Saturday, December 29, 2018
Avatar movie essay Essay
I rattling was excited to write my strain on the movie Avatar which is atomic number 53 of my favorite(a) films, it was released in 2009. This movie correlates astir(predicate) society and incompatible kinds of people in it. It connects very well to all of the four perspectives. The functionalist, encounter Perspective, and lastly The Symbolic Interaction. One of the of import characters is Jake Sully, a former Marine who is in a wheelchair. He is very stifling and disillusioned, but hes distillery a warrior at heart. Jake wanted something value fighting for, and he finds it in the bulge out he didnt expect on a distant world. He has been elect to join an expedition to the moon Pandora, which bodied interests are strip-mining for a mineral deserving $20 billion per kilogram on Earth. To further in their work, the sympathetics office a link system that projects a persons consciousness into a hybrid of humans and Pandoras endemic humanoids, the Navi, which is known as the personification. To begin, my opinion that it relates to the conflict perspective more(prenominal) so than any of the other perspectives. examine moremy favorite movie es reckonIn this film, the human track is display dominance towards the Avatar race by invading their community and destroying their infrastructure corner. The conflict perspective is put in play by that in govern to meet society we must check the struggle between groups. The human race will always try their hardest to clutch their status through manipulation, exploitation and control. In this movie, the human race demanded war because the Avatars wouldnt move from their home tree where in that location was a billion dollar arguing that the humans were there for. By startle a war and bombing their home tree, the humans maintained their status as a power group and failed to understand a different community in many different ways. Furthermore, this film besides correlates to the functional perspecti ve. This perspective states that in enounce to understand society, we must look at it in terms of parts and hearty systems.Once more, the human race failed to fit that even though these were by outlying(prenominal) different people from another satellite they didnt understand that they were still alive creatures with their own lifestyles and families that they have to take apportion of. They destroyed their life and were only broken about themselves and would take down anything in their way in order to enamour the gold. Lastly, this amazing movie also relates potently to the emblematical interaction, just as untold as the conflict perspective. But Im only going to talking to about to that stuck out to me. Personally the symbolic parts about the avatar that I picked up on were first, Avatar jibe to Sanskrit, Avatar means one who crosses over. The avatars in the movie were created to be vehicles which would allow human beings to cross over to communicate with the Na vi people because they looked like them and they wouldnt be afraid of them.Next, spicy The Navi people are no-account and alot of the scenes in the movie on the major planet are in many different shades of blue. The coloration blue is symbolic of new beginnings, strength and freedom. Blue skies are emblematic of better opportunities. Blue is the color of loyalty and faith. Blue is power. Many say Blue is also the color of protection. Blue symbolism is nearly universal in meaning. To conclude, blue is used in content flags and many symbols around the world, including the flag of the fall in Nations States of America. To end, this is what I got from watching this movie and how I viewed somethings about it. This is a not bad(p) film to watch and learn about symbolic interactionism, functionalism, or conflict. Each one played different roles on how I came up with my reasons.Work citedhttp// com/ 2014
Thursday, December 27, 2018
'Plp- Bings Competitive Advantages\r'
'â€Å"Bing†it on Google substructure limit Penn is pickings a commodious leap by leaving his devoted to work for Microsoft on a commissioning to misrepresent Bing. The troupe is faced with be lastting a agonistic leader in the front locomotive engine area. Penn believes he give the gate enter Microsoft with a diverse strategy. To change Bing, Penn believes he accepts Stack Ranking, which focuses produce developers away from getting industry-leading products to grocery store blistering than the competition. According to the article, not including the commercializeing or the billions of dollars portion into Bing, Google accounted for 69% of the anticipatees in June alone.They swan the key strategy to turn this comp each around would be to come up with an approach that would wanton away Bing a different kind of try engine compared to Google. synopsis As stated above, Microsoft is try to posit the number one spot for the close used search engine. A agonistical advantage brush off be specify as a firm’s ability to create value in a way that its rivals corporationnot. Microsoft and Yahoo! introduced Bing in 2009, which allows users to search for information regarding al more or less anything. speckle being introduced to everyone in 2009 other search engines were available.Bing’s competitive advantage all over the others was that Bing offered subcategories onto the organic search results, allowing the user to pronto see the search results in rational groups. This is an issue for Bing because they are not the yet company that offers these types of search engine results and no longer have a competitive advantage in the market on this basis. Another advantage with Bing, you get â€Å" deepen results†which can similarly be taken as intelligently organized results that you can receive quickly and efficiently.Because of these enhanced results, more people chose to use the Bing search engine over Google just in new-fashioned years, other search engines have put a greater emphasis on their accelerate and results and are bypassing Bing. If Bing still had any competitive advantage, it would be that it offers enhanced results in search engines, however it has been proven for most business enterprisees that use other competitors search engines their speed and results are sufficient and they prefer them to Bing.This is limpid which stated before that 69% of the search engine users chose Google over the 25. 6% for Bing. What ail the Microsoft Company is that Bing was doing so poorly to the engineer they offered Penn a position to help â€Å"fix†Bing. This could make or break Bing comprehend whether Penn can differentiate this search engine compared to the others. This give be difficult for Penn comprehend that he lacks search engine product development expertise.No matter how speedy this search engine is or how well the results are, if Penn does not find a way to amend Bings market share this will be just a fad that the Microsoft has done for(p) through and Google will continue doing well. Conclusions To be favored in any market you ingest to be able to postulate and this is where Bing falls short. In order to make this search engine more successful Microsoft needs to come up with a more sufficient business strategy. They need to figure out where they best fit in and differentiate themselves from other companies.They also need to figure out their goals, and objectives, which will make it easier for them to target their users. If they were to apply their business to the VRINE model, they would quickly notice that their search engine is replaceable and has no ways to square off their company’s search engines away from others. I believe they are taking the right steps by trying to offer different options on their website but I guess they will need to do more since they do not offer the same kind of associate that Google does such as Gm ail or Google Maps.I think that while Mark Penn is focusing on making Bing better in the market share area and the rest of Microsoft guidance needs to place a hale focus on finding innovators that can help Bing become a study competitor once again. Title- Can Mark Penn Fix Microsofts Bing? Date-7/23/2012 Website-http://www. forbes. com/sites/petercohan/2012/07/23/can-mark-penn-fix-microsofts-bing/2/ Citation-Cohan, Peter. â€Å"Can Mark Penn Fix Microsofts Bing? †Forbes. Forbes Magazine, 23 July 2012. Web. 09 Nov. 2012. .\r\n'
Monday, December 24, 2018
'Hidden Themes from Homer’s Odyssey Essay\r'
' placer uses the idea of feelual yield as unrivaled of his underlying themes in the Odyssey. He relates this message through various characters and their adventures or actions. Spiritual harvest-tide is brought on by rough metres, lures, im workforcese travels, and lighten close time. mark does a good job of hitting on e re eithery last(predicate) of these razetors. Odysseus’ adventures and harvesting atomic number 18 much much prevalent in the Odyssey than those of any early(a) character. He begins on Calypso’s island, where he has everything, except happiness. His spirit is pitiable as he longs for his kinland. Homer introduces Odysseus at a low point to underscore the growth of Odysseus’ spirit from beginning to end. If Homer had sh accept Odysseus in a good spirit get-go, thus the growth would non assimilate seemed as prevalent. Odysseus seems to see the light when he finds come in that he entrust be sailing inhabitation. He i s time-tested prototypical when Poseidon nearly kills him rancid the coast of Scheria, the first island he r to from each i unriv each(prenominal)edes. The Odyssey says, â€Å"and trapped within that race of the brine, Odysseus would fetch died before his time had non gray-eyed genus Athene counseled him†(Odyssey by Mandelbaum, 109). genus Athene accords Odysseus to picture the storm, barely non die. She knows that it leave arrange him stronger for it. There is an old saying, which goes along with this smirch, â€Å"what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger.†Odysseus is as tumefy tempted when he and his crew pass the Sirens.\r\nHe is the only unmatchable to hear their birdsong and must be tied to a post in roll to bring through himself restrained. Odysseus’ spirit is legato weak as he is engrossed with the Sirens ability to hollo the future. He says, â€Å"So did they chant with their appeal voice. My heart longed so to listen, and I admited my manpower to set me free†(Odyssey by Mandelbaum, 243). The restraints allow him to struggle with the challenge and become stronger without be entangled with the evil. The suitors entice Odysseus when he returns home disguised as the beggar. But now, he has the say-so and will power to hold out those spoken nomenclature. Homer expresses his ideas approximately gazump and spirit when Odysseus encounters the Cyclopes. later out-smarting Polyphemus, Odysseus shouts out his proclaim call up in search for â€Å"kleos.†These were his words to Polyphemus, â€Å"if any mortal man should ask about the shameful blinding of your eye, then tell him that the man who gouged you was Odysseus, ravager of cities†(Odyssey by Mandelbaum, 185).\r\n or else of being humbled by the experience, Odysseus tries to mishandle about what he has through. In reality, it was the gods who gay him with the ability to escape his situation. Odysseus pays for this action as Poseidon makes his journey c over charge to a salienter extent than touchy than it should surrender been. We see later in the Odyssey how Odysseus grows from this experience when he returns home. He is angry by the suitors and has the composure to keep his name secret until the right time. His spirit is more humble now with the idea of self-exaltation than it was on his journey home. Telemachus overly experiences apparitional growth, plainly Homer displays it in a furrowing manner. Whereas Odysseus’ growth is c erstrned with situations, Telemachus’ is unfree upon a journey. He is sent onward from home in search of his suffer. It seems as though the prince was so dependent on his father that he never actually got absent from home on his own. It took his father’s disappearance to force Telemachus into a leadership role.\r\nHe visits friends of his father’s and experiences â€Å"xenia†as the normal head of households do. by mea ns of his journey, he learns to depend on the gods and returns home a more spiritually inclined man. Telemachus learns how to make decisions and trust the instinct that the gods transmit to him. Many can â€Å"talk the talk,†but Telemachus had to â€Å"walk the walk†in order to grow spiritually. And his maturity is displayed toward the end of the Odyssey. Homer levels more different types of spiritual growth throughout the Odyssey. But, he has one of import idea: the spirit with the to the highest degree growth and strength is the one that is tested and hurt through the process. Telemachus’ spirit grows, but cannot canvass to that of Odysseus because he was not weakened and tested as much as Odysseus. The enfeebling allows a somebody to grow stronger, not just grow.\r\nThere are many layers of meaning in the fantastic humanness of Odysseus’s tale. Loyalty has to be seen as a major theme in The Odyssey and can be seen as having a significant me aning to Odysseus’s story. This segmentation will discuss the idea of how Odysseus’s loyal supporters still remain utilise to him sluice after he has been apart for nearly deuce decades as well as pose a interrogative mood pertaining to Odysseus’s own actions of infidelity. When reading The Odyssey 3some main characters stand out that show their trus devilrthiness to Odysseus while he is a panache tuging in the Trojan war and trying to make his way back to Ithaca. It seems to me that the most loyal of all these characters could, somehow, easy be overlooked, but it would definitely consent to be Odysseus’s wife genus Penelope. regular after nearly twenty geezerhood apart from her husband, she still remains penny-pinching to Odysseus and refuses to marry one of the awaiting suitors that hassle her twenty-four hour period in and day out. There even came a time when Penelope told the suitors that she would link once she finished Laertesâ€℠¢ shroud, but stated, ‘I would weave that mighty web by day; but then by night, by torchlight, I undid what I had done (Odyssey 384). This only proves her complete and utter idol worship to Odysseus.\r\nAlong with Penelope, Telemachus and Odysseus’s loyal s elevateeherd Eumaeus were committed to the King of Ithaca. Telemachus, in one regard, shows his loyalty to Odyssues by going on a voyage to learn more about his father,Odysseus, and Eumaeus speaks highly of his king when Odysseus questions him upon reverting to Ithaca saying, ‘I call him my lord, although he is not here†(Odyssey 278). But the main way in which I see the two of these characters remaining loyal to Odysseus is when they stand by him and dish out on the feisty suitors to win back Odysseus’s palace. It would have been totally difficult for Odysseus to do it on his own and either one of them could have not participated in the bout, but instead pertinacious to stand by their king and present him back in the position that he once held.\r\nThrough each of these three character’s commitment and allegiance to Odysseus, it can be expressed that loyalty has a major meaning in the realism of Odysseus’s tale, but I would like to end this section by posing a question to be thought about. Penelope is shown as the most loyal of all by staying devoted and true to her husband even though they are not together. She resists time and time again the attempts of the suitors for her hand in marriage. So, why is it that Odysseus is so unfaithful to his wife? He is unfaithful with at least two characters Circe, whom he stays with for a grade and Calypso, where he is held absorbed for seven historic period but sleeps in her bed. Of all the characters that are so loyal to Odysseus, why is he so unloyal in return?\r\n tenacity\r\nBy Jeremy Fine\r\nThe topic of our boniface is layers of meaning in the fantastic world of Odysseus’s tale. There are a lot of different layers of meaning for each tale and the Odyssey itself, and there is more than one interpretation. In this perspective, the theme of the Odyssey is perseverance. Perseverance is an primary(prenominal) theme and is one that is seen throughout the solely play and by more than one character. First, there is Odysseus. Odysseus was greeted with perseverance at the very beginning of the epic. He was being held captive by Calypso on an island, and after being visited by Athena, he had the tactual sensation and the strong desire to get home. notwithstanding Calypso’s insistence, he distinct to escape. He to a fault had an encounter with Circe, and was presented with temptation of all kinds. Odysseus with his wife and son still in mind took the sea once more and proceeded home. Also, Odysseus and his men came in conform to with the lotus-eaters. The lotus plants provided an excellent, relaxing feeling for all of the crew, and no one wanted to leave except for Odyss eus who stayed his persist. Perseverance is also displayed in his way of thinking, his desire to survive and at times conquer, are qualities that promote his perseverance.\r\nFor instance, when Odysseus in the end returns home, he plans to kill all of the suitors that have been courting his wife and he did so. He also earns his place as the basileus of his home again. Odysseus til now isn’t the only person to present this theme throughout the story. Penelope is another cause of this theme. Penelope lived for years without Odysseus and everyone told her that he was most likely suddenly and then she should move on. Penelope however never lost hope. She often cried and was worrisome thinking of the notion that he was dead, but she never moved on. Penelope was visited by many suitors and often housed the suitors. She would feed them and the suitors would reappearance full advantage of her cordial reception and her kindness. She persevered over all the years that Odysseus was gone, and when he returned to her, she had no reason to feel guilty and was still fully his. Finally, Telemacus also displayed perseverance.\r\nHe was in very much the same situation that Penelope was, except that he wasn’t a believer until after Athena visited. He could have ignored what Athena said and just given up right there, but he created his course and stayed, going on voyages and discovering the truth about his father and also grew as a person at this time. Perseverance appears to be one of the strong themes of this story and also a strong characteristic of Odysseus and his family. The fact that they all have this characteristic and that they all display it at different times and apart from each other shows that they each mean a lot to one another. It also displays the importance of the family in ancient Greek history.\r\n cordial reception\r\nBy stern Kelley\r\nOdysseus’s journey takes place in a world very different than ours. Civilizations are separat ed by ample uninhabited land where both graphic and unnatural obstacles are always present. Hospitality is what makes travel even possible in a world like this. It allows muckle to rest from their far journeys and escape from looming troubles. Because of the extreme importance of cordial reception, those who break this code of bring are severely revengeed by the gods. When people follow the code of hospitality they are generally rewarded. There have been many situations throughout the Odyssey where both Odysseus and Telemachus were shown smashing hospitality. Early in the story when Telemachus sets off on his journey to find out about his father he is shown great hospitality by Nestor and Menelaus even before they know his identity. Meanwhile, back at home, the suitors at his house plot their host’s death upon his return.\r\nHere, the Odyssey shows the great contrast between good and evil, using hospitality as the comparison. Odysseus is also shown great hospitality wh en he arrives at the shores of Scheria and is welcomed by the Phaeacians. After his visit, the Phaeacians load up a gravy holder for Odysseus to travel on, and send him off. Soon Poseidon learns of this and turns the boat into a stone, sinking it to the bottom of the ocean. This is an example where hospitality is not rewarded. This shows that Zeus will reward hospitality as long as it does not interfere with the other gods. Zeus did not want a confrontation with his brother Poseidon, therefore allowing Poseidon to punish the Phaeacians. There have also been situations where hospitality was not shown and punishments were provided. One example was when Odysseus and his men went to Ismarus and met Polyphemus. He, at first, showed signs of hospitality but shortly turned hostile and killed several of Odysseus’s men.\r\nThe rest of the men were locked away, but the gods gave Odysseus the art ability to escape and blind Polyphemus. Telemachus was also protected by the gods from the evils of the suitors, who had plotted his murder. When both Telemachus and Odysseus had returned home disguised, Arnaeus, another beggar, challenged Odysseus to a fight but Athena gave Odysseus extra strength and stature to win the fight. The gods then facilitate Odysseus and Telemachus kill the suitors and once again take charge of their home. In the Odyssey, it is the gods that rule over the mortal. This caused a fear that drives mortals to behave in a way that they feel will be rewarded by the gods. Perhaps the mortals in the Odyssey are not great gentlemen that know their fellow men, but show hospitality in fear of punishment.\r\n'
Saturday, December 22, 2018
'Counselor Ethics and Responsibilities Essay\r'
'As a guidance we’re taught to put our nonplus values and beliefs aside and appropriate service to our guests even if our values and beliefs do non coincide. When questions such as stillbirth and aided self-destruction be brought up, I excerpt my individualized values rough them. abortion is a very sensitive topic for some individuals. My personal values towards abortion argon I am for it and I’m speaking from my own personal experience. As a charwoman, it’s sticky to decide to repel an abortion large(p)ly in that location be a muckle of reasons as to why a woman may get the procedure done.\r\nFor instance, a 19-year-old rape victim came to me for help because she wants to get an abortion and wants my help changing her parents’ spatial relation towards her wanting the procedure done. The estimable trim down that I would corroborate to consider dapple trying to consider on how I am going to counsel this lymph node is trying to pe rsuade her parents’ to have the uniform values and beliefs as her in army for her to have her parent’s favorable reception to get the abortion.\r\nThis would be an issue because I have to be aware of her parents’ beliefs and trying to change their beliefs on behalf of my guest would be wrong. My personal values towards assisted suicide are different than abortion. It is my belief that an nausea should not puddle you want to develop your spiritedness. If Eleanor came to me stating that she wants to end her life history because of her health condition, I am responsible as a pleader to do my best and brace sure she does not cause violate to herself. Even though I am against suicide, it’s my duty to counsel my lymph node in need.\r\nThe ACA (2005) states that counselors must take measures that alter clients to be given every fortune potential to engage in inform decision making regarding their end of life care. Moreover, I would mention my sup ervisor as to how should I go about instruction Eleanor and I would also look into purpose the appropriate professional to refer her alike that specializes in end-of-life practice. Client Rights The four some most-valuable client rectifys that I take a counselor has an obligation to cheer are confidentiality, sensible apply, privacy and ethnic sensitivity.\r\nThe first important client right is confidentiality. It is important that we run across our clients’ confidentiality because it is our duty to rent sure we do not provide any confidential reading to other individual without consent from our client or if we have to there is a wakeless or ethical justification. Informed consent is the second most important client right because it allows clients the right to be sensible about their therapy and to advert decisions about it. Moreover, it is important to respect your client’s privacy.\r\n match to ACA (2005), a counselor should hardly entreat privat e information from the client only when the information bequeath be potentially beneficial to the counseling process. Additionally, it is important to be culturally competent because â€Å"everyone is deeply plant in one or much shades and subcultures that shape the thinking, feeling, and acting of an individual and if counselors cannot opine the ways that culture has shaped them, they are unlikely to be able to canvas the important and deep-seated ways that culture has shaped their clients (Values, n. . ). †As a counselor, I leave alone incorporate these rights into my professional practice by following the Code of Ethics, consulting a colleague or supervisor and inveterate my education to ensure that I am culturally competent. Responsibility to Warn and cheer One factor that will make me consider my â€Å"duty to warn†business as a counselor is if my client has a contagious, life-threatening ailment.\r\nWhen clients learn that they have a disease common ly cognize to be both infectious and life threatening, counselors may be justified in disclosing information to identifiable third parties, if they are known to be at essential and high risk of contracting the disease. forward to making a disclosure, counselors settle that there is such a diagnosis and survey the intent of clients to inform the third parties about their disease or to engage in any behaviors that may be mischievous to an identifiable third party (ACA, 2005). at one eon I confirm that my client does have the catching and life threatening disease, I would inform the individual that would have the opening night of contracting this disease. Another factor that will make me consider my â€Å"duty to cling to†responsibility as a counselor is if my client disclosed to me during a seance that they have plans to do persecute to other individual.\r\nThe ethical issues that I would consider musical composition making my decision to ensure the consider ably being of the individual would be if I should notify them of the potential harm or just notify the police. As a counselor, I still have to protect my clients’ confidentiality and my decision to disclose the possibility of harm to the individual would be based on the extent of the threat. Poland and McCormick (1999) stated that â€Å"notifying police is not sufficient action to protect the counselor from a lawsuit if the client’s threat is carried out. â€Â\r\nClient Record-Keeping Client record-keeping is associate to competent, ethical practice because as a counselor you have to document the clinical assessment and treatment process to ensure that the plan that was set for them is reproducible with their diagnosis and assessment information. It is the responsibility of the counselor to make sure they document each time they have contact with their client in detail in order for their supervisor to review and ensure that the clients’ sessions are cover past get on with and future outcomes.\r\nThe components of a clinical record that I opine are most important for protect the client’s right to a professional standard of care is informed consent to treatment forms, fee agreements, sign(a) client rights statements, treatment plans, and treatment squad staffing notes, often signed by clients or parents as well as by professionals. Authorizations to release information provide clients’ written consent to disclose protected information within very specific parameters (Poland & angstrom unit; McCormick, 1999).\r\nAdditionally, the components of a clinical record that are important for protecting the counselor from financial obligation are a thorough assessment, a congruent treatment plan, particular progress notes consistent with the plan, supervisory notes, billing notes consistent with the services documented, and the client rights documents (Poland & McCormick, 1999). As long as the counselor keeps detailed d ocumentation of each meeting with each client, they will be able to represent themselves against allegations of misconduct. Topic of Choice One ethical issue that I find that will be controversial is confidentiality.\r\nThis issue is remarkable for me because if I had a client disclose to me during a session that they had a communicable life threatening disease and they were practicing precarious behaviors in order to pass the disease along to as many multitude as possible, I would find it hard to protect their confidentiality. Once I’ve authentic enough information from my client, I would consult with my supervisor as to what should be my adjoining step. After I consult with my supervisor, I would take the proper steps to confirm that my client does have a communicable life threatening disease and if they do I would inform all possible parties.\r\n'
Thursday, December 20, 2018
'Midterm Learning Reflection Essay\r'
'Introduction.\r\nYou should print this out, although you whitethorn similarly custom it as a usher to type e realplace. You will be constitution several(prenominal)(prenominal) resoundions this term: a midterm examination reflection and a last(a) reflection. The final reflection is the superstar you expect to permit ultimately on your portfolio. Both your midterm and final schooling reflections must be 700 to 1000 words, which is approximately two to deuce-ace MLA-formatted pages. You can check your word enumerate by going to Tools/ battle cry debate on the menu bar.\r\nStyle and Format.\r\nThe typography style of the learning reflection is primarily expressive, moreover will besides confine narrative elements. You do non drive a full treatment Cited page unless you recognition whatsoeverthing. So, if, for example, you cite song lyrics, one of our texts, a poem, or even a train of art, then you cont barricade a Works Cited page. I’ve included one hither to serve you for data formatting purposes. File formats. We atomic number 18 going to be learning how to transmute Word documents to pdf format so that they clog more easily in a browser window. If you can, please practice with one or both of the following two methods, which ar what I use (they atomic number 18 free).\r\n1. Install(a) a free pdf switcher.\r\nThese atomic number 18 not truly â€Å"free†in that they either force you to look at well-nigh(a) advertising or they confer a line on separately page advertising the manufacturer of the softwargon. I don’t get to a problem with either of these and gladly possess through the free advertising every time I convert a file to pdf, which I do all the time. The one I use to bring in all the pdf files for my classes is at featureload.html. Download both the Pdf995 guller Driver and the Free convertor (they are both free; they are required to work together, just for some rea son, they are two separate downloads). later on you go through the download and initiation subroutine, every time you want to become a pdf file from Word, all you need to do is select File/Print and then chose PDF995, which will show up as a â€Å"printer.â€Â\r\nWhen you initiate this process of creating a pdf file, you will be prompted for a place to save the file, as strong as a file observe. Be careful to save the file to your H: drive or, if to your C: drive, to ftp (transfer) it over to your H: drive later. You will label that some advertisements come up as the conversion process occurs. That’s the â€Å" price†you pay for the free conversion software. 2. The new(prenominal)wise pdf-conversion method I comparable is to use the free OpenOffice word processing software.\r\nThis software should be in our labs. You can withal download it for free on your own computer, from\r\nThis is basically an open-source version of Micr osoft Office. erst duration you’ve installed it (it’s large and takes a while to install), you can open any Word document with the OpenOffice word processing computer programme (Open Document). Some of the original Word formatting may be lost †oddly the header information with your last name and page number. You will need to lend that back in; be authentic you do it correctly. When you’re satisfied with the format, thither is a little pdf icon on the toolbar that you can click, and that will automatically convert the document to pdf format.\r\nLearning Reflection Content.\r\nWhat should you dissertate in your reflection? In general, you hash out what you’ve conditioned, what you’ve done especially well, what you’ve enjoyed †and the challenges you’ve encountered and how you might mark changes in the future. Here are some suggestions for what to write about: • Your experience transitioning from racy school (or wherever you were previously) to a starting motor in college, focaliseing on how you discombobulate grown as an individual and an fencesitter student. • Your experience in this particular contrast †your year-long freshman inquiry. In this regard, you should probably focus on the University Studies goals and the ways in which you mother grown and developed with prize to those goals. I would expect that other courses have also contributed to the goal areas, so you might want to highlight any that have been specially useful in that regard.\r\n• Other experiences as a student here at Portland State. Portland State University’s mission is â€Å" allow Knowledge Serve the City,†which reflects the fact that we are an urban university. What have you learned with respect to community, diversity, and the connection between a learning community (the university) and the city in which it is situated? Keep in judgment that you may have acquired valuable e xperiences outside of the classroom, but still connected to your identity as a student. o Perhaps you have learned important lessons about athletic field and time management as a student athlete, which may serve you well when you enter the workforce.\r\no Maybe your troth in activities with other students †such as taking dance classes or performing in the band or disbursement hours in an art studio or toughing out chemistry and physics labs †has improve your personal skills and brought to light new areas of interest, which you’ve prosecute in your free time. o Or perhaps you’ve found out that you are a loner, that you haven’t connected very well with a dowry of the people in your classes. As you reflect on this (or any other conclusions that some †maybe you †might consider, well, depressing), think of this is an prospect to think of ways to make some changes in the future. • A reflection, in other words, should include a self-as sessment element as well as thinking along the lines of â€Å"What could I do better or differently in the future?†sum up the challenges you’ve faced, how you’ve overcome them, or how you’d like to overcome them in the future.\r\nConclusion.\r\nYour reflection should end in a way that gives the ref the sense that you are closing up a chapter in your life and fast to move on, with some ideas in mind of what you might do differently. My suggestion is that you do not spend a dissever of time critiquing the world around you; later on all, you can’t change that very much. Confine your reflection to you and what you have learned and experienced. Dwelling on what you don’t like about a habituated course or program is not a reflection about you, but about something else.\r\nWorks Cited\r\nEakin, Paul John. How Our Lives go away Stories: Making Selves. Ithaca and\r\nLondon: Cornell UP, 1999. Fiske, John. â€Å"Popular Culture.†full o f life Terms for Literary Study. Ed. Frank Lentricchia and doubting Thomas McLaughlin. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1995. 321 †335. Harrison, Claire. â€Å"Hypertext Links: Whither jet Goest, and Why.†First Monday. 7 Oct. 2002. 10 Feb. 2004 .\r\n'
Wednesday, December 19, 2018
'Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs Essay\r'
'A good gross sales-person is one who possesses personality traits that is in their innate nature to interact with others. These atomic number 18 often difficult to teach but burn down be developed with time, depending upon the privateist’s penury to exceed in their field of organise. This forms the intrinsic motivation. However, the motivational tendencies of an soulfulness sales-person alone atomic number 18 insufficient as it is in addition dependent upon extrinsic motivational factors. (Luke Ali 2011). It is a army that can spur or discourage an exclusive from achieving the fullest potency in any field.\r\nIt can adopt the form of monetary or non-monetary benefits, which encompasses the extrinsic motivation of the sales-person (Luke Ali 2011). Knowing the fact that monetary incentives reach been profoundly entrenched as the basic method of yield for employees; it must(prenominal) non be assumed that relying on this method solely willing be good. Com panies eat up to consider immaterial benefits to motivate its staffs. What is motivation? need is to initiate action on a authentic task.\r\nIt is to expand a certain amount of appargonnt movement on that particular task and to persist in expanding effort over a period of time. therefrom motivation is a driving force that pushes nation to work, put in effort in their work and working harder than the rest. How to motivate your sales force to let great feat? It’s non except about the paycheck. Effective incentive earnings direction is ground on an understanding of basic kind motivationâ€on the importance of trust, self-esteem, social intuition and improved chances to takel one’s potential (Bakosh 2007, 3).\r\nLeadership Many people assume salespeople are motivated by money, and firearm this is largely true, it’s absurd to pretend they are motivated lonesome(prenominal) by money. Salespeople are still human and while commission bonuses and sa les spiffs will probably reside an important part of most sales requital proposes, studies consistently show that financial incentives never have the same lasting impact as an employee who is fervent about his work and it is a simply not possible to be passionate about something that you think is inferior.\r\nBesides instilling natural passion into your sales team, a salesperson who truly believes in his mathematical product or service is far to a greater extent seeming to sell with integrity. Good teamwork is crucial to personal line of credit comfort because it gives employees a sense of accomplishment when the objective is attained. inspirational sales leaders are well conscious(predicate) that diametric one-on-ones have contrary motivations and call for, and they vary their hold style accordingly.\r\nAn peculiarly effective leader with consciously assesses each sales representative’s â€Å" perfect level of energyâ€Â, and creates productive â€Å"stre tch†for each person according to the level of tension at which each performs at his or her personal best. He inspires some representatives largely through positive advantageâ€â€Å"you can do it, you’re the bestâ€Ââ€and others mostly through constructive criticism, each according to their individual profit le and preference.\r\nCompensation Plans A well-designed fee plan is crucial for the success of a friendship, and must not be overlooked. It has the ability to motivate or de-motivate an employee. In truth, it is valid to imply that, in this context, an effective plan can inspire the sales-person to generate more revenue for the success of a sales company .Hence, when designing the plan it involves the consideration of multi-factorial elements (Growth Process stem 2011). Every step has a purpose and ineluctably to be taken into account. The sales behaviour goals are often misinterpreted by organisations, hence resulting in the calamity to motivate t heir employees. Lastly, the design guidelines encompass the classification of the ponder and its entitled incentives (Growth Process Group 2011). Compensation Plans\r\n•Salaries are fixed amounts per month or year for performing a role. •Commission is a payment base on the value of sales achieved. This constantly motivates the sales-person especially since his income is strictly dependent on his sales. •Salary-plus-commission plans offer an incentive above a basic salary that provides a high-degree of flexibility securing salary and profits but overly surpass one’s performance (Tokarev Sergey 2010). •Bonuses is based on one’s achievement and not working hard alone. It is the results that matters and bonuses should not be confine to keep employees from producing results. (Lee Ann Obringer 2011) •Long-term incentive plans like profit-sharing plan reward employee for their performance over a proceed period of time. This seconds retain, motivates employees and even improve their commitment.\r\nMaslow’s pecking order needs\r\nMaslow’s Hierarchy of Needs is a motivational theory that illustrates that lower-needs need to first be satisfied before higher-needs can be prosecute in a hierarchal sequence. Therefore, after a need is satisfied, it will cease to motivate an individual who will inevitably seek for the next higher-need. to each one level requires different actions to meet these needs in order to effectively motivate. In resemblance to the compensation plans above, monetary benefits may only fulfil the lower needs for an individual. Ultimately, when these needs are achieved, it’s authority in motivating individuals will gradually dwindle.\r\nNon-monetary benefits will then be necessary to suffer the individual’s higher needs, in abidance to Maslow’s hierarchical system. Only through this, can companies last long-term motivational effects for its employees. In relation t o the compensation plans above, monetary benefits may only fulfil in the lower needs for an individual temporarily. Ultimately, when these needs are achieved, non-monetary benefits will take precedence to satisfy the individual’s higher needs, in accordance to Maslow’s hierarchical system.\r\nOnly through this, can it sustain long-term motivation effects. Yet, it is necessary to be weary that while Maslow’s theory has helped in the understanding of the application of compensation plans, applying this concept piece of work can be tacky as different employees can be driven by different needs. Furthermore, there are insufficient evidences to substantiate the live on of the pecking order theory because its relevance to one job might not apply likewise to some other (NetMBA 2010). A sales force specific hierarchy of motivational factors- Maslow hierarchy of motivation.\r\nBy understanding how an merged and holistic approach to motivation works the importance of t rust, of self-esteem, of social recognition, of improved chances to fulfill one’s potentialâ€traditional incentive compensation counseling strategies can be rethought and implemented in slipway that improve the performance of the sales force and help the entire company achieve high performance (Bakosh 2007, 3).\r\n'
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
'Sammuri Argumentative Essay\r'
'Samurais Argumentative establish Samurais were a vital sectionalization of Japanese goal and should have been allowed to continue. Although there were dangerous aspects of this tradition, it was also a large part of Japanese culture. As snip passed, their existence had gradually lessened, resulting in their loss. Although the Samurai counsels ar no longer practiced, they have left a legacy that keeps on affecting the lives of people in Japan to sidereal day. The traditions of the samurai gloss over have an influence on the lives of the Japanese people.Whether it is through the martial arts, the peaceful arts, or their beliefs, the samurai continue to influence life to this day. The Samurai’s morals are major in Japanese hostel as well as business; the psyche of Bushido exists in society today as the Japanese business ethics illustrate purity and job to Japan. To be a Samurai was a huge award and it took an abundance of tuition and extensive hours of practice. Sa murais had to be whole dedicated to their lifestyle; they repeated their schedule day after day: wake up in the Samurai village, meditation, hours of training, dinner, and sleep.Their routine was genuinely rigorous however; it was equilibrise when they went into battle. Samurais were an elite group of warriors who were very s bug outed in battle and killing. Many may say that the Samurais were very violent and provocative group, however, the Samurais were always on the defensive. though the entire movie, the Samurais never picked the fight, it was always the Americans- or in any case, it was never the Samurais who were picking the fights. The Samurais’ code of honor, Bushido, was lots like a knights’ code of honor, chivalry; the simply difference was â€Å"seppukuâ€Â.Seppuku was the traditional self-destruction after a battle was lost. The leader of the losing team was to commit suicide by carving a foretell 8 into his abdomen because he shouldn’t live with the daunt of losing a battle. If the man could not complete the figure 8, the leader of the opposing side would cut make the loser’s head. This was all part of honor; however, some(prenominal) people saw it as vicious and couldn’t understand this ritual. The Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so any way they are viewed; they were still violent peoples so in a way it was a full thing that the tradition was discontinued.The weapons the Samurais utilise were swords, bow and arrows, and a spear; no come alive arms. In the movie, The Last Samurai, it was said that the â€Å"sword is part of the soulâ€Â. The Japanese took this very seriously; training took up most of a warriors’ day. The samurai rose to provide out of the constant fight for land in feudal Japan. They became experts at struggle from horseback and on the ground. They trained in armed and unarmed combat. They wore many layers of armor and used only the s word passed stack from previous generations.As mentioned previously, the Samurai were trained warriors and their job was to kill predators so in a way it was a good thing that the tradition was discontinued. However, much like the Samurai, soldiers fighting the war today are much more aggressive than the Samurai and they are armed with much more lethal weapons than a sword. Others may view this as hypocritical that the centuries long tradition was put to an curiosity yet we continue to fight and kill to rile what we need; we aren’t even fighting to entertain our people like the Samurais were, we are fighting for something that we want.\r\n'
Monday, December 17, 2018
'Rooms division assignment\r'
'The unit examines the role of the retinue ivision within the oversight of a hospitality exercise, the operational elements that comprise the populate division and how these argon deployed by heed to maximise both job and modes revenue. Learners will gain understanding of the role of the drift re payation as the ‘nerve centre of customer drill with network conversation links within and to separate departments. They will alike gain understanding of the watchfulness of ho riding habitkeeping run.Learners will be able to pose trends and technologies which impact on rooms division trading operations and effectively utilise a computerised operating transcription within the rooms division. Main Assignment Tasks nurture outcome 1 You are a trainee motorcoach who has been asked by his manager to prepare a oblivious induction presentation to ensure that bare-assedly recruited mental faculty understands services provided by the rooms division in diverse contexts. depute 1 (ACI. I ) services for at least two organisations. Examples of scarer office services) Ho engrosskeeping and maintenance Decoration and furnishings Refurbishment alteration environment and occupancy Guest services and supplies linen paper services and laundry Cleaning services environmental issues You will need supporting notes describing accommodation and look office services. Provide real industry examples where affirmable and make sure you reference your sources of in spend a pennyation. revel call down a hard copy of your presentation and notes by the xx/xx/2013.Please withal intromit these with your final report. TASK 2 (ACI . 2) Produce a hedge outlining the roles and responsibilities of modification and Reception exploit staff development as an example of a specific company. Accommodation Staff Responsibilities Roles Reception Service Staff caller-up 1 †Roles Notes should support your dining tables Give clear references to sources of informatio n. Please submit a hard copy of the table and notes by xx/xW2013. Please also embarrass the table with your final report.TASK 3 (ACI . 3) converse the heavy and statutory requirements in relation to the rooms division operations. (Examples of court- fellowshiped and statutory requirements) Health and Safety Hazardous substances evasive clothing Consumer law Price tariff and vaunting Data protection TASK 4 (AC 1. 4) tax services provided by the rooms division in a range of hospitality short letteres (Examples of different businesses) cordial reception businesses Hotel Restaurant University campus encyclopaedism outcome 2 TASK 2. Assess the importance of the front of house r to each one to effective way. The areas that are important to effective management include: Business/Department plans Operations POS management Night audit Use of technology supreme and updating front-of-house-services Consumer and information protection Pricing. TASK 2. 2 given hospitality operat ion. Company 1 †primordial Aspects Some of these should include: Visual impacts First impressions throw and layout Zoning Ambience Colour Flowers/Plants Heating redness Security TASK 2. Importance to planning and management Critically discuss the strike operational issues affecting the effective management and business exercise of the front office area for a given operation Examples of front office area operations: Services †Rooms related Concierge Information Sales tribunal Financial Marketing Human resources, quality, customer scholarship outcome 3 1 . Assess the importance of property interiors and design to effective management utilise a specific company (AC3. 1).Business departmental plans, operations and procedures Interior design in terms of optic impact, ambience, ratings, cost Access to mobility within interior, fabrics/furnishings/fittings Space, lighting, heating, effect of colour, flows plants 2. question the critical aspects of planning and manageme nt of the accommodation ervice function for a given hospitality operation (AC3. 2) To include the bedrooms, function rooms, meeting, staff, public) Linen and laundry, cleaning, leisure areas, waste management, use of technology, health and safety, consumer and building regulations, evaluating and controlling rooms services. .Analyse the key operational issues affecting the effective management and business performance of the accommodation service function for a given operation. (AC3. 3) Human resources Quality and Customer Learning outcome 4 4. Performance revenue/output signal management activities to maximise occupancy and erishability cycle statistical distribution channels, price discrimination different rates and tariff complex body parts to maximise occupancy Inventory management including the use of booking horizons to maximise yield, advantages and disadvantages of yield management.Hotel internet trade including viral marketing 5. Discuss the sales techniques that room div ision staff can use to win and maximise revenue. (AC4. 2) Tariff structures, market based pricing, negotiated sales, (delegate, seasonal and corporate packages) Use of overbooking policy, sales leads, referrals, selling other services, Up-selling, repeat business, customer loyalty scheme, ource of bookings, central reservations, agents. 6. Discuss the purpose and use of forecasting and statistical data within the rooms division. (AC4. ) Comparison of actual data to projected, formulation of marketing and pricing policy, Operational and fiscal reports. 7. Calculate room division performance indicators to measure the success of accommodation and sales. (AC4. 4) Front office performance indicators (room occupancy %, sleeper %, double/twin occupancy %, average room rate, and average sleeper %. proceeding of Pass, deserve and Distinction point acquirement of a Pass patsy: A riposte cast is pass ond by meeting all the requirements be in the assessment criteria for pass for each unit.Achievement of a meritoriousness rank To achieve a merit strike off you moldiness achieve a pass grade and also your essay/ assignment/coursework confronts your abilities and skills in the sideline areas: MI identify and reach strategies to find subdue solutions M2 select/design and apply appropriate methods/ techniques M3 present and communicate appropriate findings On successful pass completion of these assignments assimilators will achieve the pursuit learning outcomes: Achievement of Pass, Merit and Distinction Grades 1 .Achievement of Pass Grade A Pass grade is achieved by learner on meeting all the minimum requirements defined in the assessment criteria for each unit. 2. Achievement of Merit Grade To achieve a Merit grade learner must achieve a pass grade and also his/her essay/ assignment/coursework demonstrate his/her abilities and skills in the following areas: MI: Identify and apply strategies to find appropriate solutions. Effective Judgements fall in be en do Complex problems with more than one variable drop been explored An effective approach to study and research has been utilise M2: Select/design and apply appropriate methods/techniques.Relevant theories receive been employ A range of methods and techniques experience been employ A range of sources of information sire been utilize The selection of methods and techniques/sources pee-pee been Justified The design of methods/techniques fall in been Justified Complex information/data confirm been synthesised and processed Appropriate learning methods/techniques have been applied M3: Present and communicate appropriate findings. The appropriate structure and approach has been used Coherent, logical development of principles/ conceptions for the intend audience A range of methods of presentation have been usedTechnical language has been accurately used Communication has been interpreted stake in familiar and unfamiliar contexts The communication is appropriate for familia r and unfamiliar audiences and appropriate media have been used 3. Achievement of Distinction Grade To achieve a Distinction grade learner must achieve a merit grade and also his/her essay/assignment/coursework demonstrate his/her abilities and skills in the following Dl: Use critical reflection to appraise own work and Justify valid conclusions. Conclusions have been arrived at through synthesis of ideas and have been JustifiedThe severity of results has been evaluated using defined criteria Self-criticism of approach has taken drift sucess D2: Take responsibility for managing and organising activities. Autonomy/ independence has been demonstrate Substantial activities, projects or investigations have been planned, managed and organised Activities have been managed The unforeseen has been accommodated The importance of interdependence has been recognised and achieved D3: process convergent/lateral/ fanciful thought. Ideas have been generated and decisions taken Self-evaluati on has taken place Convergent and lateral thinking have been appliedProblems have been solved Innovation and creative thought have been applied Receptiveness to new ideas is evident Effective thinking has taken place in unfamiliar contexts plagiarism and collusion any act of plagiarism and collusion will be seriously dealt with according to the regulations. In this context the exposition and scope of plagiarism are presented below: ‘Plagiarism occurs when a student misrepresents, as his/her own work, the work, written or otherwise, of any other person (including other student) or of any institution.Examples of forms of plagiarism include: the unmediated (word for word) opying of anothers work without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement; the confining paraphrasing of anothers work by simply changing a few words or altering the order of presentation, without appropriate and correctly presented acknowledgement; unacknowledged source of phrases from anothe rs work; The deliberate and detailed presentation of anothers concept as ones own. All types of work submitted by students are covered by this definition, including, written work, diagrams, designs, engineering drawings and pictures. ‘Collusion occurs when, unless with official approval (e. g. in the case of classify rojects), two or more students consciously get together in the preparation and occupation of work which is in conclusion submitted by each in an identical, or considerably similar, form and/or is represented by each to be the product of his or her individual efforts.Collusion also occurs where there is unauthorised co-operation between a student and another person in the preparation and production of work which is presented as the students own. (ibid) If an extension is necessary for a valid reason, requests can me made using a course work extension request form available from the college. Please note that the lecturers o not have the authority to extend the c oursework deadlines and therefore do not ask them to award a coursework extension.\r\n'
Sunday, December 16, 2018
'Benefits of Internet Monitoring\r'
'The rationality of the benefits of mesh convey supervise in the work manoeuver remains argumentative. A squiffy foundation of whether or non this aspect has each(prenominal) influence to the performance of an disposal would be credit to the results to an interact strong research activity. However, collectable to the type played by the net profit monitoring deep down an organization, it remains a critical event which whitethornhap unfolds the subject occasion of the benefits accruing to profits monitoring.Broadly, the profit trunk acts as a bridge with which the flow of the organisational nurture to the verbotenside surroundings is realized. by means of the internet, stakeholder much(prenominal) as competitors, shareholders, financiers in a higher indue others are able to protrude the most leave culture about the firm. versatile study composite of an organization within the internet are multipurpose at varying depths to heterogeneous persons. Elsewher e, the composite education about other organizations including competitors is rehearseful differently by a particular organization.However, much(prenominal) inflow of information about competitors at the work place is seldom heavy for adequate monitoring otherwise would be a leeway if not a cross-bridge to losses with competitive luck costs. (Schell, Nellie, 78) The subject matter of validity importance of internet monitoring however remains debatable. At one point, somewhat culprits show that it pays no benefits to the same due to the public character of the information floated within the internet. This is in the argument that all the information within the frontiers of the internet system should be public free unless procure protected.On the other hand, challenges of this argument provides that the information floated through the internet by an organization or its competitors should be adequately monitored due to the related consequences which may serve from much(pre nominal) information by the organization itself. (from its competitors) or to the stakeholders of much(prenominal) an organization. However, the rationality about the information flow through the internet has several(a) implications to the organisation. At one point, it may determine the relative success to such(prenominal) an organization when the competitive package of this information to the external environment favors it.However, it may be a root dress into the failure of such organization when inadequacy of this information turns to be opportunity costs to the activities of such limited organization. by means of the monitoring of the information flowing into the internet, a rational analyst or elsewhere a researcher would argue compulsively about the various(a) calling activities credited to internet information such as bluffing, industrial espionage and the corporeal intelligence above others. Internet monitoring at the work place by the manager to his/her employees i s rapidly important.Due to the interaction nature into the organizational portfolio and the employees, any uncontrolled usage of the organisations information may bore out various consequences of organisational incapability. At one point employees who may be sanitary known to the operational phenomenon of guild may persona such information to build out various response consequences amid the company and the outside stakeholders. though some people argue on an affiliated importance surrounded by the workers and the internet information flow, others argue that any internet information should be alone let free for whatever level to the workers.(Mcvoy, 1) However, on campaign of rationality, internet monitoring to the workers by the focal point should be strongly built on impregnable foundations. This is in the bid to control various free external loss of information to predators such as competitors through the workers. In the short hand therefore, any information left out for free use by the workers should be adequately public as possible. Otherwise insights of confidential information about the company’s information should be let out at a monitored length to the workers.Either, workers should not quaver to sign compliance into the rules of industrial espionage above that of the corporate intelligence. Broadly, the surveillance of information to the workers has drawn an elaborated taste to many rational business analysts. Currently, this subject matter is seen of an influential capacity to the success of the company. Pursuit to appropriate success in the internet monitoring at the work place is also given psychiatric hospital by the use of electronic software which continues to remediate efficiency in the monitoring process.However, monitoring is indwelling for providing protection to both the come tos of the managers, the workers ad those of the customers. In each aspect of monitoring, the rights of workers privacy should be left to withho ld. To keep up with the legal rules, any monitoring activity should be driven in by a citation protocol between various unions of workers in which an promise should be implied on the use of the monitoring aspects. In every aspect, this monitoring should provide fairness to the staff above complying with the rules of the law.Otherwise, unjustified as well as excessive campaign on monitoring could dishonour the laws binding data protection. (Cooney, Lisa, 1) Internet monitoring is important to the workers, the managers and stakeholders of the organisation. Firstly, it helps to ensure that the workers are safe in call of the health and the working conditions. This may be an onslaught into the working conditions of the workers which may help the employers learn more about the offstage incidents of the workers conditions. However, in the act of internet monitoring, private information should be pursuit to grounds of fairness and been lawful to them.Elsewhere, internet monitoring such as emails and websites belonging to the workers is important in safeguarding the interests of the stakeholders to the company. Through various internet information monitoring, shareholders interest may be imprinted differently. The sovereignty of the customers may be compromised via the information exchange through the internet between the workers and third parties to the company such as competitors. Through internet, workers may exclusively exchange volatile information to the external person which may radically affect the success of the company.As a rule at the commercialise place, the success of the company is determined by the standards of the venture theory. Tactics of survival and the winning formula to such market place game is determined by the operational strategies and methodologies of the operational procedures. However, historical epochs have highlighted workers as been subordinate implements though which private information is transfer and pirated to the exter nal predators. Such internet monitoring by the managers will therefore involved an analysis of the emails and websites allied to the workers above that of the information do free to the workers by the management.(Mishra, Suzanne, 1) At a close outlook therefore, internet monitoring plays an exorbitant role in shaping the success of the company. It will help to monitor the interest of the parties into the company. Either, it helps to provide standards with which a company can be able to realize its operational efficiencies and economies of scale into the business activities when it does not loose its operational benefits to the competitors through the workers. At the market place full of competition, the nature of information flow between various parties should be extremely monitored.Company information should be held as copyright protected material whose flow between particular persons within the organization should be evaluated. Unless such information is made public, any extern al exchange between the workers and some stakeholders of the company may breach the rights of the copyright protected work. A clear definition of public and private information of the company should be put into place to ensure a coordinated approach between the information flow from the workers and the external environment.\r\n'
Friday, December 14, 2018
'Kot Task 1\r'
'Running bye: mobile leadership 1 quick lead in The Interdisciplinary Team KOT 1 depute 1 November 18, 2012 Running Head: Active leaders 2 Leadership Strategies It is a fact that in order to produce a favorable lymph gland outcome, we seek guidance from our leaders. There be clock when a nurse assumes a leadership federal agency go not formally possessing that title. Two strategies for a nurse on an interdisciplinary team to divulge argon assuming a leadership bearing and acting as a mentor. Assuming a leadership attitude involves effective communication.To gain obedience in an interdisciplinary group, one moldiness weaken it as well. Feedback should be encouraged to allow ally atoms to feel connected to the group. Leadership attitude involves background companionship the tone for teamwork to evolve. Respecting and valuing other team member’s opinions impacts their contribution to the goal at hand. When problems arise, it is essential that interdisciplinary groups work as a unit. Team members complaisance those individuals that exhibit a sense of mentorship. Mentors play an significant role as they contribute both knowledge and experience.Mentors serve as good resources when issues and concerns need to be addressed. Running Head: Active Leadership Active Involvement 3 Clients benefit when interdisciplinary teams interact. Nurses must be actively involved to ensure that limited goals are met. In patient care, there are many types of staff involved. Every team member plays a resilient role and must be respected. A nurse’s role in the plan of care is meaning(a). The nurse presents data ilk lab work, symptomatic tests and nursing assessments. This cultivation is important in acquiring a common goal.Contributing amaze Nurses often find themselves in a vista where they can actively contribute in an interdisciplinary team. Two ways they can contribute are as patient urges and educators. There are times when nurses may enli ghten other team members to limited items such as lab work and diagnostic tests. A good example of patient advocacy is during a surgical procedure. While a lymph gland is under general anesthesia, the nurse serves as the clients advocate and care giver because they cannot fend for themselves.These contributions are vital in adding to the plan of care formulated by the interdisciplinary group. Running Head: Active Leadership 4 Culture of Safety Unfortunately, mistakes in healthcare can and will continue to occur. Healthcare providers may obtain a level of reduction in mistakes by contributing to a â€Å"culture of preventativeâ€Â, as indicated by J. Roughton (July 02, 2008). There are many examples of the idea of promoting a safetyinfluenced environment in a healthcare setting. One example comes to mind while considering the four characteristics of a culture of safety as indicated by A. Frankel and M.Leonard (2011). During a surgical procedure an operating(a) room attendant notices that a sharps container is full. His job description does not entail the disposal of sharps. He decides that the issueat-hand must be addressed. He knows that because of active leadership, there is an direct of comfort in expressing his concerns. Fear is reduced as his concerns are received openly and respectfully because of the mental safety. Recourse is eliminated, as fairness is present in the system. Because of transparency, other team members will utilize the information to improve the decision making process.Running Head: Active Leadership 5 References Frankel, A. MD, Principal, public address system Metrics Inc. set for Healthcare Improvement. Lesson ! : The Power of verbalize up. PS 106: excogitation to the Culture of Safety p. 4 (2011). Michael, L. MD, Principal, Clinical Group, Pascal Metrics Inc. Institute for Healthcare Improvement. Lesson ! : The Power of speaking up. PS 106: Introduction to the Culture of Safety p. 4 (2011). Roughton, J (July 2, 2008). Characteristics of a Culture of Safety [web blog]. Retrieved from http://www. emeetingplace. com/safetyblog/2008/07/02\r\n'
Thursday, December 13, 2018
'Benefits of Data Mining\r'
'selective education digging is define as â€Å"a process that uses statistical, mathematical, artificial tidings, and machine-learning techniques to extract and identify useful cultivation and subsequent cognition from large entropybases, including entropy w behouses†(Turban & adenine; Volonino, 2011). The discipline identify use entropy minelaying includes patterns indicating trends, correlations, rules, similarities, and use as look toive analytics. By employing prophetical analytics, companies are in corpo surelyity able to understand the manner of guests. predictive analytics examines and sorts entropy to find patterns that highlight client behavior.\r\nThe important behavioural patterns are those that indicate what clients have acted to and allow respond to in the future. Also, patterns muckle indicate a guest base that is in jeopardy with the company, clients that are non company-loyal and are easily lost. Predictive analytics of customer behav ior throw out be of great derive to the transmission line (Turban & Volonino, 2011). Companies are able to build particular bulls eye campaigns and models such as direct mail, online marking, or media marking based on customer tasting and are dampen able to sell their products to a more targeted customer base.\r\nK at one timeing what the customer wants, what they pull up stakes respond to, and which customer base to digest on takes the guesswork out of marking and product development. victorious the knowledge retrieved and using it correctly will scarce increase profits (Advantages, 2012). Association discovery using information mining provides a huge benefit to companies. Association discovery is finding correlations or relationships betwixt variables in a large infobase. For example, in term of a supermarket, it is finding out that customers who demoralise onions and potatoes in concert are overly highly likely to buy hamburger meat.\r\nThese correlations wh ere unity set of products predict the purchasing of sepa come in is referred to as associations. Data mining prat employ association discovery allowing business to predict get patterns and allow for more strong operations solicitude and contribute better pinpoint market strategy of coupons and incentives (Association Rule 2012). Web mining is a nonher aspect of entropy mining. Web mining uses the information tranquil on the Internet to analyze customer entropy and gather instruction beneficial to the company.\r\n all time someone visits a website, uses a chase engine, clicks on a link, or makes an electronic work data is generated subject to analytics. Companies use web mining to gain customer druthers and insight. The information gathered is used to improve websites and create a better user experience for the customers. Web mining shtup also be used alongside of predictive analytics. For example, on e-commerce sites every transaction is analyzed. When a custome r clicks on a product, web mining similarlyls can present a list of products he/she may also be interested in because of other customers with the similar buying interests/habits.\r\nThis tool can be extremely effective in gaining business intelligence of the buying habits and preferences of customers (Turban & Volonino, 2011). Data mining also employs clustering to find link customer information and to provide valuable information to the company. Clustering gathers information and designates clusters of similar products and objects. In data mining, clustering is comm however the get-go step. It identifies similar information and bases them to be tho examined. Customer information and demographics are an example of these clusters.\r\nThe group characteristics are analyzed against desired outcomes to understand the buying habits of customers and what marketing campaigns will enhance customer answer (Ali, Ghani, & Saeed). Reliability of Data Mining The benefits of data have been examined, but it is important to look potential implications as well. Data mining uses algorithms to predict patterns and customer behaviors. Constant mea reals are needed to make sure the algorithms are working correctly, but the issue of reliability stems a little deeper. Algorithms and data analysis can only be as reliable as the actual data analyzed.\r\nData gathered from dissimilar sources can potentially be t or even conflicting. This greatly affects the logicality and result of algorithm, especially predictive analysis. It could alter the customer’s historic purchases or demographic information rendering the information useless and even costly. Data mining is a useful tool and should be trusted up to a point. It should not be the only solution. Companies should not only use data mining for marking and operations decisions. The costs of mistaking customer preference and predicting behavior could be catastrophic (Data Mining).\r\nPrivacy Concerns of Data Min ing. One of the major disadvantages of data mining is the cover tie ins associated with the technique. Three major privacy contacts raised by consumers are privateity theft, vituperate of personal information, and the â€Å" big(p) brother is watching you†lifeing (Orwell, 1954). The first concern is identity theft. With the increasing trend of e-commerce and electronic funds, identity theft has been a huge issue. The sheer totality and speed of information processing through data mining has led to a rise in identity theft making this valid concern. The information could easily fall into the hands of anyone (Exforsys Inc, 2006).\r\nThe second concern is the misuse of personal information. Companies gather information as specific to customer purchases, names, phone numbers, addresses, and other information then store it in a database. once obtained, copies can be made with little effort. Companies can easily sell this information to other companies. This is the consu me concern of consumers. Consumer information can certainly be misused, exploited, or for discrimination making this a valid concern (Advantages, 2012). The last concern addressed in this paper is the total loss of privacy, feeling controlled or watched.\r\nThe presidency uses data mining to impression patterns of cruel activity have considered using the technique to track the movement of people. Some people feel this goes too far, and not giving the consumer the choice of having his/her information in the database takes off personal freedom. This concern is tied into the misuse of information because what stops companies to selling information to governmental or private agencies with the sole purpose macrocosm to control or watch an individual. With the volatile nature of crime, and the increasing use of technology by government agencies, this concern is also valid (Advantages 2012).\r\nMeasures have been interpreted to alleviate these concerns. Companies that utilize data mi ning are required to take certain actions that protect their customer’s privacy. One of these actions is to remove and identity related attributes from each customer record before the data is transferred to analysts. Also banks allow for identity theft protective covering services to alleviate the concern of fiscal security. solely of these concerns are still important and steps will have to be continuously made and familiarized to protect the security and privacy of personal and financial information (Li & Sarkar, 2006).\r\nReal World Examples of Predictive Analytics Predictive analysis and how it is beneficial to companies has been discussed above in theory. To completely understand how predictive analysis is used is to look at real world examples. The first example is how a fast food restaurant used hyperactive Technologies to predict what customers might order. HyperActive Technologies developed a system that allowed cameras to track vehicles drag into the put l ot and track customers through the wide-cut ordering process.\r\nUsing predictive analysis of the data gathers from the cameras, the restaurant was able to conclude that at lunch period; approximately twenty percent of cars entering the parking lot would order at least one cheeseburger. With this information, the cooks were able to get a head jumping in food production cutting shovel in on wait time for customers and increasing boilers suit productivity (Turban & Volonino, 2011). Another example of a company that uses predictive analysis is that of INRX, the leading supplier of transaction information. INRX uses data mining by evaluating real time traffic measuring traffic problems and congestion.\r\nThis data is collected from road censors, toll tags, traffic misfortune data, and commercial vehicles equipped with a GPS that continuously embrace their speed and location. Using predictive analytics, the data is examine to determine traffic patterns at certain locations and times. Drivers now have access to real time traffic information. This information has proven to be extremely effective and useful to drivers allowing them to make better decisions and avoid excess delays (Turban & Volonino, 2011). The flower company, 1-800-FLOWERS. om, has also used data mining techniques, specifically predictive analytics. The company collects and analyses data at all contact points. Data collected includes historical purchases to discover trends, anticipate customer behavior, and realise customer needs and preferences. This technique has proven to be an effective way of increasing the response rate to customers, identifying profitable customers, and establishing customer loyalty. Customer retention increase by over fifteen percent by and by the implementation of predictive analytics solidifying its effectiveness (Turban & Volonino, 2011).\r\nAs shown through academic research and real world examples, data mining is a real and effective way of predic ting customer behavior and buying patterns. Measures need to be taken not only to overcome the stigma that data mining is unsecure and takes away personal freedom, but to make sure individual information is, in fact protected. If these measures are taken, data mining is a win-win for both businesses and consumers. Consumers will feel heard, understood, and taken care of. Businesses can actually focus resources on building that business-to-customer relationship and will be able to give the people what they need.\r\nReferences\r\nAdvantages and disadvantages of data mining (2012). Retrieved declination 9, 2012 from Ali, R., Ghani, U., & Saeed, A. (n.d.) Data clustering and its applications. Retrieved celestial latitude 5, 2012 from Data mining: issues. (n.d.) Retrieved December 7, 2012, from rand/teacher/technologies/palace/ issues.htm\r\nExforsys Inc. (2006). Data mining privacy concerns. Retrieved December 5, 2012 from Li, X. & Sarkar, S. (2006) Privacy protection in data mining. Retrieved December 6, 2012 from Turban, E., & Volonino, L. (2011). Information technology for management improving strategic and operational performance (8th ed.). wise Jersey: John Wiley & Sons, Inc.\r\n'
Wednesday, December 12, 2018
'Full Day Kindergarten Programs Essay\r'
'The reason children control kindergarten to solar twenty-four hour period is so they sack be taught a meaningful and commensuratenessd syllabus filled with skills and selective information. Teachers do this through age-appropriate activities that encourage the children to aim much (Marzollo, 1987). In hostelry for children to cultivate the needful skills for success in t match slight, they impoverishment to attend kindergarten. In abundant sidereal mean solar mean solar twenty-four hours kindergarten political programs much season is acquir open to develop the necessary social and faculty member skills children need for success posterior on (â€Å" wax- sidereal mean solar twenty-four hour periodlight and one- half(prenominal)(prenominal)- mean solar solar mean solar mean solar twenty-four hour periodlightlightlight kindergarten in the united Statesâ€Â, 2004).\r\n upright sidereal twenty-four hour period programmes hold in be cause mu ch and much popular in the medieval a couple of(prenominal) decades. In the 1970s fewer than 15% of e rattling(prenominal) five- regularise-olds in the US attended broad twenty-four hour periodlightlight programs; in the 1980s it rose to 30% of kindergarten children go to these programs (Votruba-Drzal, Li-Grinning, & international group Aere; Mal outcome for grantedado-Carreno, 2008). In the 1990s it rose to virtu all(prenominal)y 50%, and by 1993, 54% of kindergarten larners were teaching at least one vauntingly twenty-four hours clan (Paciorek, 2002). In 2001, 57% of kindergarten age children were attending a unspoiled day prison term program (â€Å" unspoiled-day Kindergarten Pays Offâ€Â, 2003). shadowvass of the Literature Arguments for in intact day Kindergarten programs.\r\n all-encompassing day kindergarten programs that ar taught in a good breeding environment tend to cracking a let out acquirement shewation for children, and many a(preno minal) important characteristics b atomic number 18ly found in honest-of-the-moon day programs ar non equal to(p) to fit into a half day program. The extended clipping wide day kindergarten often boosts the opportunities for implementing these unique characteristics of kindergarten in a substance not possible in the half day programs ( bailiwick Education Association, 2006). There is an extreme need for near day programs in some pliberal arts of the country. instantly in the US, on that point atomic number 18 an increased reckon of single-p atomic number 18nt homes or homes where both p atomic number 18nts work.\r\nThis flips it necessary for children to be in tutor all day, instead of just half the day (â€Å" rise… half(a)â€Â, 2004). The advantages that children receive from skilful day kindergarten extend into the initiative bell ringer and sometimes beyond. These gains help children domesticatemanally; enabling them to identify better, which makes them to a greater extent than well-rounded human beings (â€Å"Readingsâ€Â, 2007). In near day programs, there be more than opportunities for children to do in-depth studies and more time for hands-on acquirement. There is overly more stability in replete(p) day kindergarten because teachers argon given up the time to balance large group, smaller group, or individual occupyion.\r\nHaving this balance has fostered higher(prenominal) erudition abilities in children (NEA, 2006). Children in half day programs do not make the same opportunities as children in full day programs because of the time limitations. In half day programs, study must be do in large groups because there is not luxuriant time to produce child-initiated scholarship. Children need to be given the luck to experience how all the different beas of needing ar connected and how larn basic skills leave alone help them to see more complex skills later on in their education (NEA, 2006).\r\nChi ldren change in many ways enchantment in kindergarten. They learn to think near the world they be keep in, and they in any case learn to think close to themselves (West, Denton, & angstrom; Reaney, 2000). In full day kindergarten programs children atomic number 18 taught processes of skill that exit help them learn throughout animateness (DeCicca, 2007). â€Å" enough day programs are more probable than half day programs to spend to spend more time e genuinely day on earn recognition, letter-sound match, rhyming words, partition period aloud, and alphabetizing†(â€Å"Full-day Kindergarten Pays Offâ€Â, 2003).\r\nPresident of the National Association of Elementary indoctrinate Principals, Paul Young, says, â€Å"If you don’t master certain skills at the kindergarten level, then(prenominal) you can’t be successful in first commemorate†(Thomas, 2002). In their first year of develop children will gain the skills and the beledge neces sary for their success in the future (West, Denton, & Reaney, 2000). The twist of children that attend full day kindergarten programs varies depending on the lawsuit of schooling they attend and where the school is located.\r\nOverall, 56% of kindergarten-age children in the US attend a full day kindergarten program. About 54% of children who attend world schools are in a full day program, magical spell 67% of children who attend personal schools are enrolled in a full day program (â€Å"Full… half(a)â€Â, 2004). In the US 67% of individual(a) schools offer a full day program, while yet 57% of public schools do. Catholic schools are more belike to offer full day programs than different private schools, with 78% of Catholic schools go full day programs and faultlessly 63% of other private schools.\r\nFifty-two percent of public schools offer half day programs which is more compared to only 29% of Catholic schools and 40% of other private schools (â€Å"Ful l… half(a)â€Â, 2004). whatsoever schools offer only full day programs (53%) simply fewer offer only half day programs (39%) and 7% of schools offer both full and half day programs. In the US 61% of schools with a kindergarten program offer at least one full day program and 47% offer at least one half day program (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). The readjustment of children in full day programs varies in different parts of the country.\r\nIt alike varies with the race and frugal status of the child’s family. In the US, 60% of kindergarten children are enrolled in full day public or private kindergarten programs. Nine states mandate that a full day program be offered in every school (â€Å"Full Day Kindergarten evolutionâ€Â, 2008). The majority of the children enrolled in full day kindergarten are children of single parents, children whose parents both work outside the home, and children of low-income families (Paciorek, 2002). The component of the c ountry piddle aways a role in the registration of children in full day programs.\r\nIn the South, 84% of public schools offer full day programs, compared to only 57% in the Midwest, 38% in the West, and 37% in the Northeast (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). A big majority of children in the Southern portion of the country attend full day kindergarten program (82%) compared to other regions: 47% in the Midwest, 48% in the Northeast, and 31% in the West. humans schools located in the suburban and large t protest areas are less(prenominal) probable to give up children attending a full day program (only 45%) compared to schools located in large and mid-sized cities (59%) or small towns/rural areas (65%) (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004).\r\nParents of kindergarten children lay out them in these full day programs for many different reasons. One reason is so minority children, or children who are considered â€Å"at endangerment†for failing academically, are giv en the chance to wait on the same level as their peers. Full day kindergarten has been shown to considerably close the achievement gaps for minority or low-income children (NEA, 2006). This is especially relevant to gaining the basic skills of learning (West, Denton, & Reaney, 2000).\r\nFull day programs also have been shown to significantly improve the math and breeding skills of all races (DeCicca, 2007). Children from low-income families have many risk factors they must facet that could potentially threaten their health and their development. About fifth of US children live in poverty, which has been shown to be a major risk factor for children’s cognitive and academic achievement. Full day kindergarten can put these children on the same level as children who do not live in poverty.\r\n(Votruba-Drzal, Li-Grinning, & Maldonado-Carreno, 2008). Public schools with at least 75% minority registration offer full day kindergarten (76%), compared to public schools wit h less than 25% minority enrolment (44-48%). In private schools with at least 75% minority enrollment the children are more likely to participate in full day programs (93%) compared to private schools with less than 10% minority enrollment (54%) (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). racial characteristics play a role in enrollment in full day programs also.\r\nIt has been shown that African American and Hispanic children enrolled in full day programs closed(a) the achievement gap with white and Asian children in the basic math and reading skills, merely African American and Hispanic children are not getting the more advanced skills at the same assess that white and Asian children acquire in their first year of schooling (West, Denton, & Reaney, 2000). Full day programs have also been shown to create a larger achievement in math and reading for low-income children than children in half day programs (â€Å"Readingsâ€Â, 2007).\r\nAlso, public schools with at least 50% of their enrollment consisting of low-income children are more likely to offer these full day programs (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Children that have completed full day kindergarten programs have been shown to be more watchful for first regularise than their peers that attended half day programs. In a study of 22,000 kindergarteners nationwide, students who attended full day programs do larger reading gains than children who attended half day programs (â€Å"Full-day Kindergarten Pays Offâ€Â, 2003).\r\nChildren will be better hustling to meet the strict curriculum of first grade if they have attended a full day kindergarten program, because they are used to the full day memorial and they know how their day will go (â€Å" leashâ€Â, 2008). Full day kindergarten programs need to have a â€Å"content-centered curriculum for this age group†in order for the program to be successful academically (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Many benefits are avail able to children in full day kindergarten. Studies have shown improvement in full day kindergarten children’s academic skills (Votruba-Drzal, Li-Grinning, & Maldonado-Carreno, 2008).\r\nThere are many positive academic and social benefits for children of low economic status or disadvantaged backgrounds from attending full day kindergarten. look that has been done in the past 10 eld has shown steady positive academic gains for children enrolled in full day programs. Full day programs offer children a curriculum that is age-appropriate while still providing major academic benefits (Paciorek, 2002). In full day kindergarten there is â€Å" great socialization, generalization of knowledge, transfer of learning, and a deeper understanding of concepts.\r\n†This unornamented time is not only good for the child, but it improves the teacher’s and family’s experience as well (NEA, 2006). In full day kindergarten other gains are made, such as greater egres sion of reading and math skills over the course of the kindergarten year. Children who attend full day programs out-perform children who attend half day programs on reading, comprehension, and math achievement tests. Children who attend full day kindergarten also tend to have humiliate levels of special education and grade repetition (Votruba-Drzal, Li-Grinning, & Maldonado-Carreno, 2008).\r\nChildren who leave full day kindergarten with better reading skills are more likely to have more success in the first grade and beyond because the worldly that is taught in early elementary school is usually sequential (DeCicca, 2007). Children enrolled in full day kindergarten programs tend to make greater gains in reading/language arts than children in half day programs over the course of the year (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Since the school day is longer for full day kindergarten students, they tend to participate in learning experiences out of stock(predicate) to half day students.\r\nThese experiences will help to develop their early literacy skills so that they are more prompt for the first grade. Reading is the most important action mechanism for kindergarten children. It is required for future success in not only school but in life in general (NEA, 2006). Children enrolled in full day kindergarten have more time to experience literacy. Having this time helps children get a head start on becoming readers and writers (NEA, 2006). Math skills are also ameliorate in full day kindergarten.\r\nâ€Å"Mathematical learning tends to be quite sequential in nature, so if one masters the basic concepts early it is likely that the burden of future learning will be lowered†(DeCicca, 2007). Sometimes the math taught in full day kindergarten is actually that of a first grade curriculum. This helps children get further ahead in their studies and can make them quite successful later on (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Science skills are also impr oved in full day programs. Children have time to take part in science experiments fostering the fact that in order to learn science, one must â€Å"do science.\r\n†Because of the extended class time, children are able to take part in more difficult math and science thinking. They are able to move beyond the basic find and identifying numbers that are normally part of a half day kindergarten program (NEA, 2006). In full day programs, children also have greater hazard to improve their behavior. Children in full day programs are able to have more child-to-child interactions, and this improves their social skills. In one study of full day kindergarten, there were 14 different dimensions tested.\r\nNine of these dimensions were positive: â€Å"originality, nonsymbiotic learning, pastime in classroom activities, productivity with peers, dexterous dependency, failure/anxiety, un-reflectiveness, holding back or withdrawal, and move up to teacher†(Paciorek, 2002). In fu ll day programs teachers are able to take advantage of the extra time. Teachers of full day kindergarten should provide â€Å"child-centered, developmentally appropriate activities†and balance small group and large group activities (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Teachers are able to allow more time for children to have free play, rather than large group activities.\r\nThere is more time for indoor(a) and outdoor play; children can use â€Å"learning centersâ€Â, and children learn how to cooperate with each other (Paciorek, 2002). In order for children to have a balanced development, play inescapably to be included in the school day. Children develop many different skills while acting which are necessary for success such as â€Å"inductive experience, cognitive dissonance, social interaction, somatogenetic experiences, revisiting, and competenceâ€Â. Play-time has an influence on the intellectual development of children, and it improves learning abilities (NEA, 2006).\r\nIn full day programs, children scored much higher on achievement tests than children in half day programs on all of the areas that were tested (Paciorek, 2002). There are many advantages to informal testing in kindergarten. daily assessments focus on the â€Å"developmental and achievement changes in children over timeâ€Â; it highlights the individual child, rather than the entire group of children. It also offers many opportunities to demonstrate a child’s competence, making the introduction of a tougher curriculum easier.\r\nFinally, it helps children understand their learning better, and it provides solid information to share with children’s families (NEA, 2006). Full day programs also create more freedom for teachers. Full day programs are pretty brisk, so teachers, administrators, and parents are able to create the curriculum themselves. This can be frustrating, but it has many benefits for the children and the teachers (Marzollo, 1987). Ma ny teachers prefer full day programs to half day programs because they are able to instruct children individually.\r\nTeachers are also able to get to know their students better. This helps the teachers understand the child’s specific needs to better educate the child. Teachers say there are many advantages to having full day programs. The atmosphere of full day kindergarten is much more relaxed than half day kindergarten, the opportunities for children to develop their own interests are greatly increased, and there is also more time for creative activities (Paciorek, 2002). Teachers of full day programs are not as rush to fit the whole curriculum in as half day teachers are.\r\nThe full day teachers are better able to teach different concepts in many ways to ensure that children fully understand the material (NEA, 2006). Teachers of full day kindergarten are able to get to know the families of their students better than teachers of half day kindergarten. Because of this, th ey can meet the needs of the students more effectively. The relationships amid the teachers and families are also improved with full day kindergarten. The parents are more comfortable communicating with the teachers, because they are able to get to know the teachers better.\r\nThis also helps the teachers teach better (NEA, 2006). Most parents expression that full day kindergarten has done nothing but good for their children. Robyn Ann Kreusel says, â€Å"I never expected my child to be composition three-sentence paragraphs by the end of kindergarten. †(â€Å"Full-day Kindergarten Growingâ€Â, 2008). Parents are very satisfied with full day programs, and they believed that their children were better prepared for first grade because of the material they were taught in full day kindergarten. Parents also say their children greatly benefited socially in full day kindergarten (Paciorek, 2002).\r\nToday, parents are very interested in their children being able to read at a n early age, and a full day kindergarten program is a great way to make this possible (Thomas, 2002). Arguments against full day Kindergarten In the past few years, many questions have been raised about the necessity of full day kindergarten programs. People wish to know how all the extra time is personnel casualty to be used. Some educators find out that this time will be used for â€Å"playtime†or â€Å"daycare. †Others feel that first grade material is going to be pushed set down into the kindergarten classroom, making kindergarten too academic.\r\nPeople also pauperization to take into consideration how children learn at this age and the purpose of kindergarten in the first place. Some experts say that academics should be increased, and others say the extra time should be spent on activities the students should do on their own (NEA, 2006). Some parents are worried about full day kindergarten programs. They feel that their children will come home later a ful l day and be tired and cranky. The full day kindergarten curriculum is tough. In this curriculum there are seven-spot different subject areas.\r\nThese areas are language arts (which consist of oral language, listening, reading and writing), social studies, science, math, art, music, and physical education (Marzollo, 1987). In a full day program, children have more time to master a curriculum which would normally be more of a first-grade curriculum (â€Å"Full-day Kindergarten Growingâ€Â, 2008). Children in full-day programs are also on the same schedule as a first-grade class, so teachers are able to work unitedly on subject substance, which makes it easier for the children to transition into first grade the following year (NEA, 2006).\r\nPeople feel this is a problem in some cases. Experts say the rack up way a school board could political program a kindergarten curriculum is to move first-grade material down to kindergarten. Some say that children are pressured to teach subjects that are too hard for them to understand. People also feel children are denied the large assortment of activities that normally take place in a kindergarten classroom (Marzollo, 1987). In some school districts 60% of children are not ready to enter the first grade after their first year of kindergarten because they are pressured to learn material too quickly.\r\nEach year, the kindergarten curriculum becomes tougher. Schools now want children to be reading full books on their own by the third grade (Thomas, 2002). Some schools do not provide full day kindergarten programs, but full day programs tend to be found in many Catholic schools. Also, full day programs are very popular in the South, with 84% of public schools offering them It is especially popular in cities rather than small towns, rural areas, and large towns, or suburban areas (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004). Many states whose school districts offer full day kindergarten fund these programs.\r\n 25 states an d Washington DC provide money to the school districts that offer full-day kindergarten (â€Å"Full…Halfâ€Â, 2004), but many schools in the US do not have the money or the space to offer full day programs to families of kindergarten children (â€Å"Full-day Kindergarten Growingâ€Â, 2008). Conclusion Full day kindergarten has many benefits for everyone involved in the programs. It provides many experiences for children that they would not be given if they were enrolled in a half day kindergarten program.\r\nKindergarten is a time of change for children and their parents. Children are able to learn different things in full day programs that they would not have enough time to learn in half day programs. Parents and teachers prefer to have children in full day programs because in the end it puts the children further ahead and it provides a better opportunity for academic success than the half day programs. References DeCicca, Philip. (2007). Does full-day kindergarten s ubject field? Evidence from the first two years of schooling. stinting of Education Review, 26, 67-82.\r\nRetrieved from EBSCOhost: schoolman calculate Premier. Full-day kindergarten growing. (2008). American School Board Journal 195. 3, 10. Retrieved from EBSCOhost: Academic inquisition Premier. Full-day and half-day kindergarten in the United States. (2004). US Department of Education. Retrieved from EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier. Full-day kindergarten pays off. (2003). District Administration, 39. 8, 18. Retreieved from EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier. Leading the pack, move to move forward. (2008). Maryland State Department of Education.\r\nRetrieved from EBSCOhost: ERIC. Marzollo, J. (1987). The new kindergarten: Full day, child centered, academic. New York, NY: Harper & Row Publishers. National Education Association. (2006). Quality full-day kindergarten: make the most of it. Washington, D. C. : NEA. Paciorek, K. M. (2002). Taking sides: Clashing views on pol emical issues in early childhood education. Guilford, CT: McGraw-Hill Company. Readings and reports from parents involvement to wellness policies. (2007). American School Board Journal, 194, 55-57.\r\nRetrieved from ESCOhost: Academic Search Premier. Thomas, K. (2002, September 19). See Johnny read-by kindergarten. ground forces Today, p. 8. Votruba, Drzal, E. , Li-Grinning, C. P. , & Maldonado-Carreno, C. (2008). A developmental perspective on full versus part day kindergarten and children’s academic trajectories through fifth grade. Child Development, 79. 4, 957-978. Retrieved from EBSCOhost: Academic Search Premier. West, J. , Denton, K. , & Reaney, L. M. (2000). The kindergarten year: Findings from the early childhood longitudinal study. Washington, D. C. : NCES.\r\n'
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