the progress in society which he could see occurring. Temporary workers,
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Tentative Reference List Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tentative Reference List - Research Proposal Example It also contains some of the approaches that could be undertaken to prevent drug use in schools which is essential in our research recommendation. This article would provide information about the rules and consequences that should be introduced for those found using drugs in schools. It also provides information on how to manage drug related incidences. This article is important since it contains arguments on whether students should be tested for drug use. Moreover, it contains some of the evidences from court rulings that indicate whether drug testing should be undertaken in schools. This article contains information like the legal issues surrounding this research topic. People who advocate for students not to be tested for drug use use the arguments. The other information that this article contain is the reason why schools should test members of their fraternity for drug use. These are actually the arguments brought out by the people who advocate for drug testing in public schools. Zimmerman, M. A., & Schmeelk-Cone, K. H. (2003). A longitudinal Analysis of Adolescent Substance Use and School Motivation among African American Youth. Journal of Research on Adolescence, 13 (2),
Monday, October 14, 2019
A Discussion of Tim Walkers Work Essay Example for Free
A Discussion of Tim Walkers Work Essay Walkers’ upbringing in Guildford, surrounded by country has left in him with a feeling of love when it comes to Britain’s landscapes that he wants to show it off in his images, in any which way he can. This essay compares and contrast two works by Tim Walker that are identifiable as his signature style, however individually differ in diverse ways to each other. Taking into consideration the ideas behind the image and how and where he draws his inspiration from to create images that inspire others. His style so unique and recognisable, this essay will take into consideration the historical and social contexts to his works and if his style is a reflection of his inner self, childhood and naturally occurring ideas, or if this style is something he created and now lives within. After graduating from Exeter College of Art, where he studied photography for 3 years, Walker worked as a freelance photography assistant in London. However, it was his move to New York and assisting the photographer Richard Avedon that may have forwarded his career so that at the very early age of 25 he had shot his first fashion story for Vogue. Today a London based photographer, Tim Walker is at the top of his profession and internationally known for his cutting- edge fashion photography; taking fashion further so that fashion becomes seconded to fantasy and surrealism. Walkers innovative photography places him in the midst of the most creative and imaginative photographers out there today. ‘Tim sees pictures in front of him which are not yet there’ (DERRICK, 2008, p124. It is the detailed planning of every image and the ideas that starts the process of the final images he is famous for; for each project of Tim’s, you’ll be able to find a scrapbook full of clippings and ideas found from anywhere. ‘My ideas for all my photographs come from any number of places; a film, or a book I’m reading, a story someone tells me. I take loads of visual references and put them into scrapbooks. I’ve got hundreds of them. ’ (WALKER, 2009, [WWW]) It is these scrapbooks that have provided inspiration for a number of Tim’s shoots. But it’s to be remembered that the inspiration has come from things that have already been, but that he took interest in. ‘I don’t believe in originality. You take inspiration from whatever moves you and you find your own voice in those things’ (WALKER, 2008, p242) Tim Walker saying this, is almost find ironic because his pictures are often named original. However, if it is replicated from/inspired by something/anything he may have seen before- as like most pictures- it can only be your take with your voice on it. However Walker’s inspiration doesn’t stop at that, he also looks to photographers before him for inspiration. Cecil Beaton took so many photographs that purely to me represent the joy one gets from creating fantasy†(WALKER TIM, 2009, [WWW]) The opening to Tim Walkers book Pictures, like all others, start with a foreword. However, unlike all others Tim has handwritten his as if it was just another page in his scrapbook. Located only six pages in after only the credits and title, this is really the very first thing you see in the book and it gives great indication to the style of the book and if you did not know much about Tim beforehand; a great introduction to him, his style and how he thinks. Not only is it the actually content of the foreword: ‘as you tour your imagination you want to photograph what you are seeing†¦you are SO very keen to be able to show what you’ve seen that it somehow becomes true, and the picture you end up taking becomes a souvenir, a piece of proof brought back [all the way] from the daydream. ’ (WALKER, 2008, P6) But the design and the layout of the page also: He cleverly drops the control of the layout, slanting the writing just as he talks about his mind drifting. It’s a clever play on the typography that as we read, we too feel as if we’ve sunken into this relaxed state of daydreaming. The way Tim describes in depth the path he often goes on that lands him at the conclusion of an image shows deeply how creative it often is, usually because it begins with something as simple as walking round a clothes store. The pictures he takes then become a snapshot almost, and a gift he shares with us from his imagination†¦from his daydream. Tim’s childhood plays a big part in the ‘fun’ many of his images are filled with. ‘He draws upon his childhood to construct sets for his images that are witty and playful yet sufficiently sophisticated enough to perform for his fashion clients. (THOMAS, 2008, [WWW]) Bringing such essences of an adolescent age into something quite professional could be risky, but it is this that give’s Tim’s pictures that exciting, magical vibe. Tim Walker says in an ICP awards interview, ‘fashion is the dream department for photography and I’ve always been a daydreamer. Tim’s pictures relate to and reflect a time in the 1940’s era and the time of the Neo-Romantic artists, that happened at a time of Britain’s ‘dark hours’. Today, although we might not be in the middle of Second World War, the world is in a state of uncertainty. For Walker, it may just be that creativity in fashion photography and the understanding of make believe places in his imaginations may just be the sort of images that the world need to see, to remember themselves, how magical and escapist day-dreaming can be. The first image of Tim Walkers I have chosen is this one titled ‘Lily Cole on fish hook. ’ Surrealism is a big factor in the creation of a Tim Walker shoot and it is the surrealism in this image that makes it so striking. It grabs your attention straight away and with little effort in the actual design of the image. Although the content is completely random, the image works in so many different ways that you almost don’t recognise it until a few moments after looking. The whole image looks calm; the stillness of the water, the sunlight reflected off of it, the grip of her hands on the hook, her expression. This image is magical, because it looks right, for something that shouldn’t ever be. The shoot was located in Northumberland, England and the location only helps set this calm relaxed scene as well as adding to that ‘very English’ feeling he often brings forth to many of his images. Recreational fishing is fishing for pleasure, with the fisher not really too interested in catching fish, but for the tranquillity and relaxation of it. This shoot, is extremely reflective of this, oozing tranquillity with the colours and calmness. Lily allowing her tip toes to play with the surface of the water, creating disturbance in it, works well within the image; it doesn’t have a negative effect on it, but almost brings her as a model to life. This was not Lily’s first shoot with Tim, and posing as bait on a giant fish hook was nothing out of the ordinary madness. He loved working with the English model, who first posed for him at the age of 15. ‘Some Models know how to stitch and weave themselves into a picture. Lily instinctively knows how to become part of it. ’ (WALKER, 2008, p124) In this image of Lily on the hook, she really does own it; she pulls of her ‘act’ as bait, attracting the fish just with her stance and beauty, and looking calm and really engaged with the photographer. She’s wearing a random collaboration of 3 tutus and her hair fizzed up to mirror them. Although quite dainty and delicate in body, she looks strong and very in control ironic to her state as bait. But this works nicely as the setting of the lake and the fields in the background add to that gentle voice the image has, balancing it nicely. The second image is one that Walker had designed for Italian Vogue. The image named ‘Eglingham Stream’ was shot in Northumberland, England, 2004. The image shows a bedroom with a stream running through it from the fireplace. The room is cluttered, and filled with clear personal belongings of somebody. The contents of the coat stand and the drinks trolley-in which the whiskey is the most noticeable bottle-all refer to the occupant being a man. The fishes on the stone and those in the basket on the table suggest that the person that lives her is a man that has a fond passion for fishing. These objects that the viewer initially notices, cleverly lead them to be mysterious as to what the image is showing us. When looking further into the image, we notice smaller details such as the images framed on the wall that are not of any family members or portraits of him, but of horses and landscapes. This could suggest that he has no family members and is possibly quite a reserved man and this is strengthened by the big matter of his room being right by the lake. It raises questions as to how obsessed this man actually is with fishing, that he has moved his bedroom to live within meters of the lake. Although, there are some signifiers that suggest that a woman is present: the pink bedding and net chiffon, the frill trimmed lamps and the two tooth brushes on the chest of drawers. There is also a small portrait of a young boy in the frame above the fireplace. Because of how out of place this looks as the only one, it seems to be a ‘woman’s touch’, as do the shells on top of the fireplace. The image as a whole has a romantic, feminine and fantastical feel-created by the lighting and whispery stream-that is signature to Walkers style. The shoot seems to be set in the twilight hour, or in the early evening, indicated by the bluely tint to the night and the 3 lamps in the room being on. The absence in the room could well just mean that the man is off fishing with his dog shown by the empty dog basket. There are many things about both the images that make them similar when talking about them in context of Walkers style. Both images were shot in Northumberland in the same year and although it isn’t stated, the lake that we see Lily suspended above is likely to be part of the stream that is present in the second image. The images both have strong fishing references to them: Lily is suspended on a giant fishing hook, and the setting of the second is the home of someone completely obsessed with fishing. The images are not part of the same set or story, and do not look it either. However, contextually, they seem to work hand in hand. Having the countryside and fields in the background that run our eyes to the edge of the Fish Hook image just above the halfway line is similar in comparison to the way the Eglingham Stream image is cut off. This image is split by the striking pink/reddish colour of the walls meeting the grey wet slate form the stream that make the bedroom floor. Both splitting factors are of natural earthly objects; possibly representing that county, earthly, English vibe Walker has been known to create in many of his images. There is a terrible truthfulness about photography that the ideas which might work in a painting or a sketch won’t necessarily work in a photograph’ (UNKNOWN, 2008, p254. ) This statement is from Tim Walkers book Pictures and although this was not said in reference to Walkers work, it almost seems as if this is something he fights hard to overcome in his own pictures. He doesn’t let the normal be a limi t, he combines familiarity with fantasy and imagination to create what has never been seen before. This is what gives them that edge over many other fantastic editorials, and sketching ideas to visualise them is a big thing with Tim Walker; something he prides his work upon. Despite all their similarities, the images are in fact very different and not only of location and setting, but of story and design. In the first image of Lily on the hook, that is the surrealism; this beautiful girl dressed in a random combination of tutus with huge frizzy ginger hair hanging on a fishing hook. This is what we are supposed to look at and see the dreamlike, far from ordinary image in front of us. In the second image, the stream running out of the fire place through the middle of the room is also surreal, but that’s not only what the image is about. It’s about the story the scene creates. Yes you look at the stream and think ‘wow’ and begin to question it, but it doesn’t stop there, your questioning goes on to the room and what the contents of it mean. The images also differ in terms of layout. The first is portrait and works better in this format as it allows the full size of the hook to be appreciated. If this was on a landscape layout, the surrealism of the hook may not be fully valued due to it physically having to be shrunk on the page. However, the double page landscape layout for the second image allows a full viewing of the room and many details and objects to be noticed. This image in a portrait layout would not be successful as the image would have to be shrunken or cropped- both having negative effects on the way the image is viewed. The subject matter and the use of a model being used in the first image but not in the second is another differing factor between them both. Lily as a model is the subject in Figure 2 that the viewer connects with; she gives the image that presence so that when we look at it, it’s not just a picture, it’s a situation that we feel as if we are now part of. In Figure 3, Tim Walker is successful in including the viewer, but in a very different way and without using any models; we are invited to look into somebody’s bedroom while they are not there and just by looking at the photograph, the viewer becomes an intruder. But this intrusion plays as a foundation for the story behind the image, the one we seek out and uncover more of the more we look at it. Although the lamps warm up the image, it still has this cold feel created by the grey stones, real flowing stream and lack of natural light. The absence of anybody in the room assists in creating this ‘chill-in- the-air’ feeling. Figure 2, where Lily is standing on a large fishing hook, has a surprisingly warm tone to it and this may be due to her relaxed pose and the warming colours present in the image: The ginger of her hair, the red of her tutu and the fishing tackle and the brown/copper of the lake. The colours are softened by the sunlight adding to that warm tone. ‘Photography is a bit like cooking: you take the ingredients out of the cupboard and mix them up- old pictures, characters, colours, landscapes, to create something that is in your imagination that surprises you. ’ (WALKER, 2009, P208) It is clear to see that Walker uses certain ingredients in both of these images; fantasy and surrealism become like the salt and pepper; the underlying flavour and present always. After looking at Lily On The Hook and Eglingham Stream in comparison to each other, many similarities are because of Walkers ‘style’ that are consistent throughout. Even though both are editorials, contently, technically and visually, there is a big difference between them. Creatively, they are alike. These are just two out of hundreds of Tim Walkers photographs, but as like all of his images, there will always be something magical, fantastical or romantic to hint that the image was photographed by Walker. The images are real in their own terms; that is what they are. As a fashion photographer you are a documentary photographer within a fantasy land. ’ (WALKER, 2009, p210) By Walker referring to himself as a documentary photographer within a fantasy land gives us a clear insight to how he sees fashion photography; in a childlike day-dream way. He escapes to this place in which his imagination can be real and he sees his job as a photographer to document this.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Proving A Moral Principle :: Philosophy Philosophical Morals Essays
Proving A Moral Principle Once one has examined an ethical theory and knows what its fundamental concepts are  what kinds of factors are to be used in making moral judgments, whether its principles apply directly to acts or rules, and what concepts of the good life is proposed  one is certainly in a better position to judge which of all the competitive principles comes closest to fulfilling the task of giving a complete account of moral phenomena. Unfortunately this may not be enough to enable us to choose among them. Most of the classical principles do a reasonably good job of supplying a rationale for most if not all of our moral judgments. Yet the principles are often incompatible with one another. Must we then decide among them not simply on the basis of their adequacy to explain and justify moral judgments but on the basis of simple preference, i.e. because we "like" one better than another? We are more likely to believe a moral theory that says that most of our moral beliefs are correct, then one that says that most of our moral beliefs are inconsistent. Of course no theory will make them all come out true. We have to balance the question of our philosophical grounds for believing that the moral theory is in fact true  that it corresponds to the demands that actually exist for us in reality  rather than merely being an accurate codification of what we happen to believe. It could still turn out that the 'true' moral theory, the theory that comes closest to capturing the things one actually ought or ought not to do, coheres less well with our ordinary moral beliefs than another theory which is less revisionary in its consequences. The issue I'm addressing is the proof of a set of moral principles, the proof of the validity of a moral outlook or theory. Various attempts have been made to avoid this seemingly irrational consequence by supplying what often have been referred to as "proofs" of' moral principles. The term "proof" as so used had a widely variable meaning but in general what is intended is a set of considerations, other than the internal consistency and adequacy of the theory, which are particularly persuasive in making a choice of one theory or principle over another. There have been several different kinds of such proofs.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
Grants, New Mexico :: Geography Traveling Essays
Grants, New Mexico Surrounded by mountains and located in Cibola County, Grants, New Mexico is the perfect place to unpack the camping gear or raise a family. Grants was named after 3 brothers: Angus, Lewis, and John Grant, who were contracted to build a railroad through this portion of New Mexico. First called â€Å"Grant’s Camp†, then â€Å"Grant’s Station†(which is now a local restaurant); it finally became known simply as â€Å"Grants†. The heart of American Indian country, Grants is about 70 miles west of Albuquerque and 80 miles east of the New Mexico/Arizona border. As of July 2002, Grants had a population of 8,921 residents and growing. Once a small farming community until 1950 when a Navajo rancher discovered uranium on Haystack Mountain, this town has now become a growing tourist destination. For those like me who enjoy mild and dry weather, Grants is perfect. While I enjoy snow, especially around Christmas, it is a real treat to enjoy the beauty of snow one day and then throw on shorts and a tee-shirt the next day. The average summer high and low is 80/50. The average winter high and low is 40/10. During the winter months, it is not uncommon to see one group of people playing a round of golf at the Coyote del Malpais Golf Course located at the foot of Mt. Taylor, while another group are surrounded by snow high on the mountain itself. One of the first things you will notice in Grants is the majestic mountains. Rising 11, 3001 feet, Mt. Taylor displays scattered rows of gorgeous Ponderosa Pine trees. Blazing a trail through these Pines one can find beautiful nature trails, delightful picnic spots, and scenic vistas which make you feel as if you have stepped right into a mythical painting. I have spent many a day loosing myself in nature in those mountains only to find myself going back the next day for another area to explore. Mt. Taylor stays occupied all year round with hikers, bike riders, skiers, and those inclined towards snowshoeing. One of the biggest events that Mt. Taylor boasts is the Mt. Taylor Winter Quadrathlon. Occurring annually on the Saturday of President’s Day Weekend, this event includes a 43 Kilometer bike ride, a 3.5 Kilometer snowshoe trek, an 8 Kilometer cross-country skiing leg, and a 17.5 Kilometer run. While the mountains may be beautiful and innocent during the day, they take on a whole other personality during the evening.
Friday, October 11, 2019
Creating a story Essay
This is a story about William, a seventeen year old son of sir James – once a powerful feudal aristocrat in England. Sir James used to own a large portion of land in the Wales, but times have changed. As money started to be used, sir James lost parts of his land because he could not afford to keep it. On top of that, some of his peasants have left and became mercenaries who were hired by sir James’s neighbor. These days, around year 1200, sir James is still among the few noble English families left, noble but yet not belonging to magnates. It is William that sir James counts on to move up the social ladder. William is not a true son of sir James, the boy was born to sir James’s brother, sir Henry. 10 years ago sir Henry died and his brother, sir James, exercised the right of wardship – he started taking care of William and of those lands that used to belong to his father. William started living with his uncle when he was seven years old. As soon as he moved in to sir James’s castle, William became a student of many studies – he was being prepared for a court life. William is trained to become a good hunter, but also to be able to charm a court lady – he has teachers who teach him to sing songs, tell stories, flirt, dance, he has a special teacher who teaches him the rules of different ceremonies in court, the terminology to use, how to behave, how to dress. All of these activities are taking place in the castle of sir James, which is neither small nor large. A stone castle is surrounded by several wooden homes of sir James’s peasants who are busy with manufacturing of flax, wool, growing of geese and pigs for the inhabitants of the castle. The whole territory is surrounded by a stone wall. William’s day begins early in the morning. A servant brings him a basin with water to wash. When he is ready, William goes on to morning hunting exercise, which takes place until breakfast. At breakfast William usually meets sir James, they discuss William’s morning practice and talk about the upcoming tournament. After that, William has music and dancing lessons followed by yet another practice. During his free hours William either sleeps or goes for a walk into the country where he spends hours dreaming about his romantic love for lady Mary, whom he met at the last tournament. After dinner, William spends hours with his teacher of court manners and another one with whom William reads and writes poems. In other words, William spends his days doing and learning everything that chivalry behavior requires. Once done will all classes, William puts on his armor and goes horse riding into the woods. Supper is usually late in the evening with lots of meat and wine. These days William is busy more than usual with horse-riding and weapon usage practices due to the coming tournament. Being of a noble family William is allowed to participate in knight tournaments where he hopes to attract attention of lovely lady Mary, on whose patronage is also counting sir James. Lady Mary is a heiress of a wealthy magnate and her hand would provide William and sir James a higher status and allow them to enter a narrow circle of English aristocracy. The previous tournament was a good one for William – he conquered his opponent winning his horse and armor, and on the other hand, at the banquet following the tournament, he was able to speak with lady Mary and got an impression that he has actually charmed her and now she is favoring him. Patronage of lady Mary, who’s father is not only very wealthy but also in a good relationship with the monarch himself, would definitely secure William a place among nobility. The only person who disapproves of William’s lifestyle is his step-father – a priest in the local church, father John. Father John finds that William’s attraction to lady Mary and court life in general diverts him away from God. However, William is convinced that his chivalry lifestyle is the highest expression of worldly conduct, and is the best path to choose if one has already made a choice in favor of secular and spiritual life path. Thus, William spends his life in accordance with the requirements of his time when feudal aristocracy was in the past giving a place to nobility class which claimed to have a special, highest social ranking and privileges given to them by their right of birth.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Language and Cultural Barriers
With so many people immigrating to the United States and all the companies that are doing business internationally, we must find a way to make it work. There are many ideas, learning groups and classes that are specifically designed to help people of all languages and cultures learn to work together and understand one another. The internet has shown that progress is inevitable; it is time for a change. Foreign-born immigrants are rapidly becoming a central part of the American labor force. This entry of immigrants is creating jobs in the fields of manufacturing, service and construction.With so many immigrants joining our workforce, it is the best idea for employers to embrace this idea and find ways to link these languages and culture barriers. Charleston, WV Immigrant Statistics (quickfacts. consensus. gov, 2010) †¢ Charleston, WV Population as of 2006: 50,846. †¢ Foreign Born Persons as of 2000:3. 2% †¢ Language other than English spoken:5. 3% In 2006, the foreign-b orn population of West Virginia was 2. 5%. The majority of immigrants in West Virginia are from the following (usimmigrationsupport. com, 2010). †¢ 34. 9% Mexico 10. 1% Canada †¢ 6. 7% Germany †¢ 23. 6% UK, Korea, Philippines, China, Japan, India and Soviet Union Cultural and language barriers can create communication problems which can cause hazardous conditions, especially in the blue collar fields. People’s stereotypes can get in the way of hiring a good worker, we need to look beyond the stereotypes and see what kind of person they really are. Some companies require certain educational backgrounds, and don’t take into consideration the applicants experience and education when coming from another country.All countries can stand to learn a little bit about tolerance when it comes to foreigners. In foreign countries, certain acts are considered social suicide, such as receiving a business card from someone in Japan and stuffing it in your pocket. The Ja panese consider their business cards a symbol of themselves. Some other common cultural differences are: †¢ Roles and Statusâ€â€in some countries women are considered inferior and are expected to walk behind the males. Some countries females are not expected or allowed to work.What is considered normal in American culture regarding etiquette for a working woman is far different in other countries. In Latin American countries, colorful business attire is welcomed, however, in Asia and the Middle East, the norm is neutral-colored clothing and nothing else. When conducting a meeting in Islamic Middle East, a female must have a male host that accompanies them to their meetings, where they may well be the only female in attendance. †¢ Personal Spaceâ€â€Americans usually stand about 5 feet away from each other, however, Japanese cultural likes more space and the Latin cultural likes to stand closer.In China it is acceptable to push your way through a crowd and you may be invited to spa where nudity is considered appropriate. †¢ Body Languageâ€â€In America, eye contact is considered a sign of respect. People in the Japanese culture considers it is a sign of disrespect to look directly at a superior. Where Americans are very animated with their facial expressions, Asians are sometimes considered emotionless. Closed eyes mean a person is bored or sleepy in America, but in Japan and Thailand it shows that you are listening and concentrating.Such a simple gesture as a friendly kiss is prohibited in parts of Asia where it is considered a sexual act. In the Middle East and parts of Indonesia, the left hand is considered unclean. †¢ Personal Appearanceâ€â€In various parts of the world, Americans are considered careless with dress, manners and body movements; generous with neighbors, superficial, shallow and short-lasting with friendships, ethnocentricâ€â€less interested in others, independent, and individually feeling. In some countri es, our dress is considered provocative and rude.In countries such as China, India and Russia, women must keep their knees and elbows covered and shirts must be buttoned completely up to the neck. Pants are frowned upon in Japan and in the Middle East, cleavage is a definite no-no! However, in Latin America, women are appreciated for wearing bright, stylish clothing. Employers can help by being practical and learning to tear down the barriers, employers can reduce worker’s compensation injuries, improve the ability to recruit, hire and retain workers and increase productivity (charlotteworks. org, 2010).There are a lot of people in the United States who feel that people who live in our country should learn to speak our language; while this might not be the most practical statement, it makes sense when talking about positions such as customer service or anything that requires directions. It is so easy to misunderstand someone and then something goes terribly wrong. However, wh o’s to say it shouldn’t be the same way when we go to another country to work? Most foreign countries have a large number of citizens that do speak the English language, especially in terms of the business world.However, the more languages you can speak fluently will help you if you plan a future in International Business. International businesses should require employees to take language classes in at least one language where they conduct business; it’s only fair to the people in that country. So many things can be misconstrued if you don’t know the language and try to conduct business without an interpreter, especially when it comes to jobs that require strict policies to keep employees safe. If an employee doesn’t understand instructions, or misinterprets them, there is a significant change of injury which can hurt the company as well.Even when foreign workers in America can speak English, there are so many slang terms that they may not really u nderstand what is being said. When going to a foreign country to work, the employee must conduct research and learn as much as they can about the country and their customs and realize that they cannot generalize the people of a certain area. There are many different cultures inside a country and they should not all be lumped together under a stereotype. We must learn that every person is an individual and has different values and ways of life.The employer can provide a mentor to the new employee so they can get better adjusted with the culture and office policies. Culturosity. com (2010) provides the following 10 Strategies for Overcoming Language Barriers: †¢ Speak slowly and clearly. †¢ Ask for clarification. †¢ Frequently check for understanding. †¢ Avoid idioms. †¢ Be careful of jargon. †¢ Define the basics of business. †¢ Be specific. †¢ Choose your medium of communication effectively. †¢ Provide information via multiple channels. â € ¢ Be patient. In summary, our world is changing and the idea of International Business is coming upon us quickly.We must learn patience no matter if we are the foreigner in a different country, or if we are welcoming new employees into our company. They key to overcoming language barriers is education. We must learn about the countries we do business with and they must learn about our country. There are so many different cultures and languages that it will be helpful to learn different languages and brush up on other countries way of life.References 1. 10 Strategies for Overcoming Language Barriers. (n. d. ) Retrieved from www. culturosity. com 2. Breaking Down Language Barriers. (November 19, 2005) Retrieved from www. forbes. com 3. Communication Breakdown; Overcoming Cultural and Language Barriers in the Global Gear Market. (May 2008); Retrieved from www. geartechnology. com 4. Cultural and Language Barriers in the Workplace. (February 2002). Retrieved from the www. charlottew orks. org 5. State and County Quick Facts. (October 26, 2010). Retrieved from www. quickfacts. census. gov 6. Immigration to West Virginia. (n. d. ) Retrieved from www. usimmigrationsupport. org.
Authentic Leader Journey Report
Work Book 01 1. 1 My Personal Experience My Personal Experience Mid-term examination at APIIT My fellow colleagues were facing difficulties with studying particular chapters that I was good at. Therefore, despite of the time factor, I agreed to help them to get through. Taking care of my pets at home & around I am much more concerned about the wellbeing of my pets & animals around the neighborhood. Always feed them on time, groom & treat them in case of any medical emergency Precise & honest towards my duties/ responsibilitiesI do my level best to avoid any irrelevant contact with my office mates that will disturb my routine & always try to stay focused on finishing given duties on time with satisfactory results. Keeping my house clean & organized I am much concerned about keeping my house & around clean & organized by following the 5S methodology. Enthusiasm towards hand crafting, event management & arts I am very much interested in making my own hand crafts in gifting friends & fam ily, organizing small & creative surprise parties for friends & sketching art. Taking up the challenge of working full-time while studyingAt the point of final year studies, I took up a job to work on full time while managing my studies, time & tasks. During O/Ls, failed economic during the first shy but score an ‘A’ during the 2nd shy At the first instance, I was very disappointed. I studies better & hard for the second shy which I ended up with an ‘A’ grade where my parents & teachers were much impressed. 1. 2Character Map Characters Map Oshadi Korale of ADSL The strong love & motive she has towards helping stray animals has made her stand up through rock bottom situations and prove that if you have the will, you have the way. (Allies) Auditur et altera pars (the other side is heard as well)’ – Lucius Annaeus Seneca Judgments must not be made without hearing it from both sides. (Historical Figure) ‘Leaders who perceive favors have no c hance to build trust’ – Rober Whipple To be a good leader with followers trust, put yourself in others shoe. (Author) ‘Dhammo Bave Rakkhanthi Dhamma Chareehu’ – Lord Buddha Behave in dhamma & dhamma itself will protect you. (Religious Leader) ‘Trust is like glass, you can’t mend it once broken’ – My Mother Be trustworthy that makes you dependable & never break it because afterwards, it will always be in question. Threshold Guardian) ‘We only have what we give’ – Isabelle Allende Be empathetic & helpful. And it will come back to you (Novelist) ‘Winners don’t do different things; they do things in a different way’ – Shiv Kehera Think creative from the ordinary (Public Figure) ‘Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me’ -B. B King Always learn from mistakes (Celebrity) ‘There is a sufficiency in the world for man’s need but not for manâ€⠄¢s greed’ – Mohandas Gandhi Consume nature’s gifts sparingly (Preeminent leader) ‘The true wisdom is a resolute determination’ – Napoleon BonaparteWith strong determination, dreams could be made become true. (Historical figure) ‘Active evil is better than passive good’ – William lake In everything you do, be active (Poet) 1. 3Johari Window Open (you know/ I know)HelpfulEmpatheticSupports JusticeAnimal LovingReligiousCreativeOutgoingHonestHumorousEco- FriendlyLearning from mistakesDetermination| Blind (you know/ I don’t)Value for thingsBoredVery much givingEager to outstandListen to others| Hidden (you don’t/ I know)PossessiveIndependentStrong Mentality| Unknown (you don’t/ I don’t)Accepting, Bold, Logical, Nervous, Proud, organized, Brave, Dependable, Intelligent, Tense| Open area is being identified by self-questioning & with the help of my parents, friends and close allies. * Interviews were carried out with my parents, siblings, team members & other friends in discovering the blind side of me. * Deep self-examining was carried out in identifying the hidden side of me. The hidden side of me consisted of those expressions which I had in me but was not feeling comfortable to express publicly due to personal defensing reasons. * Unknown side of me was pretty difficult to identify as it was not known to me or others.Therefore, I had to make use of online psychometric test assistants & E- Johari Window exercises to understand these aspects. Discussion:Self Awareness In the journey of beginning to become an authentic leader, one must first carry out a self evaluation. Self evaluation consists of understanding yourself against past experiences you’ve gone through (childhood experiences, educational experiences, moments with allies, results of social interactions & etc). Considering these elements of self evaluation, it can be understood that all these sum up to the key word Self- Awareness.Simply breaking down the meaning of self awareness, it can also be known as knowing ‘Who I am’. A person without knowing itself can never be expected to understand others & lead others effectively. In becoming an effective leader, one must become the kind that its followers are willing to look up to. Having a better understanding about our self helps us to understand our interests, strengths, weaknesses, skills, capabilities, values, motivators, morals & etc which helps us to have a clear picture on our abilities which should be enhanced & drawbacks which needs to be overcome in achieving our targets.In building self awareness, there are several tools initiated by different leaders, researches & other initiators in helping individuals to discover themselves before becoming an effective leader. As you will notice under the appendix, my personal experience mind map, character map and Johari window concepts are exercised in helping me in raising self a wareness. Experiences that are elaborated in the experience mind map (appendix 1. 1) represent those moments in my life which has set targets, changed personal beliefs; realize my interests and simply knowing how I prefer to serve myself being true to my heart & instincts.Quoting the university incident, seeing my colleagues facing difficulties in studying for exams with the limited time factor, I understood that I could do some good deed by helping them to easily understand those chapters which I was god at and at the same time, recall my study memory. As I was done tutoring them, I had the feeling of satisfaction in me which brought me the determination of helping out people when in need because I felt that I made a good value out of my living.Overlooking the general past experience mind map, it can be summarized as helpfulness, being organized, caring, honesty, precise working patterns, prone to challenge & creativity are a few noticeable elements in me which explains my percepti on. As anybody else in the world, I have made use of behaviors, quotes & beliefs other people in extracting examples for me to believe and look up to. These external parties have had influences on my beliefs & values where it is important to draw a character map (appendix 1. ) in raising self awareness. By building the character map, I have understood that learning from mistakes, activeness, eco- friendliness, honesty, fairness, creativity, empathy & helpfulness attracted most of my attention as I believe in them & further practice such expressions. Also, the Johari window (appendix 1. 3) further helps me to understand myself in a much advance & more effective level where perceptions of third parties have been brought to the concern.Under the open area, it clearly identify that myself as well as others understand (realized by self questioning myself & interviewing others) that I’m a person with interest for other’s wellbeing, open personality, religious, socially activ e & who supports justice. Also, out of my concern (blind), others have understood me to be donating & determinant people (eager to outstand) and were identified by questioning my allies, guardians, fiends, team mates & relatives.Under the hidden area, it has showed certain expressions which I have been hiding from the society for my personal defense. Such hidden expressions explain that I’m possessive against what I care for, make my own fortune, listen to others & have a very strong mental strength which is protective against failures & disappointments (identified by deeply examining myself). Finally, the unknown area has made me realize a few expressions which neither I nor others have tend t understood in me. In identifying these expressions, I made use of an online psychometric test (on www. onroeconsulting. com) which discovered that I am adequately assertive, able in working in teams & possess adequate leadership qualities. Also, with use of other online resources, I ha ve come to understand that I also possess unknown expressions such as being reasonable (logical, accepting), strong in personality (brave, bold, proud) & possess average leadership qualities (dependable, intelligent). In summary, I disclose myself much therefore, my open expressions are more than unknown expressions which denotes a satisfactory level of self awareness.Therefore, it is learnt that I have an adequate degree of self-awareness, which enables me to understand my feelings. This understanding gives me the ability to control myself, thus enabling me to adequately rise from a failure and push on to achieve intended goal or purpose. Also it shows that I can adequately express myself to others, and are sufficiently able to act firmly when revealing what I feel, with regard to both my ideas and the ideas of others.I am generally able to understand the point of view of other people and can communicate in a quite effective manner with other people often with those with a differin g point of view. Also, generally have satisfactorily developed skills in terms of social interaction and have a willingness to be involved with others. In terms of group activity, I have the ability to facilitate cooperation amongst group members. Work Book 02 2. 1My Personal Values 2. 1. 1Identifying My Personal ValuesWhat is very important to me| What is Important for me| What is not important for me| HelpfulEmpathyCreativeFair & JusticeHonestDetermination| ActiveEco- FriendlyLearning from mistakesTrustworthyReligious| AssertiveBoldProudValue for things| 2. 1. 2Value Awareness Table Rank| Value| Why is this really important to me? | What does it mean to me? | Why have I ranked it here? | 1| Fair & Justice| To certify that authentic leaders do not favor or treat people unequally. To make sure whatever the environment that I’m dealing with, none is being mistreated or hurt upon my perception/ decisions/ actions which proves my dependability| When fairness & justice is confirm ed, it is makes sure that it has ruled out destructive decisions| 2| Empathetic| Important to know how others feel about my perception/ decisions| Proves the sense of humanity I possess| Putting myself in other shoes makes me understand them where I can make decisions which will satisfy all parties| 3| Helpful| This shows who I am| Proves the sense of humanity I possess| When working as a leader, I must always move the team along with my actions. Therefore being helpful, it will help the team to move towards goals as one| 4| Creative| It is important outsmart the ordinary| To find better, effective & efficient ways in achieving targets| Creativity is the next importance as helping people & the team can be done in creative manners which will save the waste of time, cost & skills| | Honest| It is important in building bonds in the society & win hearts| Means my ability to humbly admits my drawbacks & avoid lying for personal interests| Honesty must be practiced promoted to keep the sm ooth environment where no destructive decisions & actions are initiated| 6| Trustworthy| It is important to make yourself appear dependable to others| Trustworthiness that that I possess towards people & ways in which I can promote trustworthiness among people| It helps the leader to build alliances & bonds| 7| Determination| Determination is important to make sure myself as a leader will be surely achieve targets| Means that I will not be bored, distracted or disappointed on my journey towards my goals| It ensure the achievement of all targets| 8| Learn from mistakes| To enhance improvements in my self| It is the capability & willingness of myself in accepting the mistake and learn to overcome in enhancing my image of responsibility| It will ensure the overcoming of barriers & enhance development| 9| Active| To avoid fear of boredom & disappointments| Means that I will not be distracted by means of circumstance in achieving my targets which denotes my consistency| It will inspire t hose distracted followers to be engaged once again and know how to maintain determination| 10| Eco- Friendly| To ensure the protection of limited resources| Be moved away from being self centered and preserve limited resources for the sustainability of beings. | Helps to build the sense that the leader is not being self centered which will impress its followers| 2. 2Values under PressureDuring my service at Imperial tea Exports, I was assigned to manage new buyer inquires and building business relationships in attracting orders. Since it was my first working experience, I wasn’t much sure of how to plan & organize my work & schedule. I was constantly summoned by my manager to follow steps in noting priorities for the at the beginning of the day where I will not tend to miss or duplicate any work and properly my manage my work load. Even after several warned minor mistakes due to my disorganized patterns by compromising on my value of learn from mistakes, I didn’t pay m uch attention to it where it came to my concern that I had mistakenly ignored to correspond to enquiries of a set of highly potential buyers.Due to the fear of being blamed, I tend to hide it away where I completely compromised on my values of honesty & trustworthiness. Once this was brought to the concern of my manager by those buyers itself, I was sent through formal procedures in high level warning & my monthly bonus was revoked. As a wise and helpful solution for the above scenario, incase if I was to re- experience such situation, despite of the fact that I will be blamed in short term, I will not hide anything from my manager as he is the immediate personal who can come up with the best solution in settling the situation. I will be completely honest & clearly communicate my situation and build trust within which will be helpful for me in facing potential circumstances.Also, I could adopt a new value in to myself (being organized) in order to revoke such easily preventable circ umstances in the future which will not only develop my effective authenticity, it will also not make me compromise on my values potentially which will preserve my authenticity. 2. 3Ethical Boundaries 1) 5 Why’s In controlling myself over compromising on my values at the point of temptation, I have learnt to follow the 5 WHY’s theory where I question myself ‘why am I doing this’ for five times for every answer provided since the first why. It is stated that the researcher will come to understand if they are compromising their values on or before the 5th why. 2) True to Heart & Instincts At the point of temptation, I will question myself if I am doing this according to what my heart & instincts desire or am I being pressured to do so. 3) Religious ViewsUnder certain cases (tempted to lie to revoke being scolded or punished) of temptation, I tend to compare my tempted to do actions with my religious beliefs and control myself if it will breach my religious be liefs. 4) Preset Limits/ Strategies At the slightest notification of possible situations where I will compromise on my values, I pre set a list of actions which I am allowed to observe & not observe to preserve my values and authenticity. Eg: during team work where the team is on tight schedule and limited time, I will set a list of my values relevant to team work and review at times of difficulties to make sure I do not compromise on my values in gaining short term benefits. ) Allies Perception/ feedback 3rd party perception is most frequently used by me in understand if I am compromising on my open area values where I tend to question my family, friends, colleagues & etc. 2. 4Key Learning from Reflecting Values As it is understood that helpful, empathy, creative, fair & justice, honesty, eco- friendly, trust worthy, active, determination & learning from mistakes are my key values which describes my authenticity which will not change under any environment I have adapted these value s in myself as I gain a personal satisfaction through them which makes me feel that I can represent myself much better & original.It is understood by studying my values that I have a strong caring towards interpersonal expressions (interest for others) where I am willing to help others, understand their situations/ perceptions, bring out the best/ equal treating on everybody, keeping things clear between people by being honest & trustworthy. Also it is understandable that I am also keen towards leadership qualities such as creativity, determination & learning from mistakes in improving myself to be a better authentic leader. This can bring my values to a summary that I am more of a people’s person who is willing to create & maintain bonds among and guide them to its development.In further carrying out this authentic journey report, I can use these learning to understand what my extrinsic & intrinsic motivators are and understand my capabilities in understanding my sweet spots which will set up the base to build a PDP (Personal Development Plan) in achieving my development as an authentic leader. Discussion:Values To become an authentic leader, we must develop high awareness of our values. Values are those expressions which we authentically adapt and which describes one’s beliefs. A person without articulated values where behavior is guided by external factors are low aware of their values & those who has strong articulated values that guide decision & behaviors has high awareness of its values. Values do not change depending upon the environment one operates in & not agreed to compromise for short term benefits. In becoming aware of my personal values, several measures are being observed in this report.Firstly with use of my character map & johari window, I have identified 11 key areas (Helpful, Empathy, Creative, Fair & Justice, Honest, Determination, Active, Eco- Friendly, Learning from mistakes, Trustworthy & Religious) which I believe to desc ribe me the best & to be my values and categorize them as under most important, important & non important values (appendix 2. 1. 1). With use of a value awareness grid, I then prioritized my top 10 most important values (Helpful, Empathy, Creative, Fair & Justice, Honest, Determination, Active, Eco- Friendly, Learning from mistakes, Trustworthy) and understand why they are important to me, what do they mean to me & why I have ranked them there (appendix 2. 1. 2 ). It is pretty easy to live our values when we face no difficulties.But at times when life throw stones at us, as a person who is in the progress of building authenticity in myself, I tend to compromise on my values in achieving solutions. Therefore further understanding pressure drops on my values, I have discussed a true experience (appendix 2. 2) at my previous workstation where I happen to compromise on my values in seeking temporary solutions. According to Bill George (2007), ‘ethical boundaries set clear limits o n what you will do when you are tempted or are under pressure or when you start rationalizing a series of major decisions’. Therefore, in order to avoid my process of becoming an authentic leader by compromising on my values, I have set 5 ethical boundaries which will remind me of my limits and revoke value compromising (appendix 2. 3). why’s- will question my reasons for being tempted where it will ultimately realize me the fact that I am about to compromise my values for short term goals, True to heart & instincts- Follow my heart and inner instincts and question if my values will agree with my actions, Religious views- at the point of temptation, compare my potential actions with religious beliefs and determine its negative impact, Preset limits- will help me to concentrate on following a path which complies with my values & rule out which should not be done to protect my values & Allies feedback- is being frequently followed by myself where I get feedback from my a llies on if I’m breaching my open values as the notice.It can be brought to a conclusion that my values are more concentrated on inter personal level where most of my values are based on the best interest of how I deal with others and further explain my leadership qualities in possessing to become an authentic leader (appendix 2. 4). Work Book 3 3. 1My Motivation Incident| Motivated or Not| Justification| Midterm exams at APIIT| Motivated| I was motivated to help them as I understood their difficult situation. And by analyzing my capabilities & my religious beliefs on helping people, I was motivated to help. | Keeping the house clean| Motivated| The sense of being organized & keeping unwanted issue away with simplicity, I was motivated to keep my house clean & tidy. Caring for animals| Motivated| Understanding their incapability in talking & helplessness, I was motivated to provide them with all caring to make sure they are not mistreated or hurt. My religious beliefs also su pported my motivation. | Precise & honesty at work| Motivated| I was motivated to be precise & honest during work as I want to present my best performance & be honest as I want to be appreciated, values & rewarded in return. | Working while studying| Motivated| I was motivated to challenge myself to see if I am capable in facing difficult situations with complete confidence & strong mind. | Creativity, event management & arts| Motivated| I was motivated to be such creative & artistic as I had a passion towards doing beautiful thins nd expressing my unsaid feelings & talents through being creative. | O/Ls 2nd shy| Motivated| I was motivated by my results as I saw the clear reflection of true dedication. Also, my parents said that they were very impressed by my work where I was motivated to maintain & further develop my capabilities. | 3. 2Personal Extrinsic Motivators Category| Score 1-10| Ranking| This is important to me because†¦ (fill in top 5)| Praise & appreciation| 9| 1| I mportant because I look forward for critical feedbacks or constructive criticism on different aspects on my actions/ decisions from others point of view to extracts point of learning & development. Money| 8| 2| It gives me the sense of financial satisfaction I can fulfill my needs & wants better while saving for a better & sounding future| Position power| 8| 3| Position power is important to be because, I believe that having a sounding position power will grant me for special privileges which will create better platforms for me to be more creative. | Opportunities| 7| 4| As I’m continuously looking forward to develop myself/ career, I am always motivated by new opportunities which will take my development to a new level. | Recognition (or fame)| 7| 5| As I am looking forward for development, I need to created value & demand for myself.By being recognized, it makes third parties realize that I am being valued. | 3. 3Personal Intrinsic Motivators Category| Score 1-10| Ranking| This is important to me because†¦(fill in top 5)| Helping others| 9| 1| I feel more of an important person and that I make the right use of my capabilities & skills where I internally feel that I’m making the rightful use of humanity considering their gratitude. | Satisfaction from doing agood job| 9| 2| It provides me great extents of self satisfaction, peace in my mind & happiness by knowing that I’ve done good deed as I believe in karma (what goes around comes back around). | Being creative| 8| 3| It revokes the fear of oredom & sense of disappointment and makes me think beyond boundaries by making the best use of my capabilities & critical thinking. | Deriving pleasure fromperforming a task | 8| 4| It is important for me to understand my current capabilities and figure out ways in which I can further develop them. | Challenging & changingthings| 7| 5| Important because it makes me realize that I am capable of doing things more than I anticipated and motivates myself to further explore those capabilities, be self confident, understand my competencies & estimate self value. | 3. 4Balancing Extrinsic & Intrinsic Motivators | Off balance situation| Prevention or action| | Being centered on financial motivators where I will tend to compromise on my values & authenticity to gain personal benefits| Demand financial motivators to match my value, skills, status & knowledge and always cross check my actions/ decision with my value list| 2| Being too much dependent on feedback where it will destroy my critical thinking capabilities & diminish my self confidence| Make progress reports on remarked work I perform and cross check with third party feedback and understand expected improvements where in case of absence of feedback, I will still know how to cope up & continue| 3| Being carried away with creativity & create situations which cannot match ordinary capabilities & willingness of others which will be an ultimate waste of cost, time & skills| Ana lyze the need for creativity and alter the supply accordingly & plan out ethical boundaries | 4| Being over fond of communication and being detoured from original goals & requirements| Create a check list of what, how, when, why & who to communicate. And always steer the progress towards success with milestones. | 5| Becoming an extremist on achieving final goals where I will lose my complete knowledge over other social/ personal factors which will diminish my abilities of adaptability| Arrange my time accordingly & prioritize my working pattern. | 3. 5Interests Interest| The reason this is important to me is†¦|Helping animals| I like to enjoy the unsaid gratitude expressed by animals when they are being helped & taken care of| Be organized| Important because it saves my time & cost where I can create a trouble or confusion free environment at home, office & etc as I look forward to live with less stressing situations| Lending help to people| Important to me because it strength en my capabilities & skills where I also like being thanked for my efforts by words | Thinking out of the box| Important because I am interested in discovering new things in life, practice them, learn through them & teach them to others and feel the satisfaction of seeing people willing to follow my lead| Do the right thing the right way| Important because it helps me to reflect the good human I am & even if I commit a mistake, I will learn from it| Being religious| It reflects the spiritual human being I am, make others be aware of my boundaries & help to create ethical boundaries| Clarity| Important because I do not want to misinterpret myself to another or misinterpret another to myself and create conflicts & contaminate my authenticity| Preserving the environment| As I understand the value of scared resources, it is important for me to contribute in saving them for the sustainability of all beings| Treat people equal| It is important because I understand that none will like to b e mistreated just as I dislike it. Therefore understanding that, I can do my best to stick to my value of fair & justice & be more authentic & sounding| Arts| It enables myself to freely express my feelings & talents| 3. 6Strengths & Weaknesses 3. 6. 1StrengthsHard skills| Soft skills| Qualities| Personality Types| Talents/Abilities| * Presentation skills * Leadership * Team building * Marketing * Customer relationship building * Computer literacy * Multi lingual proficiency * Photoshop & other software literacy * Business communication * Teaching * Working experience * Educational background| * Motivation * Positive attitude * Communication * Self confidence * Empathy * Working under pressure| * Creativity * Sense of humor * Education * Adaptability * Loyalty * Honesty * Helpfulness * Caring * Bonding * Trustworthiness| * Artist * Protector * Idealist * Thinker * Achiever * Doer * Performer * Care giver * Spontaneous * giver| * Credibility * Designing * Counseling * Singing * Event management * Public speaking * Mehendi arts * Sketching| 3. 6. 2Weaknesses 1) Quick temper 2) Extreme expenses 3) Easily bored 4) Time management 5) High tendency towards enjoyment 3. 7Sweets Spots of My Motivated Capabilities Sweet Spot 01 Become an International Marketing Manager (as I have studies international marketing during my degree and willing to study for CIM as well as I am motivated by the position power) With high interaction with international buyers (where I have the capability of clearly communicating myself where I’m motivated by challenging and changing things) In an export oriented organization (as I have similar prior experience and motivated by organization’s recognition) Which is recognized worldwide (because I have the capability in managing multiple languages & motivated by the number of potential opportunities available) * Sweet Spot 2Becoming a lecturer (as I have the capability in clearly communication content to people & motivated by gettin g an opportunity to help others) With opportunities in teaching marketing (as I have prior knowledge and educational back ground in the subject, practical knowledge through working experience where I’m motivated by the fair pay and satisfaction from doing a good job) In a reputed educational institute in Sri Lanka (as I have the capability of outstanding with creativity in teaching & motivated by recognition) Which is affiliated with foreign universities (because I have the capability in building bonds & clearly communicate with foreign module leaders & motivated by opportunities I stand in developing my skills? ) * Sweet Spot 3Become a young entrepreneur (because I possess leadership skills & prior work experience & motivated by earning more money & position power) With opportunities in building my own business strategies (as I have studied business strategies during my degree, creativity and motivated by deriving a pleasure from performing a task) In my own salon & spa (whe re I have capabilities in marketing, being organized, prior knowledge about the field & motivated by challenging & changing the process) Which is recognized for launching new beauty management technologies (because I have the capabilities in thinking out of the box & be motivated by doing a good job and helping people) Discussion: Motivated Capabilities According to Kendra Cherry (2013), ‘Motivation is defined as the process that initiates, guides and maintains goal-oriented behaviors’. Under the workbook three, it analyzes the motivational capabilities of me with use of several tools. As ill George discuss in True North (pg. 106), motivation consist of two forms; Extrinsic & Intrinsic. Extrinsic motivators are derived from the external world (money) and intrinsic motivators are derived from the meaning of one’s life. As the first attempt of understanding my motivation capabilities (appendix 3. ), I have considered my life stories analyzing what caused my motivat ion/ de-motivation under each story. Once causes are being identified, a cross comparison of myself awareness & values with cause helped me to understand my motivators. Secondly, in classifying what motivators are most crucial for me, I have done an analysis of personal extrinsic motivators (appendix 3. 2) & intrinsic motivators (appendix 3. 3) with use of a grid where I have ranked, scored & explained why these motivators are important to me. Under extrinsic motivators, it was learnt that I was more prone to react for motivator such praise & appreciation, money, position power, opportunities &recognition.Under intrinsic analysis, it was understood that I was motivated at instances of helping others, satisfaction from doing a good job, being creative, deriving pleasure from performing tasks & challenging & changing things. By reconsidering these motivators, it could be brought to a conclusion that my extrinsic motivators consist of those factors which help me to learn and develop my self further & intrinsic motivators are those which brings mental satisfaction. As much as motivators do good, being over attached to them could also bring disadvantages. In analyzing potential possibilities my motivators pulling me off balance, it was discovered that greed for money, over- dependency on feedback, too much creativity, too much communication & extremist on goal achieving could potentially pull me off my motivation balance.In overcoming such situations, it was recommended to do time management, activity prioritizing, following ethical boundaries, cross comparison of values & actions, create progress reports and enhance self awareness better in preventing such situations (appendix 3. 4). As motivation & interest play along, it was then discussed how my motivators provoke interest within me to do what I desire. In discovering my interests (appendix 3. 5), I questioned myself, what is important for me? , what am I really interested in? & What makes me passionate?. In the end, it was understood that gratitude, peacefulness, personal development, sense of exploring, accuracy, beliefs & freedom are those hidden instincts which generate interest with in towards my motivators. Once my motivators are identified, strengths (hard/ soft skills, qualities, personality types & talents) (appendix 3. ) & weaknesses (quick temper, expensiveness, boredom, time management & enjoyment addiction) (appendix 3. 7) identified where they were then connected to find my motivated capabilities which helped to determine sweet spots (the best of what I want to become by putting my motivations & capabilities together). In identifying sweet spots (appendix 3. 8), I questioned my desires with What to Become? With what originality? , At where? & Which performs what?. International Marketing Manager at an export company, Marketing Lecturer at a foreign university affiliated institute & a young entrepreneur of a salon & spa. ConclusionIn winding up this report, it can be stated th at this is report is based on a critical examination of my effectiveness as an authentic leader by applying models learn at lectures & through reference material to present the research that I have undertaken in my own personal research. In further explaining the report consists of three workbooks which explain self-awareness, values & motivated capabilities of me. Firstly, the report has explained measures in which my self- awareness is being determined. With use of a personal experience map, it shows what remarkable experiences that I have gone through and what makes those life stories special to my instincts. Also, as we all humans look up to third parties in extracting inspirations, I have built a character map which not only consider event in my life story, which also consider roles of those specific characters has played in my development.Also, as the last step of self awareness, a Johari Window is being created which examine my open, blind, hidden & unknown areas of my life w hich provides me with a better understanding of myself and my characteristics. At the end measuring myself awareness, it can be brought to a conclusion that I am adequately aware of myself where my open area is wider than unknown as I have thoroughly understood myself. Secondly, with use of self awareness, I have extracted a set of expressions believed to be my values and prioritized them where the most important and important values are being considered to be my values which are true to my heart & which defines me better. Once values are identified, a scenario (compromising on honesty) has been explained where my values were being compromised and what actions would I have taken beside the original response.Also, the report further discuss ethical boundaries which I follow in making sure to not compromise on my values potentially with use of different measures. It can be brought to a conclusion that my values are more concentrated on inter personal level where most of my values are based on the best interest of how I deal with others and further explain my leadership qualities in possessing to become an authentic leader Finally, with use of reasons why I was motivated during my life events mentioned under self- awareness, the report has classifies my motivators between extrinsic & intrinsic which denote motivators through external forces & through life story.In further explanation, my top 5 extrinsic & intrinsic motivators are being selected by ranking & reasoning where it then examine how to balance my motivators incase of circumstances caused due to strong need for motivators which will potentially pull me off balance. As interests are being provoked by motivators, the report then have discussed ways in which motivators provoked my interest under life story by answering what is really important to me, what am I interested in & what makes me passionate. And then my strengths (hard/ soft skills, qualities, personality types, talents) & weaknesses are being eva luated in understanding my capabilities where motivators & capabilities are cross connected in generating sweet spots which determine the best of what motivates me to be within my capabilities.Collection of sweet spots listed up to an international marketing manager, marketing lecturer & young entrepreneur. Recommendation Following recommendations are drawn in developing me to become an authentic leader. All recommendations compile with the SMART framework. Eg: Specific:Clarity of negotiation Measurable:Ask for feedback from friends, do trial negotiations Achievable:Improve understanding the purpose of negotiation Realistic:Being able to clearly identify features of negotiation Time:(4 months) Aug 2013-Dec 2013 Skill| Objective| Method| Time Scale| Monitoring & Review| Time Management| Meet deadlines on time | I could maintain a to- do list for the week with time constrains. (6 months)June ’13 – Nov ‘13| * Keep a track of tasks completed and its timing * Receive feedback from the task coordinators for meeting deadlines. | | | Identify the times at which you can work the best. | | | | | Maintain a speed when working. | | | | Maintain ‘Contingency Time’ practice| Include contingency timing when planning. | | | Negotiation| Negotiate to the point| Improve understanding the purpose of negotiation. | (4 months)Aug ‘13 – Dec ‘13| * Ask for feedback from friends * Do trial negotiations| | Clarity of negotiation| Present all background ideas and facts. | | | | Ability to convince| Outsource ideas, read articles. Practice with colleagues. | | | Communication| Improve clear talking| Practice breath pauses.Make use of audio/ video tracks & articles for practicing. | (4 months)Oct 13-Jan14| * Ask my friends for feedback on clear speaking * Ask colleagues for feedback on my understanding of their messages based on my reaction/ feedback. | | Improve listening skills| Listen patiently. Wait for my turn to express. | | | Lea dership| Improving listening skills| Listen patiently. Refer materials which help to improve listening skills. | (6 months)Dec 13-May 14| * Request feedback from fellow team members| | Pay attention to others point of views| Let the others express their point of view. Discuss each possibility of every idea suggested. | | Stress Management| Learn about managing stress| Research & discover effective techniques in managing stress. Follow therapies in maintaining peace in mind. | (6 months)Feb 14- July 14| * Try a trial stress situation * Colleague feedback| Motivation| Improve self confidence| Read journals and research tips in improving self confidence. Attend workshops. | (6 months)Apr 14 – Sep 14| * Keep a track of progress since day one and evaluate * Ask friends & family for progress feedback * Compare the current status with those mentioned in external sources referred| | Improve & manage motivation| Watch motivations videos, read articles.Find more innovative and interest ing motivational techniques. | | | Prioritizing| Prioritizing tasks| Cluster all tasks and categorize them according to the priority level. Learn to Say ‘NO’. | (4 months)Jun 14-Sep 14| * Practice saying no to irrelevant tasks/ activities * Practice procrastination on daily activities and monitor the effect * Ask seniors for their comments| | Study about procrastination and its usage| Refer books, articles, websites and understand how, why and when to use procrastination. | | | Team Building| Improve team building skills| Read articles. Involve in real time team activities. | (6 months)Aug 14-Jan 15| * Request Feedback from fellow team members|
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