Sunday, May 24, 2020
Descriptive Essay Forever Fixed - 1278 Words
Forever Fixed What is forever? Or rather how long is forever? Like when you were a kind and made a promise to always be friends or pals and over time they slip from your memory. Is that the end of forever? Or when you say you forever do something and you forget once or twice does forever stop and start again? Or is it the generic continuing on after the end of time? I surely don’t know and I don’t know if anyone knows how long forever is and the probably never will. But when you learn something important and change you make a beginning and that beginning determines your future and might be a forever†¦. It hurt. It felt like I was literally being crushed between a rock and a hard place. I was stuck. My leg was trapped and my†¦show more content†¦So I would escape and ride my bike. Although I was so into leaving the house I did not go too far. No not because I was six, but because where I lived was perfect for me. See I live and a block of about seven houses on each side and we are the second from the street corner and right at the corner I would turn around and go down the other side of the streat. About half way through the neighbor s street was a sewer creat and I found joy making little and big turns around it, about halfway in my little oval was our driveway. So really I was going about ten yards away from my house. But that was perfect for me, and that day was perfect. It was latter in the evening towards the end of summer so it was nice and warm out but not cold. The sun was just under the hills but not to far. When it is like that it seems to stay like that for a long time but that was great because it gave the sky a peaceful glow that seemed to fulfill the clear blue sky, the sky seemed to feel joyful when it is like this. How the light glowed through the trees it was as if the shadows were dancing with the light. the breeze was soft but nice pushing me and cooling me off. The time, the place, the view everything was perfect then when I was almost to where I would pass the drive way I lost my balance for a moment and fell over. I landed in a weird, trapped position. When I fell of it hurt a little but not to much so I was not crying. My foot was trapped with the pedal by the back
Sunday, May 17, 2020
Love Is An Interesting Idea - 2396 Words
Love is an interesting idea to analyse because it is such a broad topic. We can love a range of things from pets, to places, to people. We can also have different relationships that involve love: it can be between a family, or a certain group of people, or maybe just that one special person. Online, there are a lot of different definitions for it. The first definition on tells it as â€Å"a profoundly tender, passionate affection for another person†(8/4/15 from, defines it as â€Å"to hold dear or to cherish†(8/4/15 from and Wikipedia explains that love is â€Å"a variety of feelings, states and attitudes that range from interpersonal connection to pleasure†(8/4/15 from This concept we call love is displayed to us in all kinds of media, including movies, television shows, books, music, art, dance a nd is easily one of the most, if not the most, popular genres that we express today. Love has quite a lot of different aspects and from this concept; we can contrast these differences between several texts. The objective throughout this speech is to look at the similarities and differences between the different aspects of love portrayed in the poems Winter Song by Elizabeth Tollet and The Forsaken Wife by Elizabeth Thomas. I chose these two poems because the ideology of love is greatly portrayed in Tollet’s poem, yet a lack thereShow MoreRelated Use of Allusions in Andrew Marvells To His Coy Mistress Essay560 Words  | 3 Pagesuses many allusions to empires and other objects, events and ideas that are not directly related to his feelings, in order to explain how he feels. He uses these allusions to exaggerate his feelings in order to clearly show them. After reading over the poem once, you get a sense of what the speaker is feeling. Upon further analysis of the poem you r ealize that the allusions used in the poem, are in fact, what makes this poem so interesting. The speaker begins the poem by explaining to his mistressRead MoreMisunderstanding Relationships in Boogie Nights Essay1629 Words  | 7 PagesThe film Boogie Nights provides an interesting case study of the unique nature of human relationships, specifically love and friendship. It presents a crisscrossing mash-up of various combinations of traditional love categories: friendly (plutonic or nonsexual) love, family love, lust, master/servant or apprentice/teacher love, etc. Besides being entertaining, Boogie Nights presents these combinations to provoke an insight on our part into the nature of love. This insight is exemplified in Jack’sRead MoreEvil Is The Devoid Of Good Intentions1209 Words  | 5 Pagesboth religions and then choose which ideology that I prefer. Hinduism has a very interesting aspect to evil. I learned this right way though our reading of the Ramayana. The Ramayana is all about two main elements; demons and devotion. Ravana, is a demon Rakshasa and is â€Å"in love†with Sita. Sita is the sister of Rama and is taken by Ravana. Ravana heard that their was a beautiful maiden and he was just in love with the description that he was getting of her. Ravana said that he needs to go andRead MoreThe Metaphysical Conceit in Donnes Poems1198 Words  | 5 PagesThe Metaphysical Conceit Donne’s Poems â€Å"The Flea†and â€Å"A Valediction†are poems by John Donne that were written in the 17th Century. These poems incorporate the fundamental of something called a metaphysical conceit. Interesting though, both poems use the metaphysical conceit to tell a story about two very opposite situation between two â€Å"partners†. â€Å"The Flea’s†metaphysical conceit is stretched along a lustful, passionate, relationship between two individuals. â€Å"A Valediction’s†metaphysical conceitRead MoreDeath Is Not Master By Thomas Miller911 Words  | 4 Pagesrelationship between ‘I’ and ‘You’ who love each other a lot and never want to become separated by death. The opening line â€Å"I cannot let you die†(Line 1) represents how much the persona loves the reader and wants that she/he should not die. Immediately, the persona explains her love by saying â€Å"I block factual death†(Line 2). This sho ws that she doesn’t want you to die and she will bock death with any fact. Again the second line ‘I’ is used to explain the persona’s love with ‘you’ that she can use anyRead MoreEssay about Augustine And Love1001 Words  | 5 PagesAugustine define love? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;Augustine states continuously that he was not yet in love, but was in love with love. This statement doesn’t make sense to me. I don’t believe that someone can be in love with something, if he or she doesn’t understand what love is. â€Å"I was not yet in love, but I was in love with love, and from the very depth of my need hated myself for not more keenly feeling the need.†(pg. 35) How can Augustine hate himself if he doesn’t know what loves feel likeRead MoreBuddha s Brain : The Practical Neuroscience Of Happiness, Love, And Wisdom1158 Words  | 5 PagesBuddha s Brain When people generally discuss the Buddhist principals or the life of Buddha, the subjects of the anatomy or evolution of probably rarely arise. However in this book, â€Å"Buddha s Brain – the practical neuroscience of happiness, love, wisdom†, many of the tenets of Buddhist teachings are backed by the latest research and well established scientific theory. The author, Dr. Rick Hanson and his collaborator, Dr. Richard Mendius, are both scientist themselves with Dr. Hanson being aRead MoreAnalysis Of William Shakespeare s The Roman Goddess Of Luck 1227 Words  | 5 Pages The notion that Sonnet 124 does not necessarily discuss admiration or affection felt towards a particular youth, one need only consider its author’s use of figurative language. One of the most interesting metaphors invoked within this sonnet is that of Fortune. Fortune, or Fortuna, was the Roman goddess of luck; typically depicted with a blindfold covering her eyes, she was often considered capricious and fickle in terms of who she offered her blessings to and how long she offered them for. By characterizingRead MoreLet Me Die - I Want Eternity936 Words  | 4 PagesThus, conveying Miller’s idea of how the perspective death is not the master; instead, it is the slave of eternal life of serenity and calmness that lies ahead. So, no one should try to become a barrier by blocking the death. Repetition of ‘you’ six times and ‘I’ three times symbolizes the relationship between ‘I’ and ‘You’ who love each other alot and never want to become separated by death. The opening line â€Å"I cannot let you die†(Line 1) represents how much the persona loves the reader and does notRead MoreRomantic Relationships : The Romantic Construal Model941 Words  | 4 Pagessome concepts that I have studied previously regarding the five love languages. There is a book that describes these as being: words of affirmation, quality time, receiving gifts, acts of service and physical touch. This book is really interesting because it outlines that each person has a primary and secondary love language and it argues that those in relationships should be aware of the love language of the other person and use the love language on their partner and vice versa. When the article was
Thursday, May 14, 2020
The Rwandan Conflict Genocide Or War International...
Abimbola, Olaifa and Danjibo Dominic. The 1994 Rwandan Conflict: Genocide or War? International Journal on World Peace. Vol XXX No. 3(2013). 31-54. Print. The Article by Olaifa and Dominic, provides background and general information about the Rwandan Conflict of 1994 which relates to the concept of genocide and is to determine its relationship with war as a concept. The authors present an investigation of the reasons of Rwandan tragedy and justifies the difference between concepts of war and genocide by explaining their deep definitions with evidences. The article poignantly and powerfully examines the genocide from many different perspectives and political topic and helped us to understand the magnitude of the killing strategy physically and psychologically. This source’s goal is inform its audience about the motives behind any genocide – Power, Psychological resentment, Purification and Pecuniary gain. Rwandan Genocide against Tutsis in 1994 depicts all these motives behind the massacre. But the most profound factor which fueled the transmission of genocidal ideology was the longstanding and deeply ingrained ethnic differences and polarization between the Hutus and Tutsis backed by the motive of Pecuniary the policy makers and top guns, who commit this crime and hide behind the facelessness of regimes or governments. The author throws light on historical background of Rwanda which clarifies the circumstances that gave spark to the huge extermination ofShow MoreRelatedMedia Representation of the Rwandan Genocide1202 Words  | 5 Pagesof the Rwanda Genocide my argument is that representation is constitutive of the ways in which we understand the world and of the hierarchy that currently exists within mainstream media. As (Michael J. Shapiro, 1989) discussed ‘The reason for looking at representational practices in relation to texts, language and modes of interpretation is because it is through these practices that ideas about International Relations are produced’. Through the media coverage on the Rwanda Genocide I investigateRead MoreHumanitarian Intervention Essay1198 Words  | 5 Pagesthe basic human rights of civilians during civil wars and during crime against humanity. (Humanitarian, 2008) Realism explains that humanitarian intervention came about during the genocide in Bosnia but not in Rwanda because even though it might have been the correct moral action to take, intervention in Rwanda was not in the national interest of other states. Also, there was no humanitarian intervention in the Rwanda genocide because the genocide was not explicitly known about. (Hintjens, 1999)Read MoreRelationship Between Rwanda, Israels Perceptions Of The 1994 Rwandan Genocide1249 Words  | 5 Pageseconomic reconstruction since the 1994 Rwandan Genocide. This research has led to a greater exploration of regional dynamics between other African Great Lakes region nations. During my various periods living within Rwanda, I have had the opportunity to perform independent research and analysis on the nation’s political, military, agricultural-focused development, religious and social history and presence. This research resulted in my publication for the Israel Journal of Foreign Affairs titled, â€Å"RwandaRead MoreEssay on Restorative Justice: Forgiveness is the Best Punishment852 Words  | 4 Pagestheir action. In 1994 the world witnessed one of the most systematic and vast massacre of our time in Rwanda. By the end of the massacre one million people were dead and hundreds were left with physical and psychological scars. The genocide was fueled by years of hatred between the Hutus and the Tutsis. After the genocide the Rwandan government was left with the task of designing a justice system suitable to prosecute perpetrators of the genocide and the reestablishment of peace within the country. DueRead MoreThe And Peacemaking : Conflict, And Reconcilliation2081 Words  | 9 PagesAND PEACEMAKING: CONFLICT AND REC ONCILLIATION SPRING SEMESTER 2015 BEING CHURCH IN POST-GENOCIDE RWANDA _________________________________________ PAPER PRESENTED TO DR ANYANGO REGGY BEULAH HEIGHTS UNIVERSITY _____________________________________________ IN PARTIAL FULFILMENT FOR THE COURSE DM 904 LEADERSHIP AND PEACEMAKING: CONFLICT AND RECONCILLIATION __________________________________ BY GEOFFREY CHEGE 02/21/2015. INTRODUCATION INTRODUCTION: BEING CHURCH IN POST GENOCIDE RWANDA: THE CHALLENGESRead MoreRape As A Weapon Of War3044 Words  | 13 Pagesof rape as a tool in war was a gross violation of human rights as well as overwhelmingly a gender issue. Rape used as a tool of war has devastated and destroyed people, communities, families, and traditions. When discussing rape as weapon of war, there are two main modern day conflicts that can not be overlooked. Rape as a weapon of war is brought into light by the wars of Congo and Bosnia. These two conflicts brought the eyes of the world onto the global issue of rape in war and more specificallyRead MoreRwandan Genocide Essay3369 Words  | 14 PagesNations in 1945 was marked by an international outcry to ‘never again’ idly bear witness to the genocidal atrocities capable of man, as so harshly revealed in the nature of the Holocaust. In doing so, all member states actively sought to facilitate discussion in the United Nations a s a world forum, in order to achieve both international and intra-national security. While the United Nations has achieved various successes in the international community, the international entity and its’ member statesRead MoreElements of Genocide: Collective Behaviour and Acting Crowd Essay1307 Words  | 6 Pagescrowd. During World War II, an acting crowd known as the Nazi party brought forward the massacre of millions. After the war, in 1943 Raphael Lemkin, a Jewish-Polish lawyer, created the term genocide to describe the mass extermination of various groups. He combined Latin word â€Å"genos†(race or tribe) with another Latin term â€Å"cide†(to kill). After the holocaust, Dr. Lemkin fought for the recognition of genocide under international law. Thanks to his efforts, the UN Convention of Genocide was createdRead MoreEuropean Intervention and the Rwandan Genocide2151 Words  | 9 Pages Genocide is the destruction of a cultural, racial or political group through the use of â€Å" mass killings..(Hintjens 267).†The April of 1994, â€Å"Rwandan subjects and citizens were the main actors in the genocide (Hintjens 244).†The establishment of colonial rule by the Europeans impacted the conflict in Rwanda due to the creation of ethnic boundaries between the Tutsis and the Hutus. Hierarchies were established based upon European racial theories. ThroughoutRead MoreInternational Security And The Role Of The United Nations3111 Words  | 13 Pages International Security and The Role of the United Nations Efren Francisco Jose Palacios Puma 46077137 Political Sciences 260 Efren Francisco Palacios 46077137 International Security and the Role of the United Nations Introduction Throughout history, there have been a lot of conflicts between countries regarding many different issues such as territory, religion, race, trade, etc. However there was no attempt to create a global organization, or a treaty, or an agreement in order to
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Family Psychology ( Therapy ) Essay - 1016 Words
Family Psychology (Therapy) Michael Daniel Weigant School of Professional Counseling Lindsey Wilson College Author Note 716 Kingdom Come Drive. Cumberland Ky. 40823 Abstract This research paper is going to look at a career in family therapy. It is going to discuss some of the things a psychologist does with their patients. The type of pay they receive. The paper is also going to discuss a few different options people have with education. Finally, it will look at how the future looks in the field of family therapy. Family Therapy Growing up, my younger sister was diagnoised with Bi Polar Disease. I believe she had other issues as well but that was her main one. It was a tough time for her and for the rest of my family. She could make a scene for the smallest reason and everyone would stare. A few people actually came up to my parents or whoever we were with at the time and asked why don’t you do something with her. At that point, we usually had to get up and leave the place we were at with people staring. My sister isn’t the only case my family has had with mental issues. I had an aunt growing up with Pschitzophrina and Multiple Personality Disorder. My oldest nephew has ADHD. Three of my younger nieces have Bi Polar and I also have a young nephew who has the same disease. My mother also babysat for a long time and she had a lot of children who had mental issues. I learned through these kinds of situations howShow MoreRelatedPsychology and Family Therapy1301 Words  | 6 Pagessame way as any other behavior | Causes:learnedTreatments: therapy | Cognitivesuggests that faulty thinking or distorted perceptions can contribute to some types of psychological disorders | Causes:disorderTreatments:counseling | Humanisticability to fulfill their potential, abnormal behavior results from person s potential and self-concept | Causes:How they are bornTreatments:Drug treatment | Part 2. Chapter 13 - What type of therapy? Identify the type of psychotherapy represented by eachRead MoreEssay on Biopsychosocial Case Study1098 Words  | 5 Pagesimportant part of clinical psychology. One can learn about the biological, psychological, and social factors involved by studying patients with certain disorders or illnesses. The case study of Christina Ricci and Karen Carpenter are extraordinary and this analysis will give a brief overview of their case as well as discuss the biological, psychological, and social factors involved. This analysis will also explain the need for adaptation in the field of clinical psychology. Overview of ChristinaRead MoreClinical Psychology Should Not Be Taken Lightly1382 Words  | 6 PagesClinical psychology is one of the most beneficial branches in psychology. It is a specialty that provides behavioural and mental healthcare for individuals and families worldwide (Hunsley and Lee, 2014). Across all cultures, ages, and socioeconomic backgrounds, clinical psychology provides proper assessment and treatment plans for mental illnesses (Dozois, 2012). However, there are many individuals that underestimate the reliability and value that clinical psychology offers to our society. ClinicalRead MoreInternet Counseling And Clinical Psychology1646 Words  | 7 PagesInternet Counseling in Clinical Psychology: A Brief Review Although psychology has only existed as an institution for just over a hundred years, and clinical psychology for even less than that, it has still developed some harsh stagnations and tendencies to deny progress. That being said, many psychologists push hard to integrate new techniques, theories, practices, and technology into their work. The advent of technology is incredibly important in this regard because it creates an environmentRead MoreObject Relations Theory : A Theory Of Relationships1310 Words  | 6 PagesObject Relations Two Major Assumptions: Object relations theory is a theory of relationships between people particularly within a family believing that humans have a need to connect with others. More so, expressing a belief that we are driven to form relationships with others and that failure to do so successfully leads to later problems. This theory has deepened our understanding of humans and their relationships, as well as transformed social policies for example children are placed in foster homesRead MoreProgram Theory And Logic Models909 Words  | 4 Pages02 October 6th, 2015 Section 1 1. In general the purpose of the Functional Family Therapy Program is a short-term family-based prevention and intervention treatment applied across various context for treatment of at-risk and juvenile adolescents to address delinquent and behavior problems in hopes to modify community relations. The specific activities offered by the program are develop systemic and individualized family-based orientation to address behavioral problems of at-risk and juvenile delinquentRead MorePositive Body Image Group Essay1234 Words  | 5 Pagesstrategies to utilize when working with female BID populations. It is important when developing a treatment module for BID that clinicians turn to prior research to guide them in the development of their therapy program. Literature Review It is evident throughout the literature that cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) in a group setting for BID appears to be the most effective and empirically supported treatment (Farrell, Shafran Lee, 2006). CBT encompasses various techniques, including cognitive restructuringRead MoreEssay about What Is Abnormal Psychology? What Is Normal Psychology?1141 Words  | 5 Pagesnbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is Psychology? In my research of Psychology and its meaning I have come up with many definitions. To sum all of the definitions into one it’s the study ones feelings, thoughts, and their way of thinking and using all of there senses rather its cognitive, physical, or mental. Some other questions that came to mind during my research are what is normal psychology and what is abnormal psychology? nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;nbsp;What is normal psychology? Most people consider oneRead MoreA Study Conducted By Anthony Venning And Associates1097 Words  | 5 Pagesbetween the years 2009 and 2012 (, 2015). Comorbidity of conditions in this age group are very common as are high rates of disability associated with people suffering from mental illness including, work and educational failure and reduced family participation (McLennan, 1997). Since a quarter of young Australians have reported they are unhappy with their life as a whole, it is important to begin looking at the ways in which mental health professionals may assist people in this age bracketRead MoreOverview Of Professional Experience And Plans Essay1584 Words  | 7 PagesProfessional Experience and Plans I first became interested in psychology while enrolled in a grade eleven introductory course. Learning the basics about human behaviour and mental processes fascinated me, and from there I began to explore the ways in which psychology could become a lifelong career. Fast-forward seven years and I have witnessed this passion flourish through the completion of my Bachelor of Arts Honours degree in Psychology and my Developmental Services Worker Diploma. In addition to
A Complex Behaviour Change Failing to Address the Habit...
I found through self-exploration that out of the seven Dimensions of Wellness my emotional wellness was the area that seemed to be the unhealthiest. I realized that I was a very stressed person and that it affected me in almost all areas of my life. I was able to ascertain that my stress was a direct result of ignoring my own limitations on work load therefore taking on far more than I could handle in the amount of time I had to use. I attempted to decrease my stress through acknowledging my time constraints and taking on projects that would fit easily within my schedule. Through decreasing my workload I expected my relationship with friends and family to become healthier and less strained; as well, I foresaw that I would be happier,†¦show more content†¦I also spoke with my employer and finally came to the realization that I needed to actually terminate my job in order to gain some of the stress-free lifestyle that I was striving for. However, while I freed my nights fro m a paying job I then filled it with the un-paying requests of friends and coaches. The reinforcing factors of my initial plan were to investigate the amount of time needed to complete the tasks prior to committing to them, however this as well never came to fruition, instead I accepted them blindly with little or no regard for time constraints. Originally I had planned on using a strategy of breaking the process of change down into smaller goals so that I wouldn’t feel overwhelmed and would be able to experience success throughout my behaviour change. Unfortunately I did not do this, instead I took one giant leap in quitting my job thus creating what I thought was a multitude of free time to complete other tasks not employment related. Instead of experiencing small successes along the way I ended up with instant gratification which quickly went away as I began filling up that time with other new tasks not previously on my to-do list. I had also planned on speaking to fr iends in hopes to find some peer support in this endeavour, however first I quit my job and then went to speak with them. AsShow MoreRelatedSelf Defeating Behaviour2650 Words  | 11 Pagestreatment of self-defeating behaviour. The approaches should be selected from those introduced in module 5.†2530 Words â€Å"Self-defeating behavior is the idea that sometimes people knowingly do things that will cause them to fail or bring them trouble. It is defined as â€Å"any deliberate or intentional behavior that has clear, definitely or probably negative effects on the self or on the self’s projects.†(Wikipedia: Self-Defeating Behavior) The concept of and theories behind why a person behavesRead MoreDeath like life is an inevitable occurrence in the human experience and according to Sigmund Freud,2300 Words  | 10 Pagesthe onset of symptoms. This definition is commonly used in Jamaica. It can occur in infants and adult alike and in any environment. When this occurs, the sudden death of someone we love is the most painful emotional experience. It’s an event that changes our psychological landscape because our personal world can never be the same again without the person that we loved in a unique and specific way; such a loss acquires cataclysmic dimensions wh en a child loses a parent. Some children focus a vast amountRead MoreHow Change Is Inevitable?3243 Words  | 13 PagesChange is inevitable. As times change, so does the organization, in response to the emergent conditions. Macleod (2009, p. 12) defines organizational change as a process of transformatio. He further notes that such changes result from multiple environmental factors. Administrative changes occur when executives implement new strategies, new technology or alter major structural sections. In light of current situations, change is essential for an institute to remain on top of its competition in theRead MoreCultural Issues of Human Resource Management4615 Words  | 19 Pagesdimensions and looks at the complex relationship between personality and culture – our ‘cultural baggage’. In order to explore the opinions and cultural awareness of participants, a questionnaire was developed. The purpose of the questionnaire was to identify themes and orientations to cross-cultural issues in terms not only of communality but also of paradoxes. The results highlighted a high level of recognition of cultural dilemmas and a perceived need and willingness to address and reconcile them. HoweverRead MoreThe Leadership Style of King David3177 Words  | 13 Pagesmodern thinking on leadership and your own theological reflection. Introduction In her book Leadership Can Be Taught, Sharon Parks (2005, p.3.) suggests that the study of leadership is important for the common good in todays complex changing world. The term complex changing world could easily be used to describe the time covered by the early years of King David as described in 1 Samuel chapter 16 to 2 Samuel chapter 5, and 1 Chronicles chapter 11. This was the beginning of a turbulent KingshipRead MoreLevel HSC Unit 40 - Lead positive behavioural support.14060 Words  | 57 Pagesunderpinning Positive Behavioural Support Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) - A values led, person centred, evidence based intervention model that seeks to improve an individual’s communication, independence and quality of life. It aim to bring together best practice from Applied Behaviour Analysis, the inclusion movement Person Centred Planning. PBS is an inclusive approach, supporting people to stay in their homes and schools environments. The Positive Behaviour Support model has a strong and growing bodyRead MoreFeatures Of Disputes Regarding The Company Act Of 20067277 Words  | 30 Pagesrelationship of shareholders (V.H., 2008). Given that relational breakdown tends to occur because of various underlying factors and these are the main causes of disputes among shareholders of a firm. Relational breakdown also results in opportunistic behaviour on the part of most of the shareholders who may attempt to increase their impact on the control of a company by exerting power of the majority power hold (V.H., 2008). Additionally, it can be stated that most of the shareholders in a given privateRead MoreThe Effects of Advertising on Children33281 Words  | 134 Pages...................................... 21 Attention, recognition and recall................................................................................................. 21 Australian Communications and Media Authority 1 Preferences and behaviour .......................................................................................................... 22 Repetition and advertising effectiveness..................................................................................... 22 ConclusionsRead MoreThe Issues Of Companies Act Of 20067516 Words  | 31 Pagesrelationship of shareholders (V.H., 2008). Given that relational breakdown tends to occur because of various underling factors and these are the main causes of disputes among shareholders of a firm. Relational breakdown also results in opportunistic behaviour on part of most of the shareholders who may attempt to increase their impact on the control of a company by exerting power of majority power hold. Additionally, it can be stated that most of the shareholders in a given private company employ an opportunisticRead MoreOrganisational Control and Power21418 Words  | 86 Pagesunderlying feature of organisational behaviour is the concept of control and power. Control systems exist in all spheres of the operations of the organisation and are a necessary part of the process of management. Work organisations are complex systems of social relationships, status and power, and attention should be given to the manager–subordinate relationships. The manager needs to understand the nature of power and control in order to improve work behaviour and organisational performance.
Anarchy Essay Example For Students
Anarchy Essay Anarchism seems to be defined many ways by many different sources. Mostdictionary definitions define anarchism as the absence of government. A leadingmodern dictionary, Websters Third International Dictionary, defines anarchismbriefly but accurately as, a political theory opposed to all forms ofgovernment and governmental restraint and advocating voluntary cooperation andfree association of individuals and groups in order to satisfy theirneeds. Other dictionaries describe anarchism with similar definitions. TheBritannica-Webster dictionary defines the word anarchism as, a politicaltheory that holds all government authority to be unnecessary and undesirable andadvocates a society based on voluntary cooperation of individuals andgroups. William Godwin was the first proclaimed anarchist in history andthe first to write about anarchism. Godwin published a book called PoliticalJustice in 1793 which first introduced his ideas about anarchism, Godwin wasforgotten about, however, and after h is death Pierre Joseph Proudhon became aleading anarchist figure in the world. His book What is Property? incorporatedgreater meaning to the word anarchism; anarchism became not only a rejection ofestablished authority but a theory opposing ownership of land and property aswell. Anarchism fully blossomed as a defined theory when Russian anarchistsMikhail Bakunin (1814-1876) and Peter Kropotkin (1842-1921) started to write andspeak. Bakunin had a major influence in the world and introduced anarchism tomany people. Kropotkin was one of the many people inspired by Bakunin. Kropotkinwrote many books on anarchism, including Muitual Aid, Fields Factories andWorkshops, and The Conquest of Bread, and greatly aided in the evolution of thetheory of anarchism. As the 20th century emerged anarchism began to peak and thedefinition of anarchism became concrete with the growth of new anarchist writersand movements. The execution and imprisonment of eight anarchists in Chicago in1886 sparked anarch isms growth in the United States. The HaymarketEight flourished anarchists such as Voltairine de Cleyre and Lucy Parsons. Today all but the most doctrinaire of scholars see a role for so-called soft law-precepts emanating from international bodies that conform in some sense to expectations of required behavior but that are not binding on states (the World Banks Guidelines on the Treatment of Foreign Direct Investment, for example). Soft law principles also represent a starting point for new hard law, which attaches a penalty to noncompliance. Whether in the case of hard or soft law, new participants are making increased demands for representation in international bodies, conferences, and other legal groupings and processes. They include both recognized and unrecognized substate entities (Hong Kong and Tibet, for example); nongovernmental organizations; and corporations. Scholars accept that these other actors have independent views that do not fit neatly into traditional theories of how law is made and enforced. Most states comply with much, even most, international law. But without a mechanism to bring transgressors into line, international law is law in name only. The traditional toolbox to secure compliance with the law of nations consist of negotiations, mediation, countermeasures, or, in rare cases, recourse to supranational judicial bodies such as the International Court of Justice. For many years, these tools have been supplemented by the work of international institutions, whose reports and resolutions often help mobilize shame against violators. But today, states, NGOs, and private entities have striven for sanctions. And the UNs ad hoc criminal tribunals for the former Yugoslavia and Rwanda show that it is at least possible to devise institutions to punish individuals for human rights atrocities. Nonetheless, the success of these enforcement mechanisms depends on the willingness of states to support them. When global institutions do not work, regional bodies may offer more influence over member conduct in economics, human rights, and other areas. In addition, domestic courts increasingly provide an additional venue to enforce international law. Even with a defined international law and a world government to enforce it, cooperation in general, in international politics, is troubled. Research on international regimes moved from attempts to describe the phenomena of interdependence and international regimes to closer analysis of the conditions under which countries cooperate. How does cooperation occur among sovereign states and how do international institutions affect it? Indeed, why should international institutions exist at all in a world dominated by sovereign states? This question seemed unanswerable if institutions were seen as opposed to or above, the state but not if the y were viewed as devices to help states accomplish their objectives. The new school of thought argued that, rather than imposing themselves on states, international institutions should respond to the demand by states for cooperative ways to fulfill their own purposes. By reducing uncertainty and the costs of
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Barbed Wire by Mary Enemy Essay Example For Students
Barbed Wire by Mary Enemy Essay Mary Emenys poem, Barbed Wire, depicts war as a negative force, destroying every decent aspect of human existence. Written during the Vietnam War, the work displays Emenys negative views on war. In one way or another everyone experiences and identifies with the presence of war. Although some wars are fought for justifiable reasons, every war tears into the lives of those undeserving. The tragic effects of war consume the innocent creating an unconquerable path of entanglement. The physical effects of war overwhelm the naÃÆ'Â ¯ve causing pain and suffering. Initially, war entangles the lives of youth, destroying the innocence that they experience as an aspect of their life. The girl glid gracefully down the path 1 and the boy rid eagerly down the road 9 have their enjoyable realities striped by the harshness of war. Likewise, war enters womens lives creating turmoil. The woman who works deftly in the fields no longer is able to experience the offerings of life. The wire cuts, pushing her away from the normal flow of life. In addition, man undergoes tragic obstacles as a result of war. A man walks nobly and alone before the horrible effects of war set in on his life causing disruptions. War enters the life of man destroying the bond man shares with his beloved environment . Although a great deal of physical effects exist in Emenys work, the spiritual consequences of war serve as the most devastating ones. The will and spirit of those amidst the harshness of war diminishes because of the seriousness of war. Prior to the complexities of war, the spirit flees gleefully to the clouds, illustrating the freedom one expresses without repression. As soon as the wire catches, or the war commences, and intervenes with the lives of innocent bystanders, the innocence is lost. Furthermore, the hearts of the untainted human beings experience demolition due to the irrationality of war. Before the tragedy of war enters the picture, a heart goes openly to the street, showing the freedom that one possesses until the wire snares, and the sense of innocence disappears. Significantly, as a direct result of the entanglement of war, mans mind suffers pain and misfortune. A mans mind grows in searching preceding the brutality of war, exhibiting the ability of man to explore his surroundings without interference. Wars hampering of the innocent limits man to certain life experiences that repress his potential. . Barbed Wire illustrates how the severity of war detracts from the innocence within and surrounding humans. Men and women languish from the tangible results of war, encountering barriers when attempting to complete normal tasks. On the other hand, the spiritual consequences of war such as the repression of the mind, signify the tragedy involved when faced with war. Ultimately, war serves as an aspect of life that possesses the capacity to destroy human experiences and beliefs.
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